\ \-\ \ \-\ (λ ()) \ \-\ The () (λ) (λ (λ)) \ \-\ Lambda o (λ ()) / \-\ Lab . / /\ \-\ _ / /-/\ \-\ T T ======== / /-/ \ \-\ |_|____| +---+| / /-/ \ \-\ "It runs on Scheme!" [_ | |\o/|| ---------------- ---------------- / .-. | ---- | | .-. .-. | | .-. .-. | /_( O )____( O )|=)(=|_( O )__( O )_|=)(=|_( O )__( O )_| `-" `-" `-" `-" `-" `-" ,(eval (begin (import (chicken file posix) (chicken file) (chicken time posix) (chicken string) srfi-1) (let ((update-time (seconds->string (apply max (map file-modification-time (filter (lambda (f) (not (equal? "scripts" f))) (directory ".")))))) (visits (+ 1 (with-input-from-file "scripts/visits" read)))) (with-output-to-file "scripts/visits" (lambda () (print visits))) (list (conc "Last updated: " update-time) (conc "Visitor count: " visits))))) Welcome to my home in gopherspace. Here you'll find a stash of random programming experiments, together with occasional musings on other things that interest me. Projects: ,("Elpher: a friendly gopher and gemini client [emacs lisp]" "/projects/elpher/") ,("Scratchy: a simple gopher server [scheme]" "/projects/scratchy/") ,("LambdaMail: a tiny SMTP server [scheme]" "/projects/lambdamail/") ,("Sixel: an Emacs minor mode for displaying sixel graphics [emacs lisp]" "/projects/sixel/") ,(1 "Actors: experiments with the Actor model [scheme]" "/scripts/browse-git.scm|actors.git") ,("Emus: easy music/mp3 player for Emacs [emacs lisp]" "/projects/emus/") ,("JaRS: the Janky Redcode Simulator [scheme]" "/projects/jars/") ,("RAGS: the Right-Awful Gemini Server [scheme]" "/projects/rags/") ,("LURK: the Little Unibuffer iRc Klient [emacs lisp]" "/projects/lurk/") ,("forth.jl: a hobby FORTH-83 system [julia]" "/projects/forth.jl/") ,("scheme.forth.jl: a hobby Scheme interpreter [forth]" "/projects/scheme.forth.jl/") ,(1 "eZ: an emacs Z-machine [emacs lisp]" "/scripts/browse-git.scm|ez.git") ,(1 "botbot: runtime-configurable irc bot [scheme]" "/scripts/browse-git.scm|botbot.git") Other stuff: ,("My Phlog" "phlog/") ,("Documents" "docs/") ,("King of the Hill Core War Competition" "/koth/") ,(url "The Lambda Lab, Gemini Edition" "gemini://thelambdalab.xyz/") Other parts of gopherspace I enjoy: ,(1 "Bitreich" "" "bitreich.org") ,(1 "ForthWorks" "" "forthworks.com") ,(1 "plan 9 from gopherspace" "" "kamalatta.ddnss.de") ,(1 "The Bunny" "" "schinkel.bevuta.com") ,(1 "Plain text rocks!" "" "box.matto.nl") Feel free to sign my anonymous guestbook: ,("Sign guestbook." "/scripts/sign-guestbook.scm?") ,(0 "View recent guestbook entries" "/scripts/view-guestbook.scm|") You can also email me: plugd@thelambdalab.xyz. ,(0 "Public key" "gpg_public_key.txt") I support the Free Software Foundation.