Elpher documentation and TLS ---------------------------- Thanks very much to kensanata for the helpful comments [1] regarding my fledgling gopher client for Emacs. Firstly, I'm sorry to hear that you found the interface a bit counter-intuitive. It sounds like the major problem here was the naming of the command for moving to previously visited pages. I'm contemplating changing the default key binding to 'p' (as in previous). But the fact that you had trouble here hints at a more general problem that I'm already aware of: the documentation is currently inadequate. I'm in the process of writing a full Info manual that will be installed with the package (provided you get it from MELPA) and as part of this will also improve the README and elpher-mode docstring; so hopefully this problem will be a thing of the past. Secondly, your point regarding lack of TLS support is well taken, and I've now implemented this in v1.4 (which should be slurped up in the next MELPA build - I think they occur every hour or so). Basically gophers:// URIs now automatically switch TLS mode on, and this is automatically switched off on a subsequent connection failure. (You can also explicitly toggle TLS mode on and off, of course.) Finally, as for the reason behind having written another gopher client: basically I didn't find out about gopher.el until too late! When the idea popped into my head in mid April, a cursory search of both MELPA and ELPA package repositories returned _zero_ matches for anything gopher related. It was only when I was submitting Elpher to MELPA that I was shocked to find open pull request for gopher.el to be added to the same repository. So apologies if I tread on any toes! It was completely unintentional. Still, I'm happy I went (and am continuing to go) through this process - I've learned a whole lot about both gopher and elisp and have hugely enjoyed the whole thing. :-) Thanks again for the help! And of course I'd be delighted to hear from anybody else too - even just leaving a comment in my guestbook, or if you don't mind GitHub you could open an issue over at the project page [2]. (I eventually want to add some kind of feedback support to my support for issues to my gopher gateway [3] but it's not there yet sadly.) -- [1]: gopher://alexschroeder.ch/02019-06-21_Gopher_Clients_for_Emacs [2]: https://github.com/tgvaughan/elpher [3]: gopher://thelambdalab.xyz/1/scripts/browse-git.scm|elpher.git .