Gopher Proxy Blacklisting 2 --------------------------- This is just a quick entry to say thanks to those who have contacted me (emails) or written about [1] their thoughts on blacklisting misbehaving gopher proxies [2]. One thing I hadn't appreciated was that some of you are using these proxies to get around annoying firewalls. Of course I don't want to contribute to this annoyance! So I wanted to point out that FloodGap's proxy [2] is not on my blacklist, as it didn't appear in any of the google searches I did for my phlog content. Looking at reveals why: User-agent: * Disallow: /gopher/gw Disallow: /gopher/gw.lite Disallow: /gopher/gw?* Disallow: /gopher/gw.lite?* It seems Cameron has politely disallowed robots from crawling the gopher content his proxy serves. Thank you! --- [1]: gopher:// [2]: gopher:// [3]: .