Happy new year! =============== It's April now, but better late than never, right? I don't really have anything to write about. I've been doing a lot of gopherspace lurking, popping over to gemini to water my astrobotany plant every few days. Work is keeping me too busy to do much more than that. Maybe not just work. I've spent a fair amount of time this year getting stuck into my Ironsworn campaign. It's heaps of fun, particularly as this is the first time I've engaged with a true RPG as a player. (I think I mentioned in another post that I've been GMing Hero Kids for my daughters.) Solo RPGs are pretty strange beasts, but Ironsworn at least works a lot better than I expected it to. Despite the fact that, fundamentally, everything is coming from my own head, it does feel like exploration. I genuinely don't know how the story is going to turn out. It does require some mental discipline to keep this going, but this quickly becomes second nature. (In my case the rule is that the first coherent interpretation of an oracle roll that pops into my head is the one I go with.) Anyway, just wanted to give the old phlog a poke so that it's clear that I'm still here, still listening, still thinking, and of course still programming. :) Tchüss zämme! .