Curmudgeon ---------- I'm a genuine, bona fide curmudgeon. I even love the word. On my machine, "dict curmudgeon" gives the following output: From WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006) [wn]: curmudgeon n 1: a crusty irascible cantankerous old person full of stubborn ideas That's me to a tee. Funny thing is, I've been something of a curmudgeon for longer than I've been old. I've recently begun to realise that it's my my curmudgeonly personality is the fire that powers many of my most intense creative efforts. I am highly opinionated and extremely stubborn. I'm also very non-confrontational. An interesting mix that leads to some serious passive aggression. Some of my most productive and weirdly enjoyable programming sessions are prolonged instances of my Angry Programming flow state: listening to metal and reprogramming the whole fucking system if that's what it takes to get my way. I've lost days. It's also strongly related to the oddly-tuned fight-or-flight reflex that caused me to whole-heartedly dive into emacs rather than submit to the evils of my macos work environment and to frequently entertain fantasies of fucking off to a shack in the wilderness (which in reality would no-doubt end with me starving to death because I'm a serial plant killer) because modern society annoys the piss out of me on almost every level. Like I said, me to a tee. .