Nothing much ... ================ ... to say today. It's been a great weekend after a couple of quite crunchy weeks, but now I'm staring down the barrel of another few weeks of serious knuckle-down. All good, can't complain, I love my job! But I'm looking forward to things easing off a bit at some point. In the spirit of directionless rambling, I noticed just this afternoon that I'd received an email from the FSF advertising the upcoming 40th birthday of the GNU project. Amazing that it's been that long! Amazing also, that one of the two events they're hosting will be in Switzerland, and just a bit over an hour's train journey from where I live. There's even to be an RMS keynote! Sadly the event is scheduled for Wednesday, so I won't be able to go. (I don't know what the rationale is for having it on a weekday, but I'm sure they had their reasons.) Looking over the schedule, it looks like an interesting (and long!) event, running from 09.00h through to 22.00h. I was curious to see that a representative of the FSFE will be one of the first to speak, given that the FSFE still state on their web page that they want nothing to do with the FSF as long as RMS is still around. Maybe they've had a change of heart? Okay, I'll stop blabbering. Ciao for now... .