________      __
          / ____/ /___  / /_  ___  _____
         / __/ / / __ \/ __ \/ _ \/ ___/
        / /___/ / /_/ / / / /  __/ /
       /_____/_/ .___/_/ /_/\___/_/
       --- A gopher/gemini client for GNU Emacs ---
       Elpher is an Emacs-based gopher client with the goal of providing an
       intuitive and pleasant way for Emacs users to browse gopherspace and
       The preferred way to start using Elpher is to install it via either
       the ELPA (non-GNU) or MELPA package archives.  This also installs a
       comprehensive Info manual, which is the primary source of
       More details on installation and usage can be found here:
       --- Project News (updated 2024/03/24) ---
       Elpher 3.6.0 has just been released.  The biggest included change
       is quite minor: holding down Shift while clicking or pressing
       Enter on a link will cause Elpher to open the link in a new buffer.
       For details, see the Navigation chapter of the included info manual.
       --- Source code ---
 (BIN) Download the latest source (zip archive)
 (DIR) Browse the git repository
       You can clone the repository directly from
       As with all the repositories hosted here at the lambda lab, suggested
       patches are also welcome!  Just commit your changes to a branch with
       name beginning with "patch_" and push to the repository above,
       describing the nature of the changes in the body of your commit
       --- Project Feedback ---
       I'm really keen to hear from people using Elpher, particularly if you
       encounter bugs or other pain points.  Speak up!
 (QRY) Submit feedback
 (TXT) View recent feedback
       For longer-form feedback, bug reports, etc, please use the Elpher mailing
       list.  To subscribe, send mail to ~michel-slm/elpher+subscribe@lists.sr.ht.
 (HTM) Elpher mailing list archives
       (You can also contact me directly at plugd@thelambdalab.xyz, although
       sometimes this might result in a very long wait for a response.)