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       --- A simple music player for Emacs ---
       While there are plenty of amazing options, I've never found an emacs
       music player that I've been terribly happy with.  Generally I find the
       existing fare far too complex for my taste.
       Thus I've followed the usual path of the unsatisfied programmer and
       hacked together my own package, which I call emus (in honor of the
       amazing curses-based player, cmus).
       It requires exactly one dependency: mpg123.  Everything emus does is
       via this program.  If mpg123 can't do it, neither can emus. Because of
       this, emus will only ever play mp3 files: no ogg, etc.  This keeps
       things simple.
       Download the archive containing the latest version here:
 (BIN) emus_latest.zip
       See here for further info, including installation and usage
       --- Source code ---
 (DIR) Browse the git repository
       You can clone the repository directly from
       As with all the repositories hosted here at the lambda lab, suggested
       patches are also welcome!  Just commit your changes to a branch with
       name begining with "patch_" and push to the repository above,
       describing the nature of the changes in the body of your commit
       --- Project Feedback ---
 (QRY) Submit feedback
 (TXT) View recent feedback