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       Welcome gangsters, underground, to our little gopherhole.  This 
       project began as an experiment to see if we could get this to 
       work with our BBS and I now plan to add content, so keep 
       checking back, got it? 
       For even more retro fun, why not join the famiglia?
       All you need is a terminal program that supports ANSI.  
       Netrunner is a good starting place.  
       You can download from this website:
 (HTM) Netrunner Telnet Client
       Then add The Underground BBS to your dialing directory as:
       www.theunderground.us:10023 for telnet
       www.theunderground.us:7771 for ssh
 (TEL) Call The Underground Now
       You will be prompted once to choose your terminal program
 (TEL) Call the Ruins Now
       This is a block we own just outside the Underground *snicker* give it a peek!
                                      .-~ | ~-.
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                   _.-~:.           |     |     |
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        |      |   | |      |   | |       |  |   |     |
        |      |   | |      |   | |       |  |   |     |
       Until we add more content to our gopherhole ....
       Check out these fine gangsters at:
 (DIR) Canceled Software Solutions by Roman
 (DIR) 2o fOr beeRS gOPHERHOLE
 (DIR) qUantUm gOphErhOlE!
 (DIR) Another Droid Gopher Site
 (DIR) Zylones Gopher Site
 (DIR) sdf.org
 (DIR) Port 70
        _    _            _               _   _
       | |  | |          | |             | \ | |  hngopher.com:70
       | |__| | __ _  ___| | _____ _ __  |  \| | _____      _____
       |  __  |/ _` |/ __| |/ / _ \ '__| | . ` |/ _ \ \ /\ / / __|
       | |  | | (_| | (__|   <  __/ |    | |\  |  __/\ V  V /\__ \
       |_|  |_|\__,_|\___|_|\_\___|_|    |_| \_|\___| \_/\_/ |___/
 (DIR) Hacker News
             / \`\          __
             |  \ `\      /`/ \
             \_/`\  \-"-/` /\  \
                  |       |  \  |
                  (d     b)   \_/
                  /       \
             /   /\' _|_ '/\   \
             |  /  '-`"`-'  \  |
             | |             | |
             | \    \   /    / |
              \ \    \ /    / /
               `"`\   :   /'"`   Continue down the rabbit hole of gopher? 
                   `""`""`       These links may help!
 (DIR) Floodgap
 (QRY) New known Gopher Servers using GopherICU
 (QRY) All known Gopher Servers using Veronica
 (DIR) New Gopher Holes
 (DIR) Gopherddit/rEDDIT iNTERFACE
 (DIR) The Gopher Lawn
 (DIR) Gophernicus Home
       The Underground Gopher;
       never rat on your friends & always keep your mouth shut!
                     Gophered by Gophernicus/3.1.1 on Ubuntu/22.04 x86_64