~~~this is bbsing's tilde.club page~~~~ date: 05/08/2024 subj: first web page auth: bbsing Hello World! This is my first web page and so I'm trying this out. I've tried the hello world python script file and set the permission chmod o+rx but I get that 404 error trying to execute it. If you have the secret to my start.py program that is straight out of the tilde.club wiki cgi tutorial, email me please. So far the system doesn't my program. You can find me at the tilde.club alexlehm, helped me figure it out. alexlehm determined the tutorial wasn't correct, but steps are at work to correct it. The problem was permissions. They should have been set to 755. chmod 755 start.py; chmod +x file.cgi; Its been fun so far. I don't have much experience with cgi or creating web pages.