Just a quick venting session. I had a client that was having issues printing to their printer. "Used to work." "Don't know what I did." and all that. It didn't take long at all to find the issue. Somehow, the client had deselected the printer port in the printer properties. Before fixing this, I thought I'd give the printer troubleshooter a test. I remember it to be almost completely useless. Other than restarting the print spooler, it does basically nothing. These thoughts were confirmed when it finished and told me "Windows Troubleshooter couldn't fix the problem." How difficult is it to check that the printer has a port selected? And for bonus points that the port actually has something at the other end. Other than spooler, paper and jam issues I am sure this is the next big one. Someone playing around in settings that they don't understand. This further cements my feelings that the Windows Troubleshooters are completely useless.