TITLE: R functions for creating LaTeX variables DATE: 2020-01-07 AUTHOR: John L. Godlee ==================================================================== After writing some more for a manuscript I decided to formalise my workflow where I output numerical variables from R for use in LaTeX, so if the values change they update automatically in the manuscript. Below is a collection of functions which make the process easier: Formatting a number with the correct number of decimal points or significant figures: num_format <- function(x, digits = 2, method = "round"){ sprintf(paste0("%.",digits,"f"), if(method == "round"){ round(x, digits = digits) }else if(method == "signif"){ signif(x, digits = digits) }) } Formatting a p-value: p_format <- function(p, digits = 2){ dplyr::case_when(p < 0.01 ~ "p<0.01", p < 0.05 ~ "p<0.05", TRUE ~ paste0("p = ", as.character(num_format(p, digits = digits))) ) } - p_format(1.1) = “p = 1.10” - p_format(0.025) = “p<0.05” - p_format(0.494, digits = 1) = “p = 0.5” Extracting the slope and standard error from a linear regression: lm_format <- function(x, digits = 2){ paste0("F(", summary(x)$fstatistic[2], ",", summary(x)$fstatistic[3], ") = ", num_format(summary(x)$fstatistic[1], digits = digits), ", ", p_format(anova(x)$`Pr(>F)`[1]) ) } mod1 <- lm(mtcars$mpg ~ mtcars$hp - lm_format(mod1) = “F(1,30) = 45.46, p<0.01” Formatting two arbitrary numbers as x plus/minus y: pm_format <- function(x, y, dx = 2, dy = dx + 1, pm = "$\\pm$"){ paste0(num_format(x, digits = dx), pm, num_format(y, digits = dy) ) } - pm_format(0.3332, 0.4673) = “0.33$\pm$0.467” - pm_format(0.3332, 0.4673, dx = 1, dy = 3) = “0.3$\pm$0.467” Output the value of a variable as a LaTeX variable: command_output <- function(x, name){ paste0("\\newcommand{\\", ifelse(missing(name), deparse(substitute(x)), name), "}{", x, "}" ) } x <- 0.4367 - command_output(x) = “\newcommand{\x}{0.4367}” - command_output(x, "test") = “\newcommand{\test}{0.4367}” Notice that all the backslashes have to be duplicated to escape them when they are written to a file. Write a list of commands to a .tex file: latex_write <- function(list, path){ fileConn <- file(path) writeLines( unlist(list, use.names = FALSE), fileConn) close(fileConn) } Full example: val1 <- 0.55 val2 <- 0.2477 val3 <- 0.044 values_list <- list(val1 = val1, val2 = val2, val3 = val3) command_list <- list() for(i in 1:length(values_list)){ command_list[[i]] <- command_output( num_format( values_list[[i]] ), names(values_list[i]) ) } latex_write(command_list, "test.tex")