[2019-09-18 20:00] Evaluating jrnl. Looking to see if this is better than vimwiki. [2019-09-18 21:19] Export to md and Convert to html. Export files to markdown jrnl --export md -o Sync/jrnl/ then using pandoc convert to html pandoc Sync/jrnl/*.md > jrnl.html [2019-09-19 19:55] Donaghadee. After a gorgeous day, and a productive day we took @Lotti to the Commons for a change. [2019-09-19 21:19] Trek Chain and tyres. Washed my @Trek and cleaned the chain I also fitted two new Bontrager R2 Hard-Case Lite Road Tyres [2019-09-24 17:39] Currency Conversion. Divide Euro amount by sell rate. [2019-09-26 14:55] Packing Eddy. Started getting the bulky things into Eddy while Flo was out then I managed to get most of my stuff away. Idea being that tomorrow we have only the bikes to load. [2019-09-27 18:36] Finished packing Eddy. Fiddled around all day putting stuff away, no stress pretty much finished now. Got the bikes loaded really easly. [2019-09-28 10:46] Departing to Dublin for Ferry. Nice easy drive to Dublin, stopping once for fuel and a burger. Arrived Dublin port 14:27:02 W.B.Yates sailed 30 mins late 16:30 So far crossings ok may get rough later. [2019-09-29 09:00] Cherbourg - Verteuil-sur-Charente. Restless night and a rough crossing but still better than flying. Due to dock about midday but we've just been told there is a delay to 13:30 cet. Boat docked at 13:30 wet and very windy here on or way now getting blown all over the road. Stopped in a place called Perry for a crossant. Stopped in Rennes eating a McDonald's 20c long drive ahead don't think we will get as far as hoped. Stopped late tonight in Verteuil-sur-Charente and Aire de Loisirs Des 3 Vallees Site no 189 [2019-09-30 09:00] Verteuil-sur-Charente - Huesca. A good night's sleep until the bin men awakened us at 05:00 but got back to sleep. Still still very overcast and damp this morning but a nice place to walk Lotti. Drove about 3 hrs and stopped for coffee by the river in la Fleix 23c very nice place. Once we got to Pau we decided to continue on to Huesca via the Col Del Portalet arrived in the aire 20:30 most enjoyable drive over the Pyrenees in beautiful evening sunshine. [2019-10-01 09:00] Huesca - Montroy. Left the aire in Huesca at 10:00 and immediately spotted fuel at a good price so naturally we filled up. Then hit the road properly for the final push to Montroy. We stopped about 11:45 for a coffee and once again for lunch. We then decided to stop at Lidl for some necessities, it was here that we realised how hot it was 36c on Eddys gauge. Finally we arrived around 17:00 and spent the next couple of hours unpacking Eddy, not a lot has changed, the garden needs help. [2019-10-02 21:53] Back on Spanish Roads. Flo went to a coffee morning and when she was finished we met at the sports ground and went for a cycle, towards Picasent and the canels. It was a lovely day and a bit cooler than yesterday 30c we stopped in Carlet for a coffee and Tostada. [2019-10-03 11:25] ⛅Shopping Bonaire. Used the Revolut Card for the first time. [2019-10-04 08:54] ☉ Planning a longer Cycle today. Left too late and ended up riding in the heat 31c now suffering from a headache. [2019-10-05 08:54] Flo's Birthday 59yrs.
Weather report: vlc

     \   /     Sunny
      .-.      26..27 °C
   ― (   ) ―   ← 19 km/h
      `-’      10 km
     /   \     0.0 mm
Went to the local Pizza place to celebrate Flo's big day Amanda and Charlott joined us and supplied the Birthday Cake. The food was VG as always. [2019-10-06 17:26] Easy cycle and a Coffee. We cycled over to Turis for a coffee and as we both felt some what tired we came straight home calling in to the market in Montroy to get @Lotti another bed.
Weather report: vlc

     \   /     Sunny
      .-.      25..27 °C
   ― (   ) ―   ← 13 km/h
      `-’      10 km
     /   \     0.0 mm
[2019-10-08 00:00] Trying jrnl on windows. Installed jrnl using scoop first installed Python then pip even updated pip. [2019-10-10 20:32] Mountain Bike Collection. We planned our day around collecting our MTB's from Amanda And Charlott with some light shopping thrown in, Flo received a call from Amanda to say that she was not well, and would we mind collecting the bike another time. This pretty much gave us a free day, the first since we arrived. [2019-10-16 15:00] Bugarra. We all went for a picnic by the river today. Watching the Fisher men with too much gear and no idea was very entertaining. Lotti had a ball even falling into the river. [2019-10-18 20:30] Torrent Chinese. Amanda and Charlotte picked us up at 20:00 and we arrived first. The others arrived shortly after us. Roy and Paul where back until Christmas and the reason for tonight. This was a Chinese buffet where you ordered off a menu and your order is delivered to you in no particular order, to food was quite good, just a strange concept. [2019-10-30 09:00] Finished Cycling Goal. Yesterday I reached my Oct target of 900 miles, but as I have pushed my yearly target to 7000 mile I wanted to add a few more today. Unfortunately it was blowing a hooley this morning but I decided to give it a go any way, the worst bit was from Real towards Dos Aguas after I turned back towards Montserrat the wind was mainly a cross head wind until I reached Bunol and from there it was a strong tail wind home and gave me 958 miles for the month. Really please as the 7000 is now possible. [2019-11-01 16:48] Upgraded to Fedora 31 Backed eris with Clonezilla just in case of a problem . All seemed to go well minor problem with Gnome shell extensions and jrnl reverting to an old version. [2019-11-02 21:49] Sub Domain and Lets Encrypt. Discovered how to setup a sub domain on Mythic Beasts and pointed it to my blog on github, then I was able to get a Let’s Encrypt certificate using the guide on the Mythic Beasts website. [2019-11-07 21:11] Garth and Helena Arrive. Up early to get to the airport for G&H 09:05 arrival. The flight was on time but unfortunately their bikes didn’t make it, so after a lot of hanging around we where told they would be on the 14:00 flight from Zurich and we could collect them at 16:00. Sticking with the plan we went to Bonaire for some groceries and a coffee then home. Garth and I went back to the airport and collected the bikes. Once home we rebuilt the bikes had our tea and walked to Real for a coffee in Isabella Pasteleria. [2019-11-09 23:44] Fivamel Festival and Chinese. After our morning cycle we wandered down to the honey festival in Montroy. We got our timing right not too many people just enough for some atmosphere. Lots and lots of honey and foodstuffs along with some alcohol Flo for honey Helena and I purchased some booze. Garth and Helena stayed at home while Flo and I went to the Chinese and meet up with the others. [2019-11-14 17:18] Wind Causes Havoc. Intended to do Dos Aguas today but the wind was just too strong, it was quite dangerous with nasty cross winds. We decided to stop at Godaletta and come home. Flo and Helena managed to complete their run although they got caught in a shower. [2019-11-15 17:08] Motogp Practice. We all got up bright and early to get to the track in good time. Watched both Motogp sessions ebikes and Motogp, bright sunny day but bitterly cold wind. Also some retail therapy. [2019-11-16 21:27] Motogp Schedule. 0850-0910 Moto3 warm-up 0920-0940 Moto2 warm-up 0950-1010 MotoGP warm-up 1100 Moto3 race 1220 Moto2 race 1400 MotoGP race 1530 MotoE Race 2 [2019-11-17 08:09] Motogp. Freezing cold 6c at 6am as we walked Lotti before we left for the circuit. Only took 30 minutes door to door and no que at the gates. Moto3 warm-up came first at 08.50 quickly followed by the other 2 class,no major incidents except Marcasite falling. The icy conditions continued with the wind showing its hand every now and again. Moto3 was the most incident packed with several major crashes, the Moto2 race was fairly normal with some toing and froing at the front. MotoGP never rail looked any but a Marc demo with him closing down Quatro and finally passing for an easy win. Rossi managed not to crash , while Crutchlo fell in front of us after passing Rossi. MotoE was surprisingly good with some exciting racing, the bikes are faster than I thought . All in all a very good day with no stress even leaving the circuit was hassle free. [2019-11-24 15:46] Fat Man on a Bicycle. Page 148 written 1979 In France food sells on Flavour. In Britain a more commercial system exist and food sells on appearance and ease of distribution and ability to make a profit out of people who couldn’t care less and buy convenience food. [2019-11-25 21:04] Tim Wu (NYT). "Today’s cult of convenience fails to acknowledge that difficulty is a constitutive feature of human experience. Convenience is all destination and no journey. But climbing a mountain is different from taking the tram to the top, even if you end up at the same place. We are becoming people who care mainly or only about outcomes. We are at risk of making most of our life experiences a series of trolley rides." "An unwelcome consequence of living in a world where everything is “easy” is that the only skill that matters is the ability to multitask. At the extreme, we don’t actually do anything; we only arrange what will be done, which is a flimsy basis for a life." [2019-12-05 10:08] Sport Runners. EJERCITO ESPNAOL 6 TORRENT, 46900 961080690 [2019-12-18 20:09] Coffee Morning. Visited Amanda and Charlotts for coffee with the rest of the expats with a few new faces for me. The Flo and I went to Bonarie for a spin and lunch in Taco Bells a first for me.