Old Computer Challange 2023, Day 3 This basically was the first day that I wasn't mostly using my work computer during the day. And the heat here in Munich often wasn't as oppressive, so I actually found myself in front of my Cinema Display for a few hours and could see how much of my "spare time computing" I could do with this hobble machine. So here are the boring results: ALPINE EXPERIENCES So after Slackware failed me due to size constraints, I've been "living" in Alpine for the first time ever. I'm no stranger to minimalistic Linux distributions (Arch, Void), and my first experiences with the OS required a lot more manual involvement, including finding out "modelines" for the X11 server. So this wasn't entirely too difficult. If there was something missing, I had a good idea what package to look for. A few short notes about my trials & tribulations - Boy, they really need to add an 'install' alias to their package manager. It's "apk add", but I just enter "apk install" all the time. - My video card uses the intel driver, and due to some combination of hardware, kernel and actual driver, it got glitchy a few times. Total freeze for a few seconds, garbage output at the top of the screen. If the Wyse Terminal isn't totally botched, I might be able to figure some solution for this by fiddling aroudn with the configuration. - The package selection is quite good, although not as extensive as Slackware would've been. This is mostly noticeable with older software, as the trendy stuff gets added by the current users. I had to install my favorite low-tech window manager myself (lwm), and the netsurf browser is only available in the bleeding edge version. - Speaking of browsers, I've had very bad luck with most of the graphical ones. Basically every webkit version I tried (midori, badwolf, qutebrowser) had the rendering engine crash. I guess they all require something that isn't present in my installation, maybe a compositor, dbus, etc.? Firefox worked, but phew, basically any page that has more than a few images fills my precious 512 megabytes of RAM all by itself. So I'm back to lynx for most of my browsing. GUI VS TERMINAL APPLICATIONS My intention for this challenge was using mostly GUI applications. Doing most of the things possible in the terminal seemed a bit of an easy way out. Using a Unix system as some kind of terminal multiplexer has been quite popular for decades now, and applications that just do their graphics via a fixed-width character screen save a lot regarding dependencies and RAM. Not that this is always the case. If your application is written in an interpreted language like Python, you might end up taking up a lot of memory just with the basic functionality of your program, and the RAM saved with a simpler GUI isn't noticeable. And sometimes, things are just weird. I recentlyl tried installing the new "zellij" program, and it took up a multiple of what those programs did. Who knew, rewriting everything in Rust isn't an automatic success... But let me say it clearly: I like GUI applications. Or even more clearly: I like GUI applications as they once were. You can have well-rendered text using a proportional font, aren't constrained by a fixed character grid or they characters themselves when it comes to creating interactive elements. Early Mac applications, some Amiga, Atari and RiscOS programs, and arguably a few of the better OS X apps from the 00s are my prime example of what can be done with the medium. I'd like to have more of those, but in recent years the main design paradigm has been the world wide web, which in turn has been graphically "designed" by people coming more from an advertisement background, not from desktop applications (leading to the horrible "UX"/"UI" split that shouldn't be there in the first place). And after a while of this being everyhwere, you expect your desktop applications to look more like what you're interacting most of the time in your browser. I don't really see a way back from this... But this is the "old computer challenge", so some old-fashioned GUI apps would seem well-suited for this. I just have a hard time finding them for my installation. That's one of the detriments of open source systems, you usually get the most recent apps. Apps that have been modernized or that have replaced the sleeker older programs. Not that there weren't that many paragons on the Linux desktop anyways, compared to the systems I've mentioned above. I've got an mp3 player that tries to look like winamp. All great, but it does that in 50 megs of RAM and with many unused features, including a totally different UI entirely. I've got no luck with a smaller web browser, but given that most of their bulk comes from the basic web engine, there's little hope here. I wouldn't even focus that much on the graphical fidelity itself. Give me something like lynx, but with better text rendering and good concurrent data handling (no freezes or long pauses when downloading etc.). The LaGrange app for Gemini/Gopher would be quite okay, preferably using a more standardized GUI not a DIY solution in SDL. Maybe we should bring back Motif and have a try at a new CDE. Apart from a bit of nostalgia, I've got no good opinion about the first version, but maybe it's a handhold to get some marketing excitement. I don't even want to get started about the misplaced assumption that terminal UI apps are closer to the "Unix nature". I've got some general ideas about what that's worth, but aside from that, let's note that the "true" inheritors of Unix went in a different direction with Plan 9 or Inferno.