eeeee eeeee eeeee e e eeeee 8 8 8 8 8 88 8 8 8 8eee8 8eee8e 8 8 8e 8 8e 88 8 88 8 8 8 88 8 88 88 8 88eee8 8eee8 88ee8 88 Hi! My name is Joe Harley, "rebello". I like sending bits of metal with wheels attached down roads and tracks and seeing what happpens. I take an interest in UNIX, Linux and DOS, etc. I spend my time making shit BSD/mainframe style games. BLESSED ARE THE CHEESEMAKERS!!! I do like HiFi (vinyl and turntable setup). Bruce Sprinsteen is practically a contepory Shakespeare (I might elaborate on that one day.) I am interested in non-W3 file sharing and protocols! Favourite Movie: WarGames - 1983 Favourite TV Show: Doctor Who - 1963-now Runners-up: The Terminator - 1984, Knight Rider - 1982 Pronouns: He/Him etc. Generally I can't be found on major social platforms, I'm like The Room Of Requirement from that crappy wizard boy book. HOWEVER. YOU CAN TRY YOU LOSER! ;) The Tildeverse Usenet Netnews group. (RARELY) URL: Maybe I'll lurk in the Tildeverse IRC Chat if I need to ask a noob question or speak very, very nicely to someone with more power than me.