I normally separate separate tasks between computers. So instead of jamming everything together into one one core 512M boxen, I am using three old computer spec boxens. router - lispm L - IRC, mastodonEl all running bsd.sp, 512M. While chucking the constraints into boot, boot.conf(8) ```/etc/boot.conf set machine memory =512M boot /bsd.sp ``` I noticed that the boot.conf(8) man page is installed on x86 and amd64 but not aarch64 openbsd current. ???. /etc/boot.conf operates normally (well, it would right). Another oddity I noticed is that when I press an invalid character in a terminal, such as pressing right-arrow at the end of the input, I get lots of system beeps instead of one system beep. It hasn't become clear to me what my audio playback problem is. Well, specifically I think my system sound device crashes when it has been told to expect audio input, but has had to wait too long to receive it. To some extent it seems like mpv is more resilient against this than aucat, though none of mpv's options I would have thought would affect this relating to caching seem to matter. The auxiliary more deeply old x86 machine had a PS/2 keyboard interface, and I have plugged a gigantic curly-cabled COMPAQ keyboard into it. I will upgrade it for X11 and see if I can lispm with this desirable keyboard experience. The LEDs for num lock, caps lock and scroll lock are still going strong (well, I guess that's kind of the point of LEDs like this). I did have to send some emails via mutt from a non-old computer :-( Looking forward to reading some of the phlogs and gemlogs today (and mastodonEling, since I plugged in that boxen). Anyway, tis still awkward for me to access mastodon (until I figure upon brutaldon.praetor.tel) or lemmy.sdf.org, so if you are reading this message in a bottle, please send out my regards to folks there ! I should also probably catgirl into the libera.chat channel.