#+TITLE: org config for back #+AUTHOR: screwlisp #+PROPERTY: header-args:elisp :tangle ~/.emacs.d/my-org-config-back.el * Note This is the one after variables have been set, during init. I dunno, I put the startup hook here. ** Block-adder *** Call that. :call_this_for_new_blocks: #+CALL: config.org:define-and-screwtape-block() :eval no ** Blocks *** First block The block can be opened by putting the cursor somewhere on the block and pressing C-' #+name: first-block #+begin_src elisp (print "first block!") #+end_src Textual commentary. *** add-hook to emacs-startup-hook #+name: add-emacs-startup-hook #+begin_src elisp (add-hook 'emacs-startup-hook (lambda () (find-file "~/.emacs.d/config-startup.org") (org-babel-execute-buffer))) #+end_src Yourtext *** org babel config #+name: ingest-config #+begin_src elisp (org-babel-lob-ingest "~/.emacs.d/config.org") #+end_src Yourtext .. *** Cattle Rustling Basically, a convenient if backwards list to be enabled and disabled from inferior lisp when wanting to query moo results. #+name: cattle-rustling #+begin_src elisp (defvar *cattle-rustling* nil) (defvar *herd-captured* (list)) (defun my-capture-moo (string) (when *cattle-rustling* (push string *herd-captured*))) #+end_src It should be used from inferior lisp like 1. nil *herd-captured* in emacs 2. enable *cattle-rustling* 3. rmoo-send 4. Disable *cattle-rustling* 5. get *herd-captured* from emacs 6. Whatever. .