#+TITLE: 011/100 Embracing Emacs Life In Plain Text #+AUTHOR: screwtape #+EMAIL: screwtape@sdf.org 1. Do M-x org-mode ; alt-x org-mode 2. put the cursor anywhere in the src block below and press C-c C-c and say yes #+name: cache-this-phlog #+HEADER: :var phlogs-dir="/tmp/phloggersgarage/" #+HEADER: :var phlog-server="tilde.club/" #+HeADer: :var phlog-dir="~screwtape/synthember-100days-tooffload/" #+HEADER: :var this-phost-title="011-orgmode-phloging.org" #+begin_src elisp :results none (let* ((tmp-directory (cl-concatenate 'string phlogs-dir phlog-server phlog-dir)) (tmp-file-name (cl-concatenate 'string tmp-directory this-phost-title))) (make-directory tmp-directory t) (let ((old-visited-name (buffer-file-name))) (set-visited-file-name tmp-file-name) (save-buffer (current-buffer)) (set-visited-file-name old-visited-name)) (find-file tmp-file-name)) #+end_src 3. Join #phloggersgarage in libera.chat while enjoying cached org-mode gopher 100daystooffload 4. customize the header :var whatever="stri/ngs" for your own phosts * Bongusta phlog aggregator by logout [[gopher://i-logout.cz/1/bongusta/]] Hints: - M-x elpher-copy-link-url ; I always forget this after elpher-go. Also ^ is back - C-c C-l C-y ; enter a link that displays as just the url * Cached matto's pgbot 100daystooffloadroll :appendix: | screwtape | [[gopher://tilde.club/1/~screwtape/synthember-100days-tooffload/]] | | matto | [[gopher://box.matto.nl]] | | _82mhz | https://82mhz.net | | plugd | [[gopher://thelambdalab.xyz/1phlog/]] | | x1v | [[gopher://rawtext.club/1/~xiu/phlog/]] | | szczezuja | [[gopher://gopher.club:70/1/users/szczezuja/personal/]] | | prahou | [[gopher://triapul.cz/1/phlog]] | | pi31415 | [[gopher://tilde.pink/1/~bencollver/log/]] | | damarusama | [[gopher://gopher.club/1/users/gef/]] | * Also cat and jns and pkw | [[gopher://baud.baby]] | [[gopher://embryonic.church]] | | [[gopher://gopher.linkerror.com]] | [[gopher://gopher.club/1/users/jns/]] | | [[gopher://g.d34d.net/1/~pkw/]] | |