#+TITLE: Style + GNU40 + ROOPHLOCH mission #+AUTHOR: screwtape #+email: screwtape@sdf.org EMACS USERS : try M-x org-mode C-c C-c on the next line. #+CALL: cache-local() * 017/ 100daystooffload #phloggersgarage on libera.chat irc ** Talking about phloging style with Thankful Machine Speaking to [[gopher://thankful.garden]] on the gopher on the elephantine tusked surface gopher has evolved my orgphosting style. Obviously the issue at hand was that deviating gopher protocol from its eternal perfection would be to spoil it and how orgmode would not constitute that. One difference we talked about was the difference between a mark-up and a mark-down where a mark-down is a set of conventions to improve readability of the text document, and a mark-up is a set of basically unreadable commands intended to generate some other readable display. Life-in-plain-text orgmode markdown is a markdown, and \textit{TeX} or are . However I take the point that my initial orgmode style looked like I was using a markup: They were basically unreadable without GNU emacs orgmode, and the first page was filled with an orgmode executable source block (markdown) of emacs lisp to jiggle an elpher-mode buffer into a local /tmp directory cached version in orgmode. Adding overhead to create the actually usable document as such feels like a markup, which implies supplanting the gopher's ways. Fortunately I can just move the garish overhead to a subterranean machine appendix, to be perused by the interested. ** GNU40 Happy 40th birthday GNU! For a few hours still in antedeluvian time zones. The broader GNU operating system is the earth we excavate our gopherholes in. Even BSD operating systems basically pace GNU, along with the GNU's proprietary competitors who ignore and parasitise GNU slash linux and the broader GNU operating system. I would say modern lisp fundamentally inhabits the gnu operating system. In fact the lisp machine traditions somewhat uniquely are peers to the GNU system, though in lisp machines we might say Complete Programming System rather rather than the GNU operating system. Even so everything except Alfred M. Szmidt's system300 lispm FPGA port fundamentally inhabits linux, with maybe with BSD ports. And ams in particular ran with GNU hurd for years: And I think he and I and we all have this gratitude towards the GNU project and the meagre freedoms afforded us away from the baleful legal ownership norms of platonic forms of the space of potential computer programs. Thank you Richard M. Stallman, in the next 40 years I will stop pointed refering to the lispy gopher show as Described By Some As Meandering And Boring, though in fact I think this feedback specifically improved my quality. One way I intend to continue living my next 40 years and ever more is to license everything it can reasonably apply to under AGPLv3+. I guess the extra trick is to explicitly assign control of license enforcement to the Free Software Foundation. I'll check it out. ** ROOPHLOCH I was reading notable gopher and synth laboratory garage burrower xiled [[gopher://booji.mutated]] and between broken ankle blues, xiled remembered ROOPHLOCH to me. So my resolution is while it's still ROOPHLOCH for a few days to outdoor phlog and ask xiled's help relaying it to solderpunk's ROOPHLOCH aggregation. * APPENDIX ** Cache buffer to =/tmp/phloggersgarage/= sub directory elisp code #+name: cache-local #+HEADER: :var phlogs-dir="/tmp/phloggersgarage/" #+HEADER: :var phlog-server="tilde.club/" #+HeADer: :var phlog-dir="~screwtape/synthember-100days-tooffload/" #+HEADER: :var this-phost-title="017-GNU40-ROOPHLOCH-mission.org" #+begin_src elisp :results none (let* ((tmp-directory (cl-concatenate 'string phlogs-dir phlog-server phlog-dir)) (tmp-file-name (cl-concatenate 'string tmp-directory this-phost-title))) (make-directory tmp-directory t) (set-visited-file-name tmp-file-name) (save-buffer (current-buffer)) (find-file tmp-file-name)) #+end_src ** Some Locations: A new table #+name: some-urls |----------------------------------------------------------------| | Yours faithfully | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | [[gopher://gopher.club/1/users/screwtape]] | | [[gopher://tilde.institute/1/~screwtape/]] | | [[gopher://tilde.club/1/~screwtape/]] | | [[gopher://tilde.club/1/~screwtape/synthember-100days-tooffload/]] | | [[https://mastodon.sdf.org/@screwtape]] | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | prahou | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | [[gopher://triapul.cz]] | | [[http://triapul.cz]] | | http://lemmy.sdf.org/c/unix_surrealism | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | jns | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | [[gopher://gopher.linkerror.com]] | | [[gopher://gopher.club/1/users/jns/]] | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | cat | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | [[gopher://baud.baby]] | | [[gopher://embryonic.church]] | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | ams | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | [[tumbleweed.nu]] | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | rms | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | [[https://gnu.org]] | [[https://stallman.org]] | | [[www.fsf.org]] | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | Thankful machine | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | [[gopher://grateful.garden]] | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | matto | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | [[gopher://box.matto.nl]] | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | xiled | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | [[gopher://booji.mutated.net]] | |----------------------------------------------------------------|