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          / / |// __ `__ \   / __ \/ __ \      / ___/ / / / / __ \
        _/ /   / / / / / /  / /_/ / / / /     / /__/ / /_/ / /_/ /
       /___/  /_/ /_/ /_/   \____/_/ /_/      \___/_/\__,_/_.___/ 
                       __                                   __
          ____ _____  / /_  ____  ___  _____   __  ______  / /
         / __ `/ __ \/ __ \/ __ \/ _ \/ ___/  / / / / __ \/ / 
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        \__, /\____/_/ /_/ .___/\___/_/      \__, /\____(_)   
       /____/           /_/                 /____/            
       Got to put some interesting stuff here cause I'm I'm doing the 
       Weekly Webpage Workshops.  I don't have any ideas, and it's past 
       23:00 so it's going to be meta.
       Weekly Webpage Workshops are a series of challenges run on the 
       tilde.club mailing list where members are charged with creating 
       a new piece of content in their public directory.  As implied by 
       the name, a new challenge is posted every week (usually on 
       Wednesday) and members report back with their successes, 
       challenges, and comment on other submissions.
       Bradley Gannon is the original and current organizer of the worksho
       The first workshop was posted on 2019-12-03.
       As of 2020-01-02 the following workshops have been posted:
        - Make a custom 404 page (2019-12-03)
          This workshop asked members to create a custom "Page Not Found" 
          page.  The tilde.club administrators supported the workshop by 
          configuring the webserver to use a 404.html file in each user's 
          root directory if it existed.
        - Mirror a Wikipedia page (2019-12-10)
          Users experimented with mirroring Wikipedia content in 
          accordance with Wikipedia's content license
        - Top 8 (2019-12-18)
          Participants created a list of their top 8 favorite things. In 
          the interest of avoiding toxicity, human beings were not 
          allowed to be listed in a top 8 page.
        - Make it snow (2019-12-24)
          In the spirit of Christmas and other wintry holidays, this 
          challenge was to add some form of snow to any or all of a 
          user's tilde.club pages.
        - Gopher (2019-12-31)
          As the new year dawned, Bradley reflected on the futility of 
          predicting everything the future holds. In that light he set 
          the ~club to building their own gopher space.
       Don't expect updates or me to come back.
       Mail me at mpnordland@tilde.club with errata, requests for updates,
       or ridiculously elaborate fanmail (or just regular fanmail, I crave
       46 minutes to write and edit this with only two spelling errors.
       I'm tooting my own horn now but I think that's pretty good.
 (DIR) back to tilde.club