2022-10-18 - TZ: Europe/London
       Early alarms for a relaxed start. We did most packing after
       breakfast and before cruising back to boatyard.
       First we went to the park&ride down the Abingdon Rd to fast-charge
       Cath’s new Leaf. Then we parked in westgate lot to slow-charge
       it to 100% while we went to Pembroke etc.
       (Texted Ben since he was at work here but didn’t end up
       meeting him.)
       The new Westgate is well designed and a pleasant place to
       spend time in. And enormous, with high glass roofs. But it’s
       still open air. Nice concept. It’s not surprising that retail
       elsewhere in the city is struggling.
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       The porters were most insistent that we did not go inside any
       buildings. Here’s a picture of Cath in the Chapel.
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       Cath recognized the gardener, Richard. One of very few people
       still there from old days. Chatted for a while about how things
       have changed.
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       Look it’s us in Chapel Quad outside the SCR, and my old room
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       Wonderful photo.
       After that we went, by way of shops, to Brown’s in the Covered
       Market for luncheon
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       I had cottage pie.
       Then Cath drove us to LHR T3 and there was time for one last
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