2023-06-21 - Huntington
       I played with it a lot. And ordered upgrades for it (1Gb ram,
       500Gb SSD, new pram battery) and spent Father’s Day doing the
       upgrades. It’s so much faster now!
 (IMG) [IMG]
 (IMG) [IMG]
 (IMG) [IMG]
       Currently running a 64Gb partition w 10.4.11/9.2.2 as before.
       I build software to proxy iMessages to Adium, but that all runs
       elsewhere so wasn’t disrupted by the wipe.
       All the old experimentation is gone, starting from scratch
       and only installing the good stuff. Browser is locked in as
       OmniWeb. Xcode, tigerbrew, git/curl/zsh installed. Offices 98
       and 2008 installed.
 (IMG) [IMG]
 (IMG) [IMG]
       It’s fun.
       Spent too much time trying to explore/figure out tilde.club on
       it this evening.
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