to the tilde verse as an old-school blog
       2023-07-12 - Floral Park
       It's available in different formats, served over different
 (HTM) Html
 (HTM) Gemini
 (HTM) Gopher
 (HTM) Atom feed
       I’ve noticed that writing a journal, while very sporadic,
       is the most consistent writing that I do. Some of the things
       I journal are suitable for public consumption even if not
       particularly interesting.
 (HTM) So I’ve created a “public” tag in my journal app, and wrote some code to turn those public entries into blog entries. Source is here:
       One thing I've noticed during this work is that my expectation
       of who the audience is has changed my perspective on how public
       journal articles should be. I suspect this blog will be like
       a twitch stream with 0 followers, but that's almost beside the
       point because it's changing my approach to this writing.
       (Until I get bored with the whole thing and forget about it,
       that is.)
        What is the workflow
        Manual steps
        * Search for the "public" tag in Day One app on MacOS (haven’t
        tried on iOS, maybe it works there too?)
        * Select-all entries manually
        * Extract in json format
        * Upload zip to using scp
        The processDayone script
        * Run a day-one-to-markdown script that converts the json doc
        to a bunch of folders, one per entry. Each folder contains
        all the media files and an `index\.markdown` file that is
        frontmatter formatted
        * Resize and strip EXIF from all images (and in the future will
        turn movies into animated gifs)
        * For each folder, create gemini, gopher, web documents from
        templates + data
        * Create an index page, and a feed.xml
        * For each tag in all the entries, create a tag-index page
        and feed.xml
       The script depends on a bunch of executables[1] being on the
       command line, has no tests, and is generally cobbled/hacked
 (HTM) 1:
        Future plans?
       Future work is tracked in the tildegit repo[2] and as of the
       time of writing the most interesting ones are
 (HTM) 2:
        * #12 Make it so that the blog can be iteratively updated[3],
        rather than entirely regenerated in one shot from one day
        one export
        * #6 Add commenting using mastodon[4].
 (HTM) 3:
 (HTM) 4:
        Commenting thoughts
       I was talking to N. Morrell about the latter, and he said
       > I’ve seen people using mastodon for comments, even on static
       sites, which feels technically fun
       And followed up with
       > Here’s some links describing it, mostly for Jekyll but also
       Hugo. I think it requires posting new blogposts to Mastodon (in
       order to have a Mastodon post id to work from), which I assume
       you’re not yet doing.
       This is great because a) it validates my idea as being practical
       and b) gives me example code to work with. (Maybe I could have
       googled them myself...)
       I will probably refactor it to work in node via cgi, tho, so
       it can be formatted for gemini and gopher too. And old browsers
       with no JS.
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