2024-02-09 - Huntington
       I didn’t add any more entries to this bloggy thing after
       I stopped adding features to the code that converts it from
       DayOne JSON exports. That is fairly typical for me; I’m more
       interested in how the pipes work, and putting them together,
       than thinking of things to stuff through them.
       Herein is a quick post to attempt to remedy this by a) proposing
       some Content, and b) proposing some changes to the code that
       publishes it. Here follows an unordered list of things I’d
       like to write about / improve for this journal thing
        * Update on Oxford Half Marathon. Not sure I need to do the full
        chronological thing for the whole oxford trip... But yeah. I did
        a run, it went well, I was happy, Richard sandbagged, we went
        on a canal boat etc. Related: What are my plans for this year?
        * Pontificating on getting a new bike, aka my quixotic quest
        for a single solution to a bunch of incompatible requirements.
        * ...and the same thing, but about work. Ha.
        * Discussion on experiments with comments hosted on mastodon,
        which is a thing that the code I wrote supports, but then
        didn’t use. Or I should just admit that this is gemini-first,
        and submit new posts to antenna.
        * Noodle on the idea of having a chronological feed in the
        journal of finished things, and then an un-RSSed part for public,
        but not “finished” bits. Maybe writing in public is better
        for me? Even if no-one reads it anyway!
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