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       Into the Wild Spaces 
 (TXT) About the Author, Randall Wood
 (DIR) Travel Writing
 (DIR) Technology, gadgets, OSes
 (DIR) Economics, Development, Politics
 (DIR) News about me
 (DIR) Woodnotes Guides to Tech
 (DIR) Poetry 
       Recent entries:
       Calabar (Travel/Nigeria) 16 Mar 2024
       White-Hair Point (Travel/Caribbean Islands) 15 Mar 2024
       The Haw River (Travel/North America) 1 Mar 2024
       The Dogs of Delhi (Travel/India) 9 Feb 2023
       The Taj Mahal (Travel/India) 7 Feb 2023
       The Pines Stand in Pockets (Poetry, Travel/N.America) 7 Feb 2023
       A Quiver of Pens (/Tech/Other) 28 Jan 2023