(???) atal: detected dubious ownership in repository at '/home/simplicialcomplex/repos/gophersource'
 (TN3) o add an exception for this directory, call:
            /\               |  )             .  .   .                    
           /__\              |==\             |/\|.-,| .-.-..-.-..-,      
          //  \\.-----------.|__/             '  '`'-'-`-`-'' ' '`'-    . 
               / \       .-`|\                to simplicialcomplex's    | 
       ,__    /   \   .-`   | \          .-..-..-.|-. .-,.-.|-. .-.| .-,' 
       |  `  /   .-*:`      |  \         `-|`-'|-'' '-`'-'  ' '-`-''-`'-o 
       |    / .-`  | ``-._  |   \        `-'   '                          
       `--' I:     |      `=+---I ,__                 Topics:             
            \ `,   |  __.`` |   / |  `     * mathematics    * net art
             \  '-.*-`      |  /  |        * programming    * languages
              \   /  `-._   | /   `--'     
               \ /       `-.|/            +-Contact me:----------------+
            ,__ `-----------` /\          |simplicialcomplex@tilde.club|
            |  )             /__\         +----------------------------+
            |==\            //  \\           Last updated:
       Note that this page is still under construction!
       I was using vim, but now switched to emacs.
       this is my gopher page (or hole?).
       gopher looks promising?
 (TXT) source(symbolic link)
 (TXT) source
 (TXT) a file (cute!)
 (TXT) universal declaration of frog rights [in russian]
 (DIR) back to tilde.club
       open list of open problems (what i don't know about using gopher)
       1. why does gopher disallow accessing to gophermap as a textfile?
          but creating symbolic link and referencing to it as a file is ok
 (DIR) Git
 (DIR) Interesing or useful links