---------------------------------------- cheap-ass internet January 09th, 2022 ---------------------------------------- Season's greetings from the cheapest internet connection I could find. I'm currently putzing around on the internet from a $5/mo mobile hotspot that's currently bandwidth-limited to about 128 kbps. It sounds slow as hell, but it's incredibly usable for browsing gopher/gemini sites, irc, ssh, and all the little terminal things I love so much. Having such a slow internet connection is definitely making me slow down and really take in the content I'm consuming, as loading another page takes a couple of seconds. I'm digging it. At the same time, I'm finally getting around to setting up a phlog! I've been using gopher since 2013 or so, with a site set up on sdf.org, but I never had a phlog. I'm fixing that today, right here, right now! I'm afraid it'll just devolve into blogging about blogging, since that's 99% of what I write about, but hey, that's the kind of content I live for. Most of it resides on my local machine, where I've been maintaining a journal in vimwiki, which I've absolutely fallen in love with. I'm still learning how to use vim: I'm still not entirely sure how to move up and down an entire page. As of now I achieve it by pressing 100 + j. Not the most efficient way, but what the hell, that's how I've been doing it for years. I really have no clue what I'm doing.