David Bohm added point particles to quantum mechanics; the particles are guided by the wavefunction. Extra variables like these on top of the wavefunction are often called 'hidden variables' - although the name is a little unfortunate since often it's the hidden variables, e.g. the particle positions, rather than the wavefunction that we can directly see! The appeal of the Bohmian particle positions is that they're easy to understand - just plain old particles - but one less appealing feature is that they can seem tacked-on (although their dynamics is given by the 'probability current' in quantum mechanics which is quite pretty). Why not use only the wavefunction? The main difficulty in interpretation comes from the wavefunction being defined on a very high-dimensional space (a 3N dimensional configuration-space if you have N particles) rather than our everyday space. In the Everett (or many-worlds) version of quantum mechanics the wavefunction on high-dimensional space is all there is. This leaves the difficult task of recovering things happening in ordinary space - David Wallace has written a lot about this. For me the appeal of Everett is that it 'takes quantum mechanics seriously', taking just the wavefunction as given and aiming to derive everything else. It's no simple thing recovering everyday space though, so to me even if it succeeds it feels less direct than having extra variables which are very straightforwardly related to our everyday world. Can we combine the physical obviousness of Bohm and the theoretical naturalness of Everett? Leafing through atomic physics or chemistry books we would think that this 'quantum mechanics' is really about orbitals, that is single electron wavefunctions (which are defined on our ordinary space rather than the high-dimensional configuration space). These books are full of sketches of these orbitals in hydrogen atoms, water molecules, crystals, metals, ... - and orbitals are the basis of the actual calculations too. So for me the orbitals are an obvious candidate for 'things for quantum mechanics to be about'. The difficulty is that not all (many-particle) wavefunctions can be expressed as products of single-particle wavefunctions, that is in terms of orbitals. The obstacle to doing this is precisely entanglement. But all is not lost! From any many-particle wavefunction we can derive some so-called 'natural orbitals' - a family of single-particle wavefunctions naturally associated with it. These are used a lot in quantum chemistry but aren't as famous as they might be. The construction is dead easy and theoretically quite lovely - they are 'just' eigenfunctions of the one-particle reduced density matrix. For me these natural orbitals are a great thing for quantum mechanics to be about. They live in our everyday three-dimensional space and often look just like the orbitals sketched in Physics and Chemistry books, so for me they have the Bohm-style physical obviousness in spades. And they are derived from the many-particle wavefunction by a very natural theoretical construction, the reduced density matrix, so for me avoid seeming tacked-on and in fact feel rather natural. If we do not just calculate with them but believe in them as physically real, the natural orbitals are hidden variables playing a similar role to the Bohmian particles. But they are derived within the existing structure of quantum mechanics, rather than being added on top of it. For these reasons I like to think of them as 'hidden hidden variables' - hidden variables which have been hidden in quantum mechanics the whole time. I mean to look more into how this works out in detail, but already the idea is very dear to me. I once spent a holiday in New York just wandering around thinking about nothing but this during the day and going to various jazz clubs in the evening - it was a good few days! Also Vijay Iyer signed a secondhand copy of Poincaré's Last Essays I'd picked up which was pretty awesome.