The Schroedinger equation can describe a charged particle moving in some given electric field; the equation is linear in the wavefunction. A charged particle, being charged, also produces its own electric field - this 'self-field' is nothing magical, it is the same old field that is responsible for scattering other charged particles. But in quantum mechanics we do not ordinarily include a charged particle's generation of and reaction to its own field (it is included in some sense in quantum field theory). If we consider the whole electric field (i.e. do not ignore the self-field) the Schroedinger equation + Maxwell's equations together are nonlinear. This matters because the measurement problem follows fairly directly from the linearity of the Schroedinger equation, but if the full set of equations is nonlinear then the straightforward argument from linearity to the measurement problem doesn't get off the ground. Another consequence is that the spreading of a free wavepacket is not obviously physically relevant for electrons; an electron generates a strong electric field (and magnetic field from its motion and from the current associated with its spin), and its interaction with these fields will certainly affect its dynamics. It isn't super-easy to look at this with quantum field theory since the everyday versions of QFT are concerned primarily with scattering; they give us amplitudes for various scattering processes between free particle states but the state of the particles as they interact, or even of the particles just surrounded by their own electric fields, isn't readily available (in the very simplest versions of QFT at least - I'm certainly no expert!). I mean to do some numerical simulations of the Schroedinger equation coupled to Maxwell's equations (or maybe a toy version) just to see how this looks.