QUANTUM MECHANICS AND THE COMMON MAN It is, we are often told, quite the miracle that our boffins can perform quantum mechanical calculations in exquisitely fine detail while having a completely indefinite conception of what the equations of quantum mechanics refer to. But this is very false. A classically trained Martian, upon leafing through those books of chemistry and atomic, molecular, and solid state physics from which the boffins as a matter of fact learn how to solve the universe (rather than the dustier scriptures of pure quantum mechanics), would surely conclude that quantum mechanics was about electrons in 'orbitals' of various shapes and sizes which made up benzene molecules, sodium chloride crystals, pork chops and the rest. Our Martian friend would find quite definite pictures of these orbitals, accompanied by explanations of how the intricate features of their shape explained the gross properties of the matter at hand and the fine structure of every kind of spectrum obtained in probing it, and further accompanied by calculations which use these orbitals as an essential basis. So as aspiring boffins the question is not how we can calculate with no conception at all of the world, but how our everyday belief in orbitals can be so disconnected from what we tell people we believe (which is roughly that the world doesn't exist but if it did it would hardly matter). The reason is apparently simple. The equations concern a function on a high-dimensional space; our ordinary space, home of the orbitals, is nowhere to be seen. It would seem obvious to try to derive our orbitals from this exotic function on an exotic space; indeed it was obvious to Schroedinger as he developed wave mechanics. It was understood by both the friends and foes of wave mechanics that even when it used only a high-dimensional space it was more intuitive (anschaulich) than the radical matrix mechanics (which proudly discarded space-time description). But we tend to hear that Schroedinger's intuitive wave description could not be maintained (since it was on the high-dimensional space) and a supposedly equally intuitive particle interpretation of matrix mechanics simply must be taken up - this we hear, perhaps not by coincidence, from Schroedinger's enemies and their descendants. In reality Schroedinger straightaway looked at how to derive a system of waves in our familiar space from the one wave on a high dimensional space - these individual waves in everyday space would of course be our hard-working orbitals. Schroedinger's first scheme seems unappealing since for an antisymmetric electron wavefunction (which is just to say for an electron wavefunction) it gives all electrons the same orbital, which is hardly what we see. Embracing the antisymmetry Schroedinger further looked to draw the orbitals from a second-quantized description, but here we have the problem that a generic wavefunction cannot be created as just one combination of orbitals (not every antisymmetric function is a single wedge/outer product, i.e. a single Slater determinant). But there is a fairly simple way to derive a family of single-particle wavefunctions, of orbitals, from any many-particle wavefunction - these are the so-called natural orbitals (which are 'just' the eigenfunctions of the one-particle reduced density matrix). I suggest that these natural orbitals are exactly the orbitals our Martian friend saw in our books, and that if we take them as seriously in our philosophy as our boffins take them in their calculations, we are led to a conception of the world which is not just consistent but helpful - a conception which was early on acknowledged as the ideal intuitive one if only we could actually tie it to the equations (as we already jump to in those cases where it is very clear how to).