# Netapps are weird... So we have a really old NetApp—I'm talking like close to ten years here, and it is only used for the most basic of functionality anymore. Mostly just replicas. The thing predates me, and I've only ever logged into it maybe three times. Well, this week we added a bunch of new VMs to our environment, and started replicating them to that old NetApp, completely filling the volume we were using. Okay, OnCommand to the rescue...Well, not quite. You see, NetApp's management platform is a Java app that runs in a browser. And is only compatible with late versions of Java 7, and early versions of Java 8. If you're using a newer version than, say Java 8u3, you're gonna have a bad time. But I was able to construct the following list of commands to get in, and wanted to document them in case anybody else was having the same type of trouble I was having. Hopefully, you can at least get into the CLI. (Before you say it: Sure, I *could* have learned to resize the disks from the CLI, but this is a device that is well beyond its EOL, and is barely used. We use Nimble storage now, and if we move away from that it will probably be for Pure.) Anyway, let's get on with it. I was getting this error on login: `500 connection refused`. First, I checked `> options tls.enable`. It was set to on (as it needed to be). Then, on recommendation, I ran `> secureadmin setup ssl`. In retrospect, I'm not sure if this was necessary, but I did it, and can't undo it now, so it's staying in this document. I then set `> options httpd.admin enable on`, and finally, when I tried to log in, I got the following error in the console (This was new!): `[host: HTTPPool00:warning]: HTTP XML Authentication failed from (ip)`. Aha! Seems like we're starting to get closer! (Note, in the web console, still getting error 500). I checked the following `options`: `httpd.admin.access` should be set to `legacy` *or* a list of IPs you want to be able to connect. That's more secure, but since I'm having trouble already, let's not complicate things more. `httpd.admin.ssl.enable` should be `on`, and finally, I was able to get in. The only other thing that might throw you for a loop, is if you have two controllers, you will need to check these settings on both, no matter which you're trying to log into. netapps-are-weird.md | 2019-08-16