I'm pretty happy with cycling to strawberry picking. While I don't have anything like a community or culture outside of new cyberia, I found seasonal work is a way to hang out with people from cultures whose fashioning could be described as old. It's not all a cake walk. High density farming of sweet things means you are constantly breathing the in the black and grey particulate mist of mould which explode as you "clean them" while picking (throw them onto the ground, to the extent they are a well behaved rigid object). This leads to constant sneezing that is not at all cute or apologetic. Today particularly there has been a massive sandfly boom. Vietnamese pickers will not go amoung the rows with anything less than a full hazmat suit; and the feeling is they've got the right of it. Different big communities might dislike each other on principle in some way. Let's codename one of my friends Lilly. She seems to be the most important person at the farm, though maybe Lilly is just the head seasonal-worker-facing person. Lilly is putting their daughter through an NZ college at full international student rates. I think that's about 10k NZD / course, 8 courses a year; ballpark at least. I was interrogating them while we were picking next to each other about what she does on days off, and this idea just doesn't register with her. When she finishes for the day, she gets to spend time at home with her family; she works seven days a week, all the time (I don't have any knowledge of the non/seasonal nature of this). I feel like she was trying to give me advice, or make a pointed observation about how I take Wednesdays off for my show, and so she has scheduled herself to pick rather than QC on Wednesdays. I'm very interested in this non-working-week vision of the world and SE DEBROUILLER nature of Orwell's PLONGEURS. (Obviously I don't agree with the existence of modern economic work). This is also the sort of place and person I want to have personal-scope deep learning harnessed by all the time, and it is my dream to have personal device deep learning that people here will gain from using themselves day-to-day.