#| I haven't done deep learning before. I know a little about it anyway. A research of twitter's seemed to have attractive properties, and I thought I would wade in and take it. Actually, I started out exploring creating a system that would extract intent from the cpu torch python. However, the 500 lines of #p"src/run_GNN.py" boil down to |# (defun train ()) ; elided for now, but is instructive (defun deep-learn (trainer model optimizer data test-acc &key (number-epochs 1500)) (declare (ignorable x loss)) (loop for x below number-epochs this-time = (get-internal-real-time) for loss = (funcall trainer model optimizer data) do (multiple-value-bind (train-acc val-acc test-acc) (funcall test-acc model data) (prin1 `(,this-time ,train-acc ,val-acc ,test-acc))))) (let ((model (gnn command-line-options data)) (optimizer (get-optimizer command-line-options (parameters model)))) (deep-learn #'train model optimizer (get-dataset path))) #| And a list of default parameters to pass to an optimizer-getter. Since the file was about trying different command line arguments on a python script, and what I wanted was one base case, the file isn't interesting; I guess it would be nice to scoop out some default values. I don't think the software engineering of this file, nor python, was insightful. Well, let's see what I can get for 'gnn 'get-optimizer 'trainer and 'test-acc ! |#