;;; POSSIBLY WORKING YET ; FOR ME AT LEAST please report back ;;; Dependencies ecl ; Non-portable ecl is used for the C-compiler-compiled executable file. The non-portable elements should be feature'd out but I didn't do it yet. The package itself is portable common lisp. like ``` pkg_add ecl ``` or ``` emerge dev-lisp/ecls # why is it called this ``` or ``` apt install ecl ``` ;;; Default location ``` mkdir -p ~/common-lisp/bit-d-generate ``` put the files from gopher://tilde.institute/1/~screwtape/bit-d-generate/ into there. Using lynx ``` ecl < ~0@*~a" string))) EOG #Ugh... Eat carriage returns with tr(1) cd ~/common-lisp/bit-d-generate/ && tr -d "\r" tmp && mv tmp Makefile; ``` ;;; just running make ```sh make ``` results in the executably linked ./bit-d-generate Try it out. a.pbm is a 64x64 pbm like 'a' ``` ./bit-d-generate -i a.pbm ``` Using every option: ``` ./bit-d-generate -i a.pbm -fgfg 1 -fgbg 2 -fgbg 3 -bgbg 6 -fgch O -bgch o ``` ;;; Using in common lisp I didn't feature-out the non-portable ecl build stuff so I guess we're in ECL. Not that it matters. ```lisp (require "bit-d-generate") (in-package :bdg) (with-open-file (*standard-output* #p"a.ascii" :direction :output :if-does-not-exist :create :if-exists :supersede) (pbm2ascii #p"a.pbm" :foreground #\z :background #\s)) ``` ;;; the color controls are done by variables which you would need to set though. Will document later ;;; This package is actually a utility for storing binary blobs for my hopfield nets Not documented yet ;p AI