# cl-buchberger ## Common Lisp implementation of Buchberger's algorithm. ### Juan M. Bello Rivas ## Screwtape's patched version ### Fixed make-polynomial and passing tests on ECL #'MAKE-ARRAY in #'MAKE-POLYNOMIAL in src/polyomial.lisp must have :initial-element '0 or it fills with NILs. ### package-inferred-system Thank you to @svetlyak40wt@fosstodon.org on the mastodon for reminding me to :depends-on my user packages in package-inferred-system and more! I tried to systematically update the package style to :class :package-inferred-system Even though the dependencies weren't necessarily serial, I mostly attempted to preserve the seriality so the change would purely be from (:module code :pathname "src" :serial t :components ((:file "package") (:file "file1") (:file "file2") .. in the defsystem to per file (uiop:define-package :path/to/file2 (:mix :cl) (:mix-reexport :path/to/file1) (:export )) since each file/package needs to export to the other files. There are some scraps of my confusion. :parser needed to be :import-from'ed instead. One benefit is the possibility of (force re-) asdf:load-op'ing specific files while making changes like (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op "st-buchberger/src/parser" :force t) screwtape out (Juan's original README continues) .. (asdf:operate 'asdf:test-op :st-buchberger/tests) passes both tests using SBCL on amd64 linux and openbsd. ECL is still broken. ## Overview `cl-buchberger` is a Common Lisp implementation of Buchberger's algorithm for the computation of Gröbner bases. This package computes Gröbner bases of ideals in multivariate polynomial rings over the rationals. ## Usage ### Installing and loading the package To install or load `cl-buchberger` using [Quicklisp](https://www.quicklisp.org/), write: ```lisp CL-USER> (ql:quickload :cl-buchberger) ... CL-USER> (in-package :cl-buchberger-user) # ``` ### Defining a polynomial ring The default ring is the ring of polynomials on `X`, `Y`, `Z` over the rationals and is available as the dynamic variable `*RING*`. To define custom polynomial rings use: ```lisp CL-BUCHBERGER-USER> (make-instance 'polynomial-ring :variables '(x y z u w r s)) # ``` To change the default ring just bind `*RING*` to another instance of `POLYNOMIAL-RING`: ```lisp CL-BUCHBERGER-USER> (defparameter *ring* (make-instance 'polynomial-ring :variables '(x y)) "ℚ[x, y]") *RING* CL-BUCHBERGER-USER> *ring* # ``` ### Defining polynomials Polynomials are defined using s-expressions. For example, ```lisp (x (expt y 2) (expt z 3)) ``` corresponds to the monomial xy²z³. The following code defines two polynomials named `*l*` and `*m*`, ```lisp CL-BUCHBERGER-USER> (defparameter *l* (make-polynomial '(- (expt x 3) (* 2 x y)))) *L* CL-BUCHBERGER-USER> *l* # CL-BUCHBERGER-USER> (defparameter *m* (make-polynomial '(+ (* 3 (expt x 4) y) (expt x 2)))) *M* CL-BUCHBERGER-USER> *m* # ``` ### Polynomial arithmetic Use the generic functions `RING+`, `RING-`, `RING*`, and `RING/` for the usual arithmetic operations. The function `RING/` is the multivariate polynomial division algorithm. It takes a polynomial and a sequence of divisors as input and it outputs a sequence of quotients and a remainder. To set the default monomial ordering, bind `*MONOMIAL-ORDERING*` to the desired ordering function (the default is `LEX>`). For example: ```lisp CL-BUCHBERGER-USER> (defparameter *monomial-ordering* #'grevlex>) *MONOMIAL-ORDERING* ``` You may also use the macro `WITH-MONOMIAL-ORDERING` to set the current monomial ordering as in: ```lisp CL-BUCHBERGER-USER> (with-monomial-ordering #'grlex> (ring/ *m* *l*)) #(#) # ``` ### Computing Gröbner bases The functions `GROEBNER` and `REDUCED-GROEBNER` compute Gröbner bases and reduced Gröbner bases respectively. Both of them take a sequence of polynomials as their argument. Alternatively, one may construct a polynomial ideal and obtain its reduced Gröbner basis using the `BASIS` generic function. For example: ```lisp CL-BUCHBERGER-USER> (defparameter *ring* (make-instance 'polynomial-ring :variables '(x y z))) *RING* CL-BUCHBERGER-USER> (defparameter *katsura-3* (make-ideal (make-polynomial '(+ x (* 2 y) (* 2 z) -1)) (make-polynomial '(+ (expt x 2) (- x) (* 2 (expt y 2)) (* 2 (expt z 2)))) (make-polynomial '(+ (* 2 x y) (* 2 y z) (- y)))) "Katsura-3 over ℚ[x, y, z] (default ring)") *KATSURA-3* CL-BUCHBERGER-USER> *katsura-3* # :GENERATORS #(# # #)> CL-BUCHBERGER-USER> (with-monomial-ordering #'lex> (basis *katsura-3*)) #(# # #) ```