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 (TXT)  phlog-2023-06-09.txt
        Book review:
          Bitter Harvest: An Inquiry into the War between Economy and Earth
            by Lisi Krall - (c) 2022 SUNY Press ; 196 pages [0]
 (TXT)  phlog-2022-12-24.txt
        Year's End Roundup -- 2022 edition
        Has turned out to be a rather light posting year for me.  While I'm
        still very much engaged in learning about our predicament I haven't felt
        as compelled to write about it as it kind of doesn't matter anymore
        and arguably many folks are probably better off staying ignorant. Also
 (TXT)  phlog-2022-10-03.txt
        Book review:
          Ultrasocial: The Evolution of Human Nature and the Quest
                       for a Sustainable Future [0]
             by John Gowdy, Ph.D. - (c) 2021, Cambridge Univ. Press
 (TXT)  phlog-2022-01-11.txt
        Narrative Fracture in the Post-Exuberance Age
        Happy 2022?  We'll have to wait and see.
        Finished up William Catton Jr's 'Overshoot' but decided to move on to
        his followup book, 'Bottleneck', written nearly 30 years later, before
 (TXT)  phlog-2021-12-12.txt
        P.L.A.N. for Collapse
        Still working my way through William Catton's 1982 book 'Overshoot'[0].
        Got distracted when I picked up "Peruvian Plunge"[1], Sam Mitchell's
        self-published travel memoir/gringo spirit quest from his time in Peru.
        Sam Mitchell is better known as Hambone Littletail, the cantankerous
 (TXT)  phlog-2021-10-30.txt
        Seems it has been a while since the last post.  Been taking a break from
        the doom, opting for more enjoyable distractions like taking advantage of
        an unusually warm Fall and an abundance of apples on our trees this year.
        We must have 40+ pounds of apple sauce in the freezer now and there are
        still more apples to process..
 (TXT)  phlog-2021-07-22.txt
        It's another smokey hot Summer on the front range.  Apparently most of
        the smoke is from the west coast; so far Colorado seems to be escaping a
        repeat of last year's epic wildfires.  We've even gotten a decent amount
        of rain, enough to keep the wildflowers going and the grasses green.
        Have finally gotten starting reading William Catton's seminal 1980s book
 (TXT)  phlog-2021-06-20.txt
        Book review:  Bright Green Lies: How the Environmental Movement Lost
                      Its Way and What We Can Do About It - (c) 2021 [0]
                       by Derrick Jensen, Lierre Keith, & Max Wilbert
                       also the companion film by Julia Barnes.
 (TXT)  phlog-2021-04-11.txt
        Happy Spring!  It really felt like a long Winter and the bright
        green of the emerging foliage is a welcome sight.
        I'm currently reading 'Bright Green Lies', just out last month.
        Derrick Jensen is the primary author but with contributions from
 (TXT)  phlog-2021-03-10.txt
        film reviews:  'Hot Money' and 'Kiss the Ground'
        That's right -- it's a two-fer!   Both are recent documentary films and
        although they occasionally cross topical paths they are somewhat partisan
        affairs and framed for their target audiences.  Both are worth watching.
 (DIR)  older posts
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