I'm Alive still, my entries have been shifted to gemini://displ.nl/
 (TXT) Archive till 20240327
       What else, mini bio
                  $ finger hisacro@tilde.institute
 (???)          Login: hisacro        
 (???)          Directory: /home/hisacro            
 (???)          Office: Didactic Asylum, 777
                 On since Wed Mar 27 19:59 (UTC) on ttyqp from
                 No Mail.
                 | https://displ.nl/            - http dead blog        |
                 | https://fsl.displ.nl/badges/ - puffy OBSD pixel arts |
                 | https://hisacro.tilde.institute - coolest page (=_=) |
                 |  Thanks for finger-ing (Ah kinky!)    |
                 |                                       |
                 |  If you're into obsure punk, new wave |
                 |  darkwave, EBM, synthwave or anything | 
                 |  underworld to todays' dystopian      | 
                 |  standards, we could spark an         | 
                 |  converstion!                         |
                 |                                       |
                 |  I would love to predict people       |
                 |  based on their favourite             |
                 |  arts, music, movies, books..         |
                 |                                       |
                 |  https://displ.nl my teeny-tiny den   |
                         .' '.          _        /  /
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                     '. . ' ' .  . '   `  `'--/  /-'`(
                                             /  /
                                Gophered by Gophernicus/3.1.1 on OpenBSD/amd64 7.3