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       This is the official tilde.news portal in gopherland
       You can find the 25 hottest stories and their comments.
       Sync happens every 10 minutes or so.
       Last updated Mon Jul 22 18:10:02 2024
 (HTM) [1] - Chacha20 on coroutines
       Submitted Wed Jul 17 18:49:50 2024 by mpech | cryptography, lisp
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 (HTM) [1] - "Privacy-Preserving" Attribution: Mozilla Disappoints Us Yet Again
       Submitted Mon Jul 15 13:29:22 2024 by ubergeek | FOSS, modern-web, web-brows
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 (HTM) [1] - The History of Zilog & Z80
       Submitted Sat Jul 13 13:04:36 2024 by sevan | Hardware, History, Video
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 (HTM) [1] - "GitHub" Is Starting to Feel Like Legacy Software
       Submitted Fri Jul 12 20:32:45 2024 by sevan | git, microsoft
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 (HTM) [1] - Donkey Kong Country OST (SNES)
       Submitted Wed Jul 10 21:17:13 2024 by sevan | Art, gaming
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 (HTM) [1] - The Official Radare2 Book
       Submitted Mon Jul  8 11:53:41 2024 by sevan | open-source, text
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 (HTM) [1] - Advent of Computing: Episode 135 - XENIX
       Submitted Mon Jul  8 00:21:32 2024 by sevan | History, Podcasts, UNIX, micro
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 (HTM) [1] - Porting Bad Apple to the Homebrew CPU
       Submitted Sat Jul  6 16:51:12 2024 by sevan | Art, Hardware, Video
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 (HTM) [1] - reconnect: Psion connectivity for macOS
       Submitted Fri Jul  5 19:16:48 2024 by sevan | macos, open-source
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 (HTM) [2] - Jgs Font
       Submitted Tue Jul  2 15:25:01 2024 by sevan | Art, text
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 (HTM) [1] - The YouTube Effect
       Submitted Mon Jul  1 20:13:22 2024 by sevan | History, Video, web, youtube
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 (HTM) [1] - I Bought 5 Broken GAMEBOY Games on eBay | How Many Can I FIX?
       Submitted Sun Jun 30 15:34:59 2024 by sevan | Hardware, Video, repair
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 (HTM) [1] - Guile, Guix and WASM, the future of the Web?
       Submitted Sat Jun 29 11:45:55 2024 by sevan | Video, lisp, programming
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 (HTM) [2] - I_WANT_A_BROKEN_PS (exploration of Linux 'ps') (2004)
       Submitted Tue Jun 25 21:45:23 2024 by sevan | History, Linux
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 (HTM) [2] - [Scummvm-devel] Re: SCUMM Engine (2002)
       Submitted Mon Jun 24 17:44:33 2024 by sevan | History, gaming
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 (HTM) [1] - GNU Guile 3.0.10 released
       Submitted Mon Jun 24 17:01:55 2024 by sevan | lisp, open-source
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 (HTM) [3] - Donkey Kong: A Record of Struggle
       Submitted Thu Jun 20 21:14:21 2024 by lettuce | gaming, software-development
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 (HTM) [2] - MNT Reform 1.0 beta hand assembly
       Submitted Tue Jun 18 21:44:49 2024 by sevan | Hardware, Video
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 (HTM) [1] - Version control in the age of distributed computing (2023)
       Submitted Tue Jun 18 18:45:05 2024 by mpech | Video, programming, rust
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 (HTM) [1] - Hiropon: Takashi Murakami's Early Digital Works [nsfw]
       Submitted Tue Jun 18 18:32:28 2024 by sevan | Art, History, media
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 (HTM) [2] - Thoughts on "Free" Software (1988)
       Submitted Mon Jun 17 15:58:55 2024 by sevan | GNU, History, emacs
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 (HTM) [1] - Abusing title reporting and tmux integration in iTerm2 for code execution
       Submitted Mon Jun 17 18:46:05 2024 by sevan | macos, security
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 (HTM) [1] - libeatmydata - disable fsync and SAVE
       Submitted Sat Jun 15 20:15:12 2024 by sevan | UNIX, open-source
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 (HTM) [1] - Coderspeak
       Submitted Sat Jun 15 16:35:27 2024 by sevan | programming, science, social-d
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 (HTM) [1] - Virtual keyboard for Android
       Submitted Thu Jun 13 14:51:13 2024 by mpech | Android, programming
 (TXT) View comments (1)
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