* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * zBoy - a full-featured, multiplatform GameBoy Classic emulator * * Copyright (C) 2010-2020 Mateusz Viste * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Available keys: | | | | Joypad actions | Default keys mapping: | | UP | Up arrow | | DOWN | Down arrow | | LEFT | Left arrow | | RIGHT | Right arrow | | START | Enter (return) | | SELECT | Tab | | Button A | left Alt | | Button B | left Control | | | | Emulator's functions (default keys assignements): | | F1 - enables/disables game's background | | F2 - enables/disables game's sprites | | F3 - enables/disables game's window | | F5 - saves the current state of the game on disk (aka 'QuickSave') | | F7 - loads the saved state of the game from disk (aka 'QuickLoad') | | F8 - enables/disables autoscreenshot (does a screenshot every 10 seconds)| | F9 - performs a PCX screenshot | | F10 - resets the CPU (restarts the game) | | F12 - resets the CPU and starts LAN game | | ESC - quits the emulator | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Command-line usage: | | zboy [--option1 --option2 ...] file.gb | | | | Available options: | | --[no]colorize Activates or disables colorization. When enabled, zBoy | | will colorize some games using special palettes. | | --custcolor pal Use a custom palette from file 'pal'. The palette file is | | a text file containing RGB triplets. See colorize.txt. | | --fpslimit x Limit the FPS rendering to x frames per second. x must be | | in the range 1..60 (defaults to 60 FPS). This option will | | give odd results if combined with --fullspeed. | | --scale x Scales the video screen x times. Possible values are | | 1..8 (defaults to 4 = 640x576). | | --scale2x x Scales the video screen x times using the Scale2x | | algorithm. Possible values are 2, 4, 6 and 8. | | --scale3x x Scales the video screen x times using the Scale3x | | algorithm. Possible values are 3 and 6. | | --palette name Use an alternative palette of colors. Possible palettes | | are: gbmicro or peasoup. The default one is gbmicro. | | --input keys Redefine keys used to emulate the GameBoy's joypad. Need | | to be followed by the list of scancodes in this exact | | order: Up Down Left Right Select Start A B TurboA TurboB | | See the list of available scancodes below. | | --fnkeys keys Redefine keys used for calling functions of the emulator. | | Need to be followed by the list of scancodes in this exact| | order: bgCtrl spriteCtrl windowCtrl Save Load Autoshot | | Screenshot Reset LanGame Quit | | See the list of available scancodes below. | | --[no]cpuburn Do not try to idle the CPU when the emulator have some | | spare time. This might give better results on hi-latency | | systems, at the cost of using the CPU at full speed. | | --[no]fullspeed Runs zBoy at full (unlimited) speed. This is not a good | | idea if you want to play games, but might be useful for | | some benchmarking needs (implies --nosound). | | --[no]showfps Shows the FPS counter (frames per second) in the title | | bar of zBoy's window. | | --[no]sound Enables or disables sound support | | --[no]hiscores This option will tell zBoy to memorize HiScores in games | | that aren't able to do so by themselves (eg. Pipe Dream). | | --[no]rominfo Displays various informations about the ROM before start. | | --resetcfg Resets zBoy's configuration to default values. | | --netplay x Establish a 2 player session with the IP address 'x' (or | | use '--netplay auto' for automatic peering on a LAN). | | --bindaddr x In case of using --netplay, the --bindaddr parameter | | allows to force the local IP (automatic by default). | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | List of available scancodes (useable with --input and --fnkeys) | | | | zBoy's key name | Description | | ----------------+------------------------------ | | kb.f1 .. kb.f12 | Function keys F1 to F12 | | kb.esc | Escape key | | kb.tab | TAB | | kb.lctrl | Left control key | | kb.lalt | Left ALT key | | kb.rctrl | Right control key | | kb.ralt | Right ALT key | | kb.spc | Space | | kb.ret | Return (enter) | | kb.bks | Backspace | | kb.left | Left arrow | | kb.right | Right arrow | | kb.up | Up arrow | | kb.down | Down arrow | | kb.rshift | Right shift key | | kb.lshift | Left shift key | | kb.lwin | Left 'Windows' key | | kb.rwin | Right 'Windows' key | | kb.menu | 'Menu' key | | kb.pgup | Page up | | kb.pgdw | Page down | | kb.home | Home key | | kb.end | End key | | kb.ins | Insert key | | kb.del | Delete key | | kb.a .. kb.z | Keys 'a' to 'z' | | kb.0 .. kb.9 | Key '0' to '9' | | joy.a1pos | Joypad Axis #1 (positive value of the axis) | | joy.a1neg | Joypad Axis #1 (negative value of the axis) | | joy.a2pos | Joypad Axis #2 (positive value of the axis) | | joy.a2neg | Joypad Axis #2 (negative value of the axis) | | joy.a3pos | Joypad Axis #3 (positive value of the axis) | | joy.a3neg | Joypad Axis #3 (negative value of the axis) | | joy.a4pos | Joypad Axis #4 (positive value of the axis) | | joy.a4neg | Joypad Axis #4 (negative value of the axis) | | joy.b1 - joy.b16| Joypad Buttons #1 to #16 | | none | No key assigned | | | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ homepage: http://zboy.sourceforge.net/