Introduction to Segue Games (tm) ================================ The Segue Game (tm) is a simple interactive protocol which can be used in any situation in which people share a common goal. Due to its unique structure, the Segue Game (tm) presents an opportunity to easily develop a more productive style of interacting with those with whom we work and live. Questions for setting up a Segue (tm) ===================================== 1. What is the situation you want to address? 2. What is important about the situation? 3. How can you frame what is important as a question? 4. What is the "What is one..." form of the question? 5. What will you do with the answers? (It's important to decide this now and then come back to it for the Completion phase.) Rules for playing a Segue (tm) ============================== 1. Make contact with the other person. 2. Every voice is equal. For the Segue to work, suspend rank and hierarchy. 3. Stick to the script, including using the other person's name and "Thank you" after the third response. 4. No cross-talk or comments, even of approval. 5. Respond and pass it on. Speak directly the essence of your response. The idea is to move the conversation quickly around the circle multiple times. 6. You may pass if you want more time to be with the question. A person who passes is nonetheless thanked. Script for playing a Segue (tm) =============================== [Name], what is one _____________ ? How is that important to you personally? How might that be important to us? Thank you. Completion ========== Now, go back to what you decided in the Set up: 5. What will you do with the answers? Ask the participants to conduct an "open conversation" either to summarize their results or to identify three or four themes they noticed or to solidify agreement for a course of action. Together, choose what is next, e.g. create a plan for implementing the vision they have built together, or whatever their Segue was designed to accomplish. Very often, what is next includes another question and another Segue. Finish by asking the individuals what they gained from participating. (c) Segue Games 2011