________________________________________________ |Advance Wars 2 | |For the Game Boy Advance | |Design Mode FAQ | |By ZenTheOutcast23 (ZenTheOutcast@hotmail.com) | |Last Updated: September 18, 2003 | |Version 3.2 | |_______________________________________________| - = A D V A N C E W A R S = - - = 2 = - Design Mode Guide =============================I. Table of Contents============================ I. Table of Contents II. Revision History III. Introduction IV. Orientation IV-a. Requirements IV-b. Terrain Types IV-c. Units V.Tips & Strategies VI. Maps Vi-a. Vs. Maps VI-b. 3-Player Maps VI-c. 4-Player Maps VI-d. Pre-Deployed Maps VI-e. Submitting Your Maps VII. FAQ VIII. Copyright Info IX. Credits & Contact Info =============================II. Revision History=========================== v.1 May 15, 2003 - Completed the initial version of the guide. Updates later for sure. Hopefully I'll get some submissions too. v.1.1 May 21, 2003 - Reformatted the guide, with the help of my good friend, Meowthnum1. v.1.2 May 24, 2003 - Added new maps- Island Strike and Chess Game, both by yours truly, corrected some spelling and grammatical errors. V.2.4 July 22, 2003 - Whew, big changes. First of all, I added some Advance Wars 2 maps making this an Advance Wars 2 Guide! I also added a map from JapaneseCowsRule, my first successfully submitted map! v.2.8 August 8, 2003 - Well, I got a whole truckload of maps from people so now my guide has finally turned into what I always dreamed it would be. v.2.95 August 23, 2003 - Added a few maps, not much. v.3.2 January 06, 2003 - This update has been a long time coming. Added quite a few new maps. a few from me, a few from others. And I added a little something to the "submit your maps section." Also moved the revision history to the top. (NOTE: I apologize to anyone who recently sent me a map that wasn't posted, I am currently having problems with my hotmail account but I will try to fix it soon.) ===============================III. Introduction============================== Hello, and welcome to my Advance Wars 2 Design Mode guide. In this guide, I intend not only to orient you with the design mode of Advance Wars or show you strategies, I will actually present ASCII Maps which you can copy into the design mode in your Advance Wars Game and play them for yourself! I hope you enjoy this guide and find it helpful and resourceful. NOTE: This is an existing FAQ for Advance Wars to which elements from Advance Wars 2 have been added. ===============================IV. Orientation============================== The design mode in Advance Wars is powerful and versitile. With it you can create quality maps, sometimes better than the ones provided to you in the battle maps shop. But, however, in order to make enjoyable maps, you must learn to use it. Yes, I realize the Design Mode is simple and easy to learn, just by trying different things and learning-by-doing, but this just wouldn't be a Design Mode guide without a section devoted to using it. ~IV-a. Requirements~ You won't be able to play your maps unless you meet a few simple requirements, so first things first. 1. Each map must have at least 2 seperately owned HQs. 2. Each player with units on the map must have a corresponding HQ. 3. Each map may have no more than 60 properties 4. Each player may have no more than 50 units (This applies even when you're playing the map!) Now, with that out of the way, onto the Terrain types and unit placement. ~IV-b. Terrain Types~ There are several terrain types in Advance Wars, each with its own properties and characteristics. Here I will give a brief explanation of each.The summaries will look like this. Terrain Name Defense: How much damage protection units gain while on this terrain, 1-5 (in *s) Movement Cost: How much movement each unit type must spend to cross this terrain under normal weather. (If a unit type isn't listed, it can't cross that terrain.) Special Characteristics: Whether or not this terrain type has any special conditions. Now the Terrain... Plains Defense: * Movement Cost: Inftry-1, Mech-1, Tires-2, Tread-1, Air-1 Special Characteristics: None Road Defense: None Movement Cost: Inftry-1, Mech-1, Tires-1, Tread-1, Air-1 Special Characteristics: Movement costs arent affected as much by rain or snow. Forest Defense: ** Movement Cost: Inftry-1, Mech-1, Tires-3, Tread-2, Air-1 Special Characteristics: In fog of war, units in forests can only be seen by units in a square directly adjacent to it. Mountain Defense: **** Movement Cost: Inftry-2, Mech-1, Air-1 Special Characteristics: Infantry or mech units on top of mountains gain extended vision in fog of war. River Defense: None Movement Cost: Inftry-2, Mech-1, Air-1 Special Characteristics: None Sea Defense: None Movement Cost: Ships-1, Trans-1, Air-1 Special Characteristics: None Reef Defense: * Movement Cost: Ships-2, Trans-2, Air-1 Special Characteristics: In fog of war, units in reefs can only be seen by units in a square directly adjacent to it. Shoal Defense: None Movement Cost: Inftry-1, Mech-1, Tires-1, Treads-1, Trans-1, Air-1 Special Characteristics: Landers can be loaded or unloaded on shoals. HQ Defense: **** Movement Cost: Inftry-1, Mech-1, Tires-1, Tread-1, Air-1 Special Characteristics: Repairs and supplies ground units ordered to wait on it. Provides preset amount of funds per property per turn to player controlling it (does not apply to pre deployed maps). If an enemy unit captures a player's HQ, that player loses, and all of his or her properties go to the captor. City Defense: *** Movement Cost: Inftry-1, Mech-1, Tires-1, Tread-1, Air-1 Special Characteristics: Repairs and supplies ground units ordered to wait on it. Provides preset amount of funds per property per turn to player controlling it (does not apply to pre-deployed maps). Base Defense: *** Movement Cost: Inftry-1, Mech-1, Tires-1, Tread-1, Air-1 Special Characteristics: Repairs and supplies ground units ordered to wait on it. Provides preset amount of funds per property per turn to player controlling it. Can deploy ground units. Airport Defense: *** Movement Cost: Inftry-1, Mech-1, Tires-1, Tread-1, Air-1 Special Characteristics: Repairs and supplies air units ordered to wait on it. Provides preset amount of funds per property per turn to player controlling it. Can deploy air units. Seaport Defense: *** Movement Cost: Inftry-1, Mech-1, Tires-1, Tread-1, Ships-1, Trans-1, Air-1 Special Characteristics: Repairs and supplies sea units ordered to wait on it. Provides preset amount of funds per property per turn to player controlling it. Can deploy sea units. Landers can be loaded or unloaded on Seaports. Pipe Defense: N/A Movement Cost: N/A Special Characteristics: No unit can move over or through a pipe. Seam Defense: 99 hp. Movement Cost: N/A Special Characteristics: No unit can move over or through a seam unless it is destroyed. Once a seam is dealt 99 points of damage, it is destroyed and replaced plains square. Seams cannot be damaged by Silos. Silo Defense: *** Movement Cost: Inftry-1, Mech-1, Tires-1, Tread-1, Air-1 Special Characteristics: If an infantry or Mech unit moves on top of an unused silo, a new, "launch" command is shown. Missles can be fired at any location on the map even locations hidden by fog of war. Any unit within two squares of the targeted space is Damaged by 3 hp. Silos can damage your own units.Silos cannot destroy units. Silos can only be used once. Whew, Now onto units... ~IV-c. Units~ Okay, not much to say about units; You obviously cant place ground units in the sea or vice-versa. If you only place units and no production properties, the map is classified as a Pre-Deployed map meaning, that there will be no concept of money and once you lose units, theyre gone. Remember the 50 unit per player rule and try not to go crazy with units, it makes the map less fun. =============================V.Tips & Strategies============================ I expect this to be a pretty short section. I'm just gonna lay down a few tips you might want to use in some of your maps. Use them if you want. If not, meh. - Try placing bases and cities on secluded islands and starting out with nothing but a few ground units and some landers. - Make a thick section of mountains and fill the spaces between the mountains with forests to create a sneaky mountain pass. - Try to evenly spread out the properties. Giving yourself an unfair advantage sucks the fun out of the map. - Spread out the HQs for a longer game, place them closer together for a shorter game. - Divide the map with a river or mountain range and place an equal amount of properties on either side. Set the rules to end the game after any player captures one more property than their side has for a do-or-die capture map. - Try making a D-day type map with a horde of ground units invading a mainland from tiny islands via landers. - Pitting three small forces against one large one makes for an interesting battle with/against your friends. - More later, Maybe. ====================================VI. Maps================================== Here I will put up some of my maps. But first, heres the legend; #=Plains, (=)=Road, (-)=Bridge ^=Mountain, %=Forest, I=River, ~=Sea, $=Reef, 0=Shoal, Q=HQ, C=City, B=Base, A=Airport, S=Seaport, &=Silo, @=Pipe, :=Seam Okay, in some cases, I'll need to display the units with ASCII. I=Infantry, M=Mech, R=Recon, T=Tank, D=Md. Tank, N=Neotank, A=APC, a=Artillery, r=Rockets, n=Anti-Air, m=Missles, F=Fighter, B=Bomber, b=B-Cptr, t=T-cptr, l=Battleship, C=Cruiser, d=Lander, S=Sub X=Blank. ~VS. Maps~ Wood Pass ^^%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%^%%%%%C%^%^%^ C%%%^C%^%^%%^%^^%%%%%%^^%^%%B% QC==%^%%%%^C%^^B%%^^%^%%%%%^%% C%%=====^%%^^%%%^%%C^%%^^%^^%^ %%%=%%^==%%%%%%^C^%^%%^%%%%%^% %%%=^^C%=%%===%%%%%%%%%%%C%%%% ^%%===^%====^====%^%====%%%^%% %^%%%====%^C^%^%=%C^=%%=====%% %%%%%=^%==%^======^==C^=%^%=%% %^C%%=^%%====%^B%===%^%==%^==C %%^%%=%^C^^=%^A^%^%%%^^%=C^%== %^%%%==%^%%=^%^%C%^B^C%%=^%%^= %%%^%%=%====%%^%^%B^%%%==%^^%= %%^%^%=%=%%=======%^%%%=%^C%%= %^%%%%===%^%^%%%%=%%C===^%%=== %^C^%%^%%%C^%%%^%=====%%%^%=%% %%^%%^%%%^^^C^%^%%%%%=%%^===%^ %^%^%%^^%%%B^%%%%^%^^=%%%=%^%C %B^^^%^%^^%%%%^%^^^C%=======CQ ^%%%%C%%%%^^^%%%%%%%%%%%=%^%%C BY: Kyle (Author) NOTES: Move your people through the forests to hide them and capture as many buildings as you can. Sturm, Grit and Kanbei work exceptionally well. Properties: Each player controls the three cities surrounding their HQ. All other properties are neutral. Units: Whew long list...Each player controls: 4 infantry, 4 mechs, 3 tanks, 3 anti-air, 2 recons, 2 md-tanks, 2 APCs, 2 artillery, 2 fighters, 2 bombers, 2 b-copters, 1 rocket, 1 missle, and 1 t-copter. Spread these units evenly around the area where their HQ is placed Opposing Sides %=C@@%%%%#%%%#==#%%%#%%%%@@C=% B=%::%AC%%%#%%==%%#%%%CA%::%=B %=C@@%C^^^^^^^==^^^^^^^C%@@C=% #=%@@%%^^^^^^^==^^^^^^^%%@@%=# %=#@@#%^^%#%#%==%#%#%^^%#@@#=% #=%@@%%^^#B========B#^^%%@@%=# %=#@@%#^^%=^^^==^^^=%^^#%@@#=% #=%@@%%^^#=^^%==%^^=#^^%%@@%=# B=#@@#%^^%=^%A==A%^=%^^%#@@#=B QB============CC============BQ CB============CC============BC B=#@@#%^^%=^%A==A%^=%^^%#@@#=B #=%@@%%^^#=^^%==%^^=#^^%%@@%=# %=#@@%#^^%=^^^==^^^=%^^#%@@#=% #=%@@%%^^#B========B#^^%%@@%=# %=#@@#%^^%#%#%==%#%#%^^%#@@#=% #=%@@%%^^^^^^^==^^^^^^^%%@@%=# %=C@@%C^^^^^^^==^^^^^^^C%@@C=% B=%::%AC%%%#%%==%%#%%%CA%::%=B %=C@@%%%%#%%%#==#%%%#%%%%@@C=% BY: Kyle (Author) NOTES: What can I say? The center is pivotal. Get. There. First. Properties: Each player starts out with their HQ, along with the city and four bases surrounding it. Units: None. Isle-Chain ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~0@@@@~~~~~~~~~~~@@@@0~~~~ ~~~~~0:&&@-----------@&&:0~~~~ ~~~~~0@&&:-----------:&&@0~~~~ ~~~~~0@@@@~~~~~~~~~~~@@@@0~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~S~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~B=C~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~0~0~~C%B%C~~~-~~~C%B%C~~0~0 ~~CSB0~%~%~%~~===~~%~%~%~0BSC~ ~~QC=--=====--=A=--=====--=Q0~ ~~CSB0~%~%~%~~===~~%~%~%~0BSC~ ~~0~0~~C%B%C~~~-~~~C%B%C~~0~0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C=B~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~S~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~0@@@@~~~~~~~~~~~@@@@0~~~~ ~~~~~0@&&:-----------:&&@0~~~~ ~~~~~0:&&@-----------@&&:0~~~~ ~~~~~0@@@@~~~~~~~~~~~@@@@0~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BY: Kyle (Author) NOTES: Attack your enemy through the middle and try to get that airport. While they're distracted, move a Neotank and two Infantry to one of the silo islands and bombard their troops with missles. Properties: Each player gets all the properties on their starting island. Units: None. Civil War! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^~~ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^~~~ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^~~~~ ~^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^~C#~ ~~^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^~C~~ ~~##CC#%####^##B####I####^##~~ ~O########C^====#%#IIC#^^C#O~~ ~O###%%%#^^#=##=C#II#C#^BBCO~~ ~OQBB##%=====##=##I%%=====BO~~ ~O===CC%=^%##%#==%II#=##^=BO~~ ~OBB=%===^B###C#===-==#CC==O~~ $O##===OO#^##A#####IB%#%^CQO~$ ~~~##CCOOC#####%%B%==###^A#O~~ $~~~#A####^B#C%#####I##^##O~~~ ~~~~^^^^^^#####~~~~~~~~~~%#~~~ ~~~~^^^^^^###~~~~~~~~~~~~~##~~ ~~~~^^^^^^^^#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~^~^^^^^^^~~~~$~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~$~~^~^^^^^^^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$~ ~~~~~~^^^^^^^^~~~$~~~~~~~~~~~~ By: OutlawStar633 NOTES: Yeah i know that the real American Civil War was between the north and the south so dont go yelling at me about it. East and west makes a much more interesting map. The Reefs that i added in dont really matter i just put them there because the map looked a little too empty on some parts. This map is great for massive destruction during each turn. Enjoy! Properties: Orange Star's HQ is located the west coast and Blue Moon is on the east. Or use what ever two colors you feel like it doesnt matter. Orange Star property locations: HQ (3,9) B (4,9) B (5,9) B (3,11) B (4,11) C (6,10) C (7,10) Blue Moon Property locations: HQ (27,12) B (27,10) B (27,9) B (26,8) B (25,8) C (27,8) C (25,11) C (26,12) All remaining are neutral (duh) Units: None Dreadlock ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~Q=C#^%%~~==========~~~~~~~~~ ~C==B^~~^~%C=CAAB~~~A~~~~~~~~~ ~B~=B%#~%~#^=#~##^#C~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~=C#^~^~#^=^~~^^^~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~#=^##~%~^^=#~~~##~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~#=&^~~#~~~=^~~~#C~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~C=#%~~B~~~=====%^##~~~~~~~~~ ~~C=%%^^=---=%^#==B^%~~~~~~~~~ ~~#======~~~~^C#^====~~~~~~~~~ ~~#C%^=##~~~~####%&^=~~~~~~~~~ ~~~#^^=%#^~~~~##^%BC=~~~~~~~~~ ~~###C=#C#B~~~~~~C%%=~~~~~~~~~ ~~=========~~~~~~BB==~~~~~~~~~ ~~~A~~~AA#~~~~~~~~C=Q~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By: JPagano2 Properties: Rows 1-5 are sea Row 6, the HQ and the leftmost city belong to OS. Row 7, the leftmost city and HQ belong to OS. The next two cities from the left are neutral. The two airports next to those are neutral, and the base next to those is neutral. The rightmost airport belongs to BM. Row 8, the leftmost two bases belong to OS. The rightmost city belongs to BM. Row 9, the leftmost city belongs to OS Row 10, no properties. Row 11, there is a silo on the OS side and the rightmost city belongs to BM. Row 12, leftmost city belongs to OS, and the base to the right of it is neutral. Row 13, leftmost city belongs to OS, and the rightmost base is neutral. Row 14, the city is neutral(On BM side) Row 15, leftmost city is neutral and there is a silo on the BM side. Row 16, the base and city belong to BM, Row 17, the two leftmost cities and the leftmost base are neutral. The rightmost city is BM's. Row 18, the two bases belong to BM Row 19, the leftmost airport belongs to OS. The next two airports (Going right) are neutral. The rightmost city and HQ belong to BM. Row 20 is sea. Units: Orange Star is on the left, Blue Moon on the right. x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x I x x I x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x I x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x r x x M x I x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x M x r x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x I x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x I x x I x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x I x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Note: The lowest infantry (10, 19) and the rightmost rocket (13, 12) mark the OS/BM border. Islets IV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~%S^%%~~~~~~%%^~~ ~~QC~%#~~~~~~##%%C##II%##%C%A~ ~~C=B#%^~~~~~I~^C%~~~~~~~&%%%~ ~~%====^~~~~~I~~%%~~~~~~~I~%~~ ~~##%B=~~~~%#%~~~~~~~#C%~I~~~~ ~~~%^~=---===^B~~~~~%%%#%#~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~%#==%~~~~~#C%#%%^~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~#%%=~~~~~#%#^%##S~~~ ~~~#%C^~~~I~B=--=~~I~~~~%%~~~~ ~~%%S%#%~~I~~~~~=%~I~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~#%%C%%~~~~%==#%~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~I~~~~~~~%#B=%B~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~%I%~~~~~~~~^=%~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~A#%#&~~~~~~~~==---===~%~~~ ~~~^%%#%%~~~%%^~~I~~~~~B=%%^~~ ~~~~^%#C~~~%#C~~~I~~~^^%=B%C~~ ~~~~~~%%#IIC%#%#%%~~~~~^===CQ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~%^%S~~~~~~~~#%^~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By: Kyle (Author) NOTES: That's right, those are rivers, if you fill the map with sea, be sure to trace over the river bridges with plains first. Now, this whole map is as balanced as I could make it. I tried to make the properties accessable in the same amount of turns for both sides. As you can probly tell by the name, this is the fourth in my islets series, all of which were either not good enough to make the guide, or simply before the guide's time. Properties: Each player controls all the properties on their starting island except for the base furthest away from their HQ. Units: None. ~3-Player Maps~ Mountainous ^^^^^^^^^^^#Q=C^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^=======^^^%~~~~CA^^^^ ^^^^^^^^==%B^B%=##%%%~~~~CB^^^ ^^^^^C===#%^^^%==^^^%%%~~%%^^^ ^^^^^^=#%##^^^%B==^^^^%%%%^^^^ ^^^^^^=#%^^^^^^%#==^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^==%^^^^^^^%%#==%%%^^^^^^^ ^%^^==%B^^B%%%^^^%C===%%%^^^^^ %%===C%%^^%~~%%%^^%##====^^^^^ #C=%%%^%%%%~~~~A%^^%%%%#=B^^^^ %==%%^^^^C%A~~~~%C%%^%%#=#^%^^ %=B%^^^^^%%%%B~~%B^^^^%%==##%^ %=^^^^^^^^%^^%C%%^^^^^^^%==### %=C%^^^^^^%^^^^^^^^^^^^^%#===# %=%%%%%%C%%%%%^^^^^^^^^^%%%B=Q #=#%%###====%%%%^%^^^^^^^%%%== #=###====^^==##%%%%^^^^^^^%B=C #=====^^B^^^====##%%^^^^^^===# B=B%^^^^^^^^C^^==##%B^^^===##% Q=C^^^^^^^^^^^^^=========###%% BY: Kyle (Author) NOTES: The center is important, try to get there first, then hide your units in the forests around the path to your HQ and ambush your enemies. Properties: Each player controls their HQ and the city and two bases closest to it. All other properties are neutral. Units: None. Love Those Odds! ~~~~~~~~~~%%%~~~~~~0~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~%%%%%%%~~~0##B=B#~0~~~ ~~$~~~$~%%%=%%%~~S==B=Q=B%%0~~ ~~~~~$~~#%%=%%~~~~0A=====A=%0~ ~~~~~~~~AC%=%^~~$~~0#A=A#^=%%% ~0~%%0~~~~%=A%~~~~~~%#=%#^==%% ~%%%C0~~~~S==S0~~$$~%^=%^%C=C% ~%%%%A~~~~~%^0~~~~~~^^=%%%C=C ~%%%%~~~~~~~0~~~~~~~~~======%% ~C%%CA~~~~~~~~~00A0~~~~%%%%=%% ~~~%~~~~~~~~~00%%==^~~~0~%B=A% ~~~~~~~~$~====^%C%=%%^~~~~===~ ~~~~~%~%~~~C%======C^C^^~~~S~~ ~~~~%%~%%~~~C=%%%%======^~~~~~ ~~~S%%~%%S~~~=%%%%%%=C%=C~$~~$ ~~~=%%~%%=~~~~0S00%%=CC=C~~$~~ ~~0===-===0~$~~~~~00~0%=^B~~~~ ~~B=A^~^A=B~~~$$$$~~~~S==0~~IA ~B===A~A===B~~~~~~~~~~~A0~~~IB ~~=Q=^^^=Q=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By:RabidRabbit Notes: Well this is a map I made for Advance Wars I, but I felt it was a good map none the less. It is your typical 2vs1 map with Orange Star in the upper right hand corner and Green Earth with Blue Moon in the lower left on teams. However, Blue Moon and Green Earth start out right next to each on the same island. This is may may make things difficult because you then have to make sure you leave enough properties for your teamate while if you play with the computer it only cares about itself. The Island is basicly divided in two and turn befor Green Earth this way it's slightly further away from properties and as you might have guessed Green earth is to the right. If you think this map is alright I have another which is a Four-player map entitled Go-Team. PROPERTIES: The properties are divided simply enough with Orange Star owning everything on it's island and blue moon owning the two bases on the left side of the island and the seaport Green Earth owns the same on right side. Units: I've never been anygood at selecting and placing pre-deployed units so if you have any ideas use them. Savage Strait ==B=B#####%~~~~~#%%^^^&&&^^%%~ ^Q===S~~~�~~~~00%%%^&&^^^%%~ ^=B=BA##~00~~~$~~0%%%^^^%%%%0~ ^==SACC#~~~~~~~~~~%%%B^%%%%%0~ CC=~#C###0~~$~~~0%%S%%C%%%00~~ CC=~~~~%%0~~~~00%%~~~%%%%%0~~~ ===##0~00~~~$~%C%%~~~0%%%~~$~~ CC##%0~~~~~$~~000%%~~~000~~~~~ CC#%%0~~$~~~$$$$~C%0~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~%#~~~~~~~0~$$~00~~$~~$~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~%%0~$$$~$~~~~~~~0=~ ~~~~~~00~0S%0%000~$~~~~~0~%#=~ ~$~~~0%#00%%~0%%C0~~~000#~#C=~ ~~~~~0%%%%%0~~%%0~~~0####~#=C% ~~~00%%%%%0~~~~~~~$~~~~#~~%==% ~~%%%%%%%%%#0~~~~~~~0#~#~B#A=C %%%%^^^B%C%0~~~$~~~0==~#SCB==C %^^^^Q^%%%%#0~$~~~~==C~SCACB== ^^&&&&^%%%%#0~~~~00=CC==B=Q#C= ^^^&^^^^%%%~~~$~~%%===%%=====^ By: Blade Beast NOTES: Navigate your ships through the rocky, shallow passage to reach the enemy. Control of the passage means swift victory! Explore and conquer the large islands, but beware of the savage tribes who guard the sacred fire-spewing mountains to the northeast and southwest. Properties: Northwest island is all Orange Star, except for the two groups of four cities south of the HQ. Southeast island is all Blue Moon, except for the three westernmost cities and five easternmost cities. All properties on the middle isles are neutral, except the HQ, which belongs to Green Earth. Units: (This is optional) Green Earth has some pre-deployed ‘savage’ units on the middle islands. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXTXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXRXXXXaXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXCXXXXXXTXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXRXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXRXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXRXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXRXRXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXTXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXTXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXaXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Set Green Earth to a computer player. Flak is a good choice, because he has no unit-specific strengths or weaknesses, a CO power that doesn’t affect the battle outside of his own units, and, well, he seems like a savage guy. If you want conquering to be a bit harder, Kanbei is also good. ~4-Player Maps~ MountainMaze Q=========C^====B^===========Q =^^^^^=^^^^^=^^^^^=^^^^^=^=^=^ ===============^%^=====^=^C^== =^^^^^^^^^=^^^=^=^^^=^=^=^^^=^ =^=======^===^=====^=^B^==C^== =^=^^^^^=^=^=^=^^^=^=^^^=^=^=^ =^%^==C^===^B^========C^%==^== =^^^=^^^^^=^^^^^=^^^^^^^^^^^=^ ======B^%^===^A^=^%==^====B^=^ ^^^^=^^^=^^^=^=^=^^^=^=^=^^^=^ ==C^===^==B^===^=====^=^=^===^ =^^^=^=^=^^^=^^^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^ =^===^===^===^====A^===^===^== =^=^^^^^^^=^^^=^=^^^^^=^=^^^=^ =====^======%^=^B^===^=^==C^=^ =^^^=^=^^^^^^^=^^^=^=^=^^^^^=^ ===^===^====A^%^%==^===^===^=^ ^^=^^^^^=^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^=^=^=^ =========================^===^ Q^=^C^^^^^B^^^^^^^^^^^C^^^%^=Q BY: Kyle (Author) NOTES: Pretty simple, capture and destroy. Sneak to the computer's HQ, it's usually unguarded. Properties: Each player starts with 1 HQ each. All other properties are neutral. Units: Each player starts with 1 infantry, 2 mechs, 1 recon, 1 APC, and 1 T-copter deployed directly on top of and around the HQ. Island Strike ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^B=C=Q ~~~~~0^0~~~~~~~~~%^00~~~^===== ~~~~~%%%%^0^~~~~~0%^%~~0^C=B=C ~~~~~~0^^%B%~~~~~~0A%~~0====== 000~~~~~~~^~~~00~~~~^~~0%B=C=B %===S~~~~~~~~0%%0~~~~~~~S%=^^^ ^=C==0~~~~~~~^%%^~~~~~~~~000~~ ^===%0~~~~~~S%CC%S~~~~~~~~~~~~ %=B==0~~~~0^%%AB%%^0~~~~~~00~~ Q=%=^~~~~0%%CBQCAC%%0~~~~S%%A^ C=%=^~~~~0%%CACCBC%%0~~~~S%%A^ %=B==0~~~~0^%%BA%%^0~~~~~~00~~ ^===%0~~~~~~S%CC%S~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^=C==0~~~~~~~^%%^~~~~~~~~000~~ %===S~~~~~~~~0%%0~~~~~~~S%=^^^ 000~~~~~~^~~~~00~~~0%~~0%B=C=B ~~~~~~~~^%%0~~~~~~B%^~~0====== ~~~~~~~^%A%%~~~~~0%0~~~0^C=B=C ~~~~~~0%00%^~~~~~^0~~~~~^===== ~~~~~~~~~~0~~~~~~~~~~~~~^B=C=Q BY: Kyle (Author) NOTES: Possibly the greatest and most complex map Ive ever made, definitely one of my favorites. This map is made to be 3 against 1. Orange Star on the far left, Yellow Comet in the middle, Blue Moon in the top right, Green Earth in the bottom right. Obviously, Yellow Comet Vs. allied Orange, Blue, and Green. I highly advise setting the funds around 1000 or 1500 as you will still be getting alot of money, especially Yellow Comet. Properties: Orange Star controls the HQ, the city next to it, and the two bases closest to it's HQ. Yellow Comet controls all the properties on the center island, Blue Moon and Green Earth control their HQs and the Base and two cities closest to them. Units: Oh jeez. Orange Star - 2 infantry, 2 mechs, 2 recon, 2 tanks, 2 md tanks, 2 APCs, 2 artillery, 2 anti-air, 2 missles, 2 fighters, 2 b-copters, 2 t-copters. Blue Moon/Green Earth - 2 infantry, 2 recons, 2 tanks, 2 artillery, 2 anti-air, 2 missles, 2 fighters, 2 t-copters, 1 mech, 1 md tank, 1 APC, 1 b-copter. Yellow Comet - 4 APCs, 4 artillery, 4 anti-air, 4 fighters, 4 bombers, 4 t-copters, 4 landers, 2 landers, 2 infantry, 2 mechs, 2 tanks, 2 b-ships, 2 subs, 1 md tank, 1 rocket. Place these units in a symmetrical pattern, radiating from their corresponding HQ. WW2 Europe ~~~#B~C~~~~~~~#~~~~~~~######## ~~~O#~S~~~~~S~#~~~~~~###Q##### ~~~~~~#~~~~~#~~~~~OO##B###B### ~~OAAQC~~~##B##########A###### ~~~###~~O~#BQA###########C#### ~~~~~~~##B##Q####C#######B#### ~~~O#C#####C##########B####B## ~~~~O######################### ~~~~~##C####^^^AB############# ~O~~~######^^#########OO~~S~## ~#OO~C#C###C#B~~C##^##O~~~~## ~#####C###~O###~OB##^#~~~~~~## ~A#####~~~~~~Q#~~O####~~~~OO## ~#####~~~#~~~~C#~~~###~~~~C### ~B####~~~O~OS~##~A~#~CSC###### ~###C#~~~~~~~~~~~O~~~~~##~O### ~~~~~~~~~~~OO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CBB ~O#######B#C########C######CBC OC###C###C###C#####C########## ############################## BY: JapaneseCowsRule NOTES: This map ive been working on for a long time, it took a long time to make and it is version 1.4 now. Orange star is UK with US assistance, Blue Moon is Russia. Green Earth is Germany, and Yellow Comet is Italy. Orange and Blue are allies. Germany and Italy are allies. Properties: All propertys on UK are orange, every city to the north west of, directly west of, and directly north of Hor 10 Ver 11 are orange star, the city on hor 5 ver 16 is orange star, 2,19 is orange, all cities from 10,19 to 12,18 are orange 28,18 to 30,17 are all orange and 13,2 is orange. every city north east of 22,11 is blue moon. The cities below the alps are italian along with (17,11), (18,12), (20,19), and (6,19). 22,15 to 24 15 are all neutral and the rest are green earth. Units: BBFMXXXXXXXXXXMXXXXXXXmIMMTTII FFFXMXMXXXXXMXIXXXXXBmIIMITDII XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXMXXMMDXBII XXXXXXXFXXNmMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXRMI XXFmXMXXXXmXrXIXXXMXMXXXXXXFrI XXXXXXXMXXITDMXXrIMXXMXXMXXMII XXXXXXXMXXMFFFFXXFMXXMXXXXXXTI XXXXXIXXXXIDBBFXXDXXXXXXMXXTXI XXXXXXDXMXXDBBFXRXMXXXXXXXXXMX XXXXXMXXXXXMMXIXXXMXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXIMXMDXXXXXFXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXIIXXXXXXXXdTDXXXXXXXXXII XXXXXXXXXXXBBMXXXdDXXXXXXXXXXX XXIXXXXXXIXBBXXXXXXIXIXXXXXXXX XXIXXIXXXXXXmXXFBXXAXXXrXXXXXX XXXXXFXXXXXXXXXXBXXXXXXDIXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXLXXLLXXrII XXXXXXXXXXDXXXBXXIIXrMXXrMMXMI XMXXXMXXMXAMXTXMXIMXXDXXMDXXXX XIXXXXXXMXXIXXXXXIIXIXXXrIXXXX Now for the explination of forces. all units directly west to the north west of 10, 11 are orange. 6,15 and 6,16 are orange, 12,20 through 9,18 are orange, 2,19 and 2,20 are orange, 25,20 through 27,18 are orange, 28,17 through 30,18 are orange. 13,2 is, 15,1 is, 26,1 is. All units directly north, directly east, and north east of 20,16 are blue moon except 29,12. 30,12 24,1 23,1 23,2 and 26,1. 24,17 and 25,17 are blue moon's battleships. all units between 19, 3 and 10,9 are green earth except 18,6. all units between 13,17 and 17,20 are green earth. 21,18 and 22,18 are green earth. 12,10 and 13,10 are green earth. 24,1 23,1 and 23,2 are green earth. All other units are yellow comet. Orange star should play as anyone one from orange star, Green Earth should play as anyone one from green earth, though Eagle works best. Blue moon should play as anyone one from blue moon. and yellow comet should play as either drake or sensei. it takes a long time to load up this map and the first turn takes 30 minutes, but the rest of the turns should be much quicker. Green earth will have their CO power filled by the end of their first turn and yellow by the time they take down one battle ship. Strategy: While most of the action take place in europe it is often decided by who end up with africa. Green earth should take out as much of france as possible during turn one. Italy can either try to take africa, help germany deal with russia, try to take constantinople aka istanble, or try and sneak Battleships up to UK. UK can either try to send some units in to berlin via denmark. Focus on building troops in iraq and sending them through africa. Build up alot of troops in UK and do a D-Day. or send troops past norway and into russia to help on the eastern front. Russia's job is to stall germ until UK get the troops it need and carries out its plan. I am still working on balancing so keep an eye out for or 1.5. or 2.0. Park Place ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~Q=B=======B=Q~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~=~=~^~^~^~=~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~B=C=C%C%C=C=B~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~=~=~=~%~=~=~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~=^C=======C^=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~=~%~=III=~%~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~=^C%=I&I=%C^=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~=~%~=III=~%~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~=^C=======C^=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~=~=~=~%~=~=~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~B=C=C%C%C=C=B~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~=~=~^~^~^~=~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~Q=B=======B=Q~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By: Blade Beast NOTES: Capture the two closest neutral bases as quickly as possible, then fight for the middlemost properties and the missile silo. Be sure to keep your HQ protected from both sides. Try playing on teams: Northwest and southeast vs. northeast and southwest. Properties: HQs are as follows: Orange Star, northwest; Blue Moon, northeast; Yellow Comet, southwest; Green Earth, southeast. Each player owns the two bases and one city closest to his HQ. All other properties are neutral. Units: None. Shelter =====%%^^%%^^%%^^%%^^%%^^===== =C=B=^^%%^^%%^^%%^^%%^^%%=B=C= ==Q========================Q== =B=C=%%%%%%B%=^%=%B%%%%%%=C=B= =====%%%%%%%%=%^=%%%%%%%%===== %^%#=%%%%%%%@:@@:@%%%%%%%=%#%^ %^%#=%%%%%%@@=%%=@@%%%%%%=%#%^ ^%#%=C%%%%@@%=BC=%@@%%%%C=#%^% ^%#%======:==CCAC==:======#%^% %^%#=%^%^%@%CACCCB%@^%^%^=%#%^ %^%#=^%^%^@%BCCCAC%@%^%^%=%#%^ ^%#%======:==CACC==:======#%^% ^%#%=C%%%%@@%=CB=%@@%%%%C=#%^% %^%#=%%%%%%@@=%%=@@%%%%%%=%#%^ %^%#=%%%%%%%@:@@:@%%%%%%%=%#%^ =====%%%%%%%%=^%=%%%%%%%%===== =B=C=%%%%%%B%=%^=%B%%%%%%=C=B= ==Q========================Q== =C=B=%%^^%%^^%%^^%%^^%%^^=B=C= =====^^%%^^%%^^%%^^%%^^%%===== By: Kyle (Author) NOTES: This is a fun one, break through the seams, the airports can be vital to success. This is really the most fun against humans as they will break the seams as well. Feel free to add plains where you may in those big blocks of forests around the shelter. Properties: Each player controls the four properties around their HQ. Units: None. Kanbei Rebels A#A#B###%##%###I^^^^^^^^%%^^^% ####===#^%^#C##I^^%IIII^^III^^ B#Q==C===#C%%%#IIIII^^II^I^III ####===#=##%%##I%%^^%^^III%%%^ C#C#C###=C%####IIIIIIIII^^#%^% %^^^%^%^=#^#%##I^%^%^#%#%C%#C# ^%%%^^%%=%#%^#=-==#B#^#^###### ^^%^%^%^=^C###=I^=^%#^%%##C### C#C#C%%%=======I^=#^%####A#B#C ####===%^%B^%^=I%=####C####### B#Q==C=========-=========B=Q=B ####===^%^B%^%=I%=%^A#C#C###C# A#A#B###=======I^=##^#%##A#B#C ^^%%^%^^=^##C#=I^=^B##B####### %^%^%^%%=#%^#^=-==#%#^#%C#C#B# A#A#B###=^^%#^#IIIIII^%##^#%#^ ####===#=%^#C##I%^%^I##^%%#^%# B#Q==C===C#%%%#IIIIIII^^III^^% ####===#^%##%#%I^%^%^I^II^IIII C#C#C##^%#C####I%^%^^III%^%^%^ By: DarkSkywalker Notes: Basically the same idea as the final battle except the enemy units are have LOADS more defense. Destroy the air force and then get ready for the main fight at the bridges. Properties: OS, GE and BM control all the properties in their area up to the city in the middle of the roads. Yellow Comet controls all the properties on the right hand side of the river, all other properties are neutral. Units: OS, BM and GE: 2 infantry, 2 mechs, 1 tank, 1 md tank, 1 apc 1 missile, 1 t-copter, 1 recon, 2 a-airs, 2 b-copters, 2 fighters and 1 bomber. Yellow Comet controls, wow, long list 4 infantry,2 mechs,4 anti-airs,3 tanks,3 md tanks,3 artillery,3 missiles,2 rockets,4 b-copters,4 fighters and 2 bombers Rabbit Isle ~~~~~00~~~~~~~~~~000~~~0~~~~~~ ~B=B%%C~00%^^~QBB%%C-%%C0~~~~~ Q===%%%~%%%^^~^AS%C~~~%C~~~~~ 0S=A%C~~%%%~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~000~~C%%%C^^~~~%^^~~~%~~~~~~ ~~~~$~~%%^%=I==~~M%%CCCAB&0~~~ ~~~~~~~%%^^=I^=^~00%%C%%%0~~~~ ~~~~0C%%%IIIII=%0~~~%%%%M0~~~~ 000~0%%III^%%I=^0~0~~~~~~~~~~~ %%A~0%%IA%%%%I=%%0%^~$$$~A=B=Q %%S~~~%I0S%%%I=00CA%^~~$~S=B=% %%~~~~AI~~0%%I=00%IIII~~~~~~-- ~~~~~~~I~~0%%I-IIII%0~~~~~~~-- ~~~~~~~~~~0%^I=-=-C=%0~~~~~~-- ~~S~~~~~%%===I^III0~~~~~~~~~-- 0C=C~~~C===%0I0S00~~$~~~~~~0%% 0%=%0~~~S%A~~~~~~~~~~~$$~~~%%% 0%A%%0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0AS%%% ~BQB^%0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0C%%%CC By: RabidRabbit Notes: Your simple four person free-for-all (teams optional). Bridges are located on the map at (13,17) (12,9) (20,30). Basic point of the map is to win, you do so by gaining control of the various islands to boost your funds. Properties: Each army starts off with the two bases, airport, and seaport. Everything else is neutral Units: Start from scratch. In the Dark... ###^^####C=%%#I#%%=C#####^^### #Q^^C=========-==========C^^Q# #^^%#####%=C##I##C=%######%^^# ^^%C#%###%=###I###=%####%#C%^^ ^C##^%#A##=###I###=###A#%^##C^ #=#%%%#=#C=B#~~~#B=C##=#%%%#=# #=####=======-=-========####=# #=##B==C#B=C~~-~~C=B#C#==B##=# ======C%%#=~~~-~~~=#%%C#====== ###=###%#~-~~~=~~~-~#%####=### III-IIIII~=--=~=--=~IIIIII-III ###=###%#~-~~~=~~~-~#%####=### ======C%%#=~~~-~~~=#%%C#====== #=##B==C#B=C~~-~~C=B#C===B##=# #=#%%%=======-=-=======#%%%#=# ^C##^%#A#C=B#~~~#B=C#A##%^##C^ ^^%C#%###%=###I###=%####%#C%^^ #^^%#####%=C##I##C=%######%^^# #Q^^C=========-==========C^^Q# ###^^####C=%%#I#%%=C#####^^### NOTES: This is a difficult FOW map because you may end up finding enemies you just arent ready for. Start an army from scratch using the infantry you start with. You can choose to defend your own HQ by capturing near it, your quickly assault others capturing near an opponents HQ. It may need some perfecting, as the map just doesnt want to be perfectly symetrical.... Properties: Each player starts with their own HQ. All other properties are neutral. Units: Each player starts with one infantry on the center isle; Orange Star on the top, Blue Moon on the right, Green Earth on the left, and Yellow Commet on the bottom. Vietnam Blues #%##%%%%#%#%#%%BC#%%C~~~~~~#~~ %#%%%%C%^%%#C#%%Q%B~~~~~~~~~~~ #C##C%%%C%^%#%##%B~~~~$~~~#%~~ ##%%#B%%%^%%%%%%C~~~~$~~#%#~~~ C%#%%%%%%%B%C%%%%~~~~~~~#%~~~~ #%~%%%%%C%%%%%%%%C~~~~~~~~~~~~ C~~#%%%%%%%%B%C%%%C~~~$~~~~~~~ ~~~%%%C^%%^^%C%%%^%Q~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~##%#%%%%C%%%%C^^#%~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~%C%^%^%^%%%C%%%%#C~~~~$~~~ ~~~~%#C%#B^%%C%%C%%#%%~~~~~~~~ ~$~~#%#C~~%%%%%%%%C%#C%0~~~~~~ ~~~~~#%C~~%^%%B%%%%%%#%0~~~$$~ ~~$~~#%~~~~%%%%C%%%%C%#0~~~~~~ ~~~~~C~~~~~~%%%%%%%#%%C0~~~$~~ ~~~~#%~~~~~~%%%%#%C%#C0~~~~~$~ ~~~~C~~~~$~~~%C##QB#00~~~~~~~~ ~~~~%~~~~~$~~~~B##0~~~~~$~~~~~ ~$~C%~#~~~~~~~~#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~%#C%~~~~~$~~~~~~~~~$~~~~~~~ Notes: This is an 2 vs. 1 AW2 map that recreates the Vietnam War that has been tested with pretty good results regarding balance. I've tried my best to recreate the look of the peninsula, what's on it, and where everyone was during the war. Every city or base is an actual city that can be found on an atlas (no, I didn't include them all; that would have been a few too many) and all of the HQs are where they were in the war: Hanoi for North Vietnam, Da Nang for South Vietnam, and Saigon (now Ho Chi Minh City) for the United States. As for the actual game specifics, they are as follows: Orange Star is North Vietnam, Blue Moon is the United States, and Green Earth is South Vietnam. Blue Moon and Green Earth should be made allies in this map. The best effect from this map can be achieved by turning Fog of War on and by making the weather rain; this recreates the atmosphere of the Vietnam War: enemies are very hard to see and mobility is tough, both due to the dense forests. Some good COs to use are as follows: Any Faction - Sonja, as her CO power is a major help in finding and wrenching out dug-in indirect attack units, as well as spotting other units before they spot you. Orange Star - Grit, as indirect units can really pound invading forces and can create effective insurmountable walls to pressure them into a retreat. Blue Moon - Max, Sami, or Kanbei, as indirect units will prove to be very hard to deploy until very close to the North Vietnamese base, so marching in with soldiers or a large wave of tanks is probably a better option. Green Earth - Colin or Hachi, as South Vietnam doesn't start with as many units as the others, so getting up to speed with their discounts is important. Of course, these are just suggestions regarding what I find to work the best. Properties: I think it would be easier to just go by coordinates for cities and bases, so here we go, in the form of (horiz. coord., vert. coord.). Orange Star: Cities: (17, 1) (21, 1) (13, 2) (17, 4) (13, 5) (18, 6) (15, 7) Bases: (16, 1) (19, 2) (18, 3) Blue Moon: Cities: (21, 14) (23, 15) (19, 16) (22, 16) (15, 17) Bases: (19, 17) (16, 18) Green Earth: Cities: (19, 7) (19, 12) (22, 12) Bases: (22, 10) All cities and bases not mentioned above are neutral. HQs:Orange Star - top; Blue Moon - bottom; Green Earth - middle. Units: There are a lot of them, and they look like this: XXXXXXXXXXXXIXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXIXIXMXXMXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXMXMXXIXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXMXXIMXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXMXXMXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXIXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXIXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXIMXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXTXMXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXIXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXdXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXIXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXIXXXdXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXRXTXXIdXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXDTXDXXdXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXTXdXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I'll just say this about who owns what unit, as it should suffice: every unit is owned by the owner of the nearest non-neutral city/base/HQ. The five landers are optional; they serve no purpose other than decoration, i.e., they show how the United States got there. Missle Range Q=C=C=%^^^#=%A%%A%=#^^^%=C=C=Q ======%^^^#=%%%%%%=#^^^%====== C=B=&=A^^##=%#%%#%=##^^A=C=B=C ======^^^##=%%%%%%=##^^^====== C=&=%%^^##%=%C%%C%=%##^^%%=C=C ====%^^^#%%========%%#^^^%==== %%A^^^^^#===^^%%^^===#^^^^^A%% ^^^^^^^B==%^^^%%^^^%==B^^^^^^^ ^^^^#%#=#C%^^%%%%^^%C#=#%#^^^^ ^^#%%%%=#%%%%%&&%%%%%#=%%%%#^^ ^^#%%%%=#%%%%%&&%%%%%#=%%%%#^^ ^^^^#%#=#C%^^%%%%^^%C#=#%#^^^^ ^^^^^^^B==%^^^%%^^^%==B^^^^^^^ %%A^^^^^#===^^%%^^===#^^^^^A%% ====%^^^#%%========%%#^^^%==== C=&=%%^^##%=%C%%C%=%##^^%%=&=C ======^^^##=%%%%%%=##^^^====== C=B=&=A^^##=%#%%#%=##^^A=&=B=C ======%^^^#=%%%%%%=#^^^%====== Q=C=C=%^^^#=%A%%A%=#^^^%=C=C=Q BY: Kyle (Author) ~Pre-Deployed Maps~ Chess Game ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~#%#%#%#%~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~%#%#%#%#~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~#%#%#%#%~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~%#%#%#%Q~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~Q%#%#%#%~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~%#%#%#%#~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~#%#%#%#%~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~%#%#%#%#~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By: Kyle (Author) NOTES: Okay, I'll admit, this isnt my finest map. But at least its creative...and hey, I needed a pre-deployed map! Prpoerties: Obviously, one HQ each, Orange Star on the left, Blue Moon on the right. Units: okay, im gonna do this with ASCII, I think it will be easier... TMXXXXMT aMXXXXMa rMXXXXMr DMXXXXMD AMXXXXMA rMXXXXMr aMXXXXMa TMXXXXMT Units on the left are Orange Star, Units on the right are Blue Moon. Omaha Beach ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^#a#aaaM#MMa#aaQa#aM#MMaMMa^^ ^^##########################^^ @@@@@@@:@@@@:@@@@@@:@@@@@@@@@@ ^^###%###%#%#%%##%%#######%#^^ ^^#%##%##%############%#####^^ ^^#########%###%####%####%##^^ ^^###%##%###%###%##%%###%#%%^^ ^^########%######%#####%####^^ 000000000000000000000000000000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0d0d0d0d0d0d0d0d0d0d0d0d0d0d0d #IMIMTTIMIMIMIMTTIMITTMIMIMTTQ By: Kaeto san NOTES: I noticed in your guide that you have only one pre-deployed map, I churned out this map of Omaha Beach to give you two. Now, The forested areas represent the large metal X's that littered Omaha, they can be used as cover, the pipe crossing all of row three represents the seawall that the Germans established, you will need to get powerful troops up there and break through. While creating a foothold on the beach, artillery units will lay down indirect fire on your troops, so avoid their range at all costs. All troops above the pipe are Blue Moon Nazis, and all below are Orange Star Allied Troops, load two units per lander and move onto the shoal. Properties: HQs only, Blue Moon on top, Orange Star below. Units: Note thatthe terrain underneath all of the ground units are plains and all the landers are on shoals. ~Submitting Your Maps~ I made this guide under the hope that once it was posted, viewers would send me their maps which I would reveiw and if I thought their map was good, I'd post it here. If nobody sends me their maps, this guide will be pretty dull. So if you'd like me to post your maps, send me your map using the symbols I've used above and be sure to include the notes, properties and units as I've done above. Also, if your sending me your map, make sure there are no spaces in between the columns and use a set-width font like the one used in this guide and most notepad documents (Lucida Console). If you don't send me these things, I wont even try your map, I'll just email you back and tell you to do it right. Even if you do everything I ask, I still might not post your map because I want all of the maps on this guide to be original, imaginiative, and creative. If you send me a map that I don't feel is good enough, I'll return your email and give you some tips on how to make it better. After that, feel free to send it to me again. If you send me a quality map with all of the notes and requirements and I think it's good, I'll post it here and give you full credit. Now get to work and send me your maps! ====================================VII. FAQ================================== Here I will answer some of the common questions I get asked and feel free to email me your own and I might add it here. Q: Why doesnt my river pour into the ocean like it does sometimes? A: The three spaces in front of the mouth, to the front-left and to the front-right must be sea. if it doesnt change try tracing the river with the river brush. Q: What is the difference between the tall mountains and the short ones? A: Nothing. The appearence is the only difference. Tall mountains are created when the space directly above a particular mountain square is a plains square or another mountain square. Q: How can I submit my maps? A: Try checking out section V-e. "Submitting your maps" Q: Why doesnt my map work? A: Make sure all the units have corresponding HQs, and check section III-a. "Requirements" Q: Can I change the dimensions of my map? A: I'm afraid not. Q: Will the computer destroy seams? A: Unfortunately, no. Q: How do I erase my game and start a new one. Q: What does that question have to do with design maps? Q: I really want to know how to start a new game! A: Go bother someone who makes an overall FAQ for the game! ==============================VIII. Copyright Info=========================== I do not own this game's characters, logos, scenarios, etc, nor do I claim to. All Advance Wars/Advance Wars 2 material copyrighted by their respective owners. The content of this guide is (c) 2003, Kyle Pointer. All rights reserved. This guide is only to appear on the following websites: - GameFAQs (http://www.GameFAQs.com) - AWBunker (http://www.AWBunker.com) - Any other site with my permission ===========================IX. Credits & Contact Info======================== ~Credits~ Here are all the people who helped make this guide possible; CJayC - For creating GameFAQs.com, where my guide is hosted. thanks. Meowthnum1 - As always, for giving me advice, support and inspiration towards writing my guides. Thank you muchly. You, the reader - Without you, this guide would be pointless now wouldn't it? Thank you for reading my guide. The contributors - That would be JapaneseCowsRule, Blade Beast, OutlawStar633, JPagano2, RabidRabbit and Kaeto san. Thank you for your maps. Myself - For being such an avid writer! *huggles self* ~Contact info~ NO SPAM!!! EMAIL: ZenTheOutcast23@hotmail.com AIM: ZenTheOutcast *END OF GUIDE!*