Advance Wars 2 S-Rank Walkthrough Guide By Clark James (translucent_air[@] Copyright 2003 & 2004 Clark James Version 0.23 Table of Contents ----------------- I. Introduction & Current Status II. Version History III. General Tips & Strategies IV. Campaign V. Hard Campaign VI. War Room VII. Miscellaneous VIII. Credits IX. Copyright Information I. Introduction & Current Status -------------------------------- The purpose of this guide is document the fastest 300pt. S-Rank possible for listed missions. It is recommended that players first strive to complete documented missions without aid in order to build individual strategies. Once sound tactical background has been gathered, players are encouraged to compare strategies and challenge those documented within the guide. As evidence to support listed records, day-by-day walkthroughs have been included. However, performing and documenting the work that provides information for such walkthroughs is a grueling and meticulous task - meaning that progress of this guide will continue a snail's pace and may possibly never be completed. Additionally, this guide will make an effort to never deploy neotanks, as players may not have access to such units. Concerning general layout, each mission has three sections: a documention of the earliest day a mission can be completed with a 300pt. S-Rank (a.k.a. the time to tie or, possibly, beat), a list of strategies that will help in completing the mission with the "earliest perfect S-Rank," and a day-by-day walkthrough that implements those strategies. In addition to mission documentation, 'General Tips & Strategies' details certain tactics and information often helpful in achieving a 300pt. S-Rank. Any questions or concerns about the guide should be directed to the e-mail address listed in the document header. The following lists missions for which documentation has been completed: Campaign -------- Cleanup Border Skirmish Orange Dawn Andy's Time Lash Out Flak Attack Test of Time Liberation (Andy, Sami, Max) Toy Box Tanks!!! Reclamation T Minus 15 Nature Walk Neotanks!? (Colin) Silo Scramble Show Stopper Sensei's Return Duty & Honor Foul Play The Hunt's End (Sonja) Sea Fortress Drake's Dilemma Sinking Feeling To the Rescue Navy Vs. Air Rain of Fire Hot Pursuit (Grit) Final Front (Colin) Hard Campaign ------------- Orange Dawn Andy's Time Sea for All Duty & Honor Sea Fortress Drake's Dilemma War Room -------- Spann Island (Sami) Moji Island (Sturm) Duo Falls (Sami) Pivot Isle (Sami) Kita Straight (Sami) Point Stormy (Sami) Toil Ferry (Sami, Sensei) Nest Egg (Lash) The Trident (Grit) Pending (*) ----------- Campaign: Factory Blues (Colin) - 8 days Great Sea Battle (Eagle/Sami/Sensei) - 13 days Hard Campaign: Tanks!!! - 5 days Liberation (Max) - 9 days War Room: Stamp Islands (Sami) - 8 Days Strong Land (Sturm) - 10 Days (*) - Documentation has mainly been confirmed but is awaiting finalization and will not necessarily be appended upon release of new version II. Version History ------------------- Version 0.23 - Appended 'Campaign' with new "Show Stopper" documentation - Appended 'Campaign' with new "Navy Vs. Air" documentation Version 0.22 - Appended 'Miscellaneous' section to sort out various (Design Room - Map) miscellany from 'General Tips & Strategies' section - Appended 'Miscellaneous' with information concerning Japanese names of CO's and their powers Version 0.21 - Appended 'Campaign' with new "Sinking Feeling" documentation - Appended 'Hard Campaign' with new "Duty & Honor" documentation - (Note: While new pending data has been appended, this work should no longer be considered a valid 'work-in-progress'; updates, if any, will likely be sparse and sporadic; this status may be lifted in the future, but should not be considered so until explicitly stated) Version 0.20 - Appended 'Campaign' with new "Duty & Honor" documentation - Appended 'Campaign' with new "Hot Pursuit" documentation - Altered situation of 'Version History' to facilitate easier access to knowledge of updates - Removed information concerning visual version of guide on World Wide Web due to maintanence complications - Appended 'Credits' with additional names Version 0.19 - Appended 'Introduction & Current Status' with information concerning visual version of guide on World Wide Web - Updated 'Campaign' with new "Border Skirmish" documentation (4 days - previously 5) - Updated 'Campaign' with new "Lash Out" documentation (3 days - previously 4) - Updated 'Campaign' with new "Reclamation" documentation (7 days - previously 8) - Updated 'Campaign' with new "Nature Walk" documentation (6 days - previously 7) - Updated 'Hard Campaign' with new "Sea Fortess" documentation (3 days - previously 4) - Updated 'War Room' with new "Spann Island" documantation (5 days; however, 6-day walkthrough still remains due to reliability issues) - Updated 'War Room' with new "Duo Falls" documentation (7 days - previously 8) - Updated 'Introduction & Current Status' with new pending documentation - Appended 'Credits' with those who have broken previous records Version 0.18 - Appended 'Campaign' with new "The Hunt's End" documentation - Updated 'Hard Campaign' with revised, more relaible, 'Orange Dawn' documentation Version 0.17 - Appended 'Campaign' with new "To the Rescue" documentation - Appended 'Hard Campaign' with new "Sea Fortess" documentation Version 0.16 - Appended 'War Room' with new "Toil Ferry" documentation - Appended 'General Tips & Strategies' with information concerning receiving commendation from Nell in 'Design Room - Map' Version 0.15 - Appended 'Campaign' with new "Foul Play" documentation Version 0.14 - Appended 'War Room' with new "Kita Straight" documentation Version 0.13 - Appended 'Campaign' with new "T Minus 15" documentation - Appended 'General Tips & Strategies' with information concerning "Nintendo" design map Version 0.12 - Appended 'War Room' with new "Point Stormy" documentation Version 0.11 - Appended 'War Room' with new "Nest Egg" documentation Version 0.10 - Updated 'War Room' with new "The Trident" documentation (8 days - previously 9) Version 0.09 - Appended 'War Room' with "Duo Falls," "Pivot Isle," and "The Trident" documentation Version 0.08 - Updated 'Introduction & Current Status' to better reflect goal of S-Rank guide - Appended 'Campaign' with "Sea Fortress," "Rain of Fire," and "Final Front" documentation - Appended 'War Room' with "Moji Island" documentation Version 0.07 - Updated 'General Tips & Strategies' with additional information on power and technique, especially concerning missions located in Black Hole territory - Appended 'Campaign with "Drake's Dilemma" documentation Version 0.06 - Appended 'Campaign' with "Nature Walk," "Silo Scramble," and "Sensei's Return" documentation - Updated 'Hard Campaign' with new "Sea for All" documentation (5 days - previously 6) - Appended 'Credits' section Version 0.05 - Appended 'Campaign' with "Neotanks!?" documentation - Appended 'Hard Campaign' with documentation for "Orange Dawn," "Andy's Time," and "Sea for All" Version 0.04 - Appended 'Hard Campaign' with "Drake's Dilemma" documentation - Appended 'War Room' with "Spann Island" Version 0.03 - Appended 'General Tips & Strategies' with tactic to limit deployment of expensive, more powerful, enemy land units by eliminating enemy infantry - Updated 'Campaign' with new "Flak Attack" documentation (walkthrough no longer requires loss of any allied unit), "Test of Time" documentation (3 days - previously 4), and "Tanks!!!" earliest time (5 days; however, 6-day walkthrough is still used for complexity issues) - Appended 'Version History' section Version 0.02 - Appended 'General Tips & Strategies' with scoring formulae for speed, power, and technique; an alternative to prohibiting deployment from enemy deployment structures with allied units; and information on CO unit charts - Appended 'Campaign' with "Toy Box" and "Reclamation" documention Version 0.01 - Updated 'Campaign' with new "Liberation" documentation (Max: 6 days; Andy & Sami: 7 days - previously 8;9) Version 0.00 - Appended 'General Tips & Strategies' with information on lab maps, a procedure to bypass CO chatter, and a technique to inhibit AI advancement - Appended 'Campaign' with documentation for all Orange Star missions and "Tanks!!!" - Appended 'Table of Contents' section, 'Hard Campaign' foreword, 'Introduction and Current Status' brief, and 'Copyright Information' III. General Tips & Strategies ------------------------------ -Talk is boring- If you'd like to skip all the incessant talking of the COs, use the Start button instead of the A button. -Don't know your CO's strengths and weaknesses? Find out!- Instead of using the in-game menu for solely saving and ending your turn, check out the "CO" and "Intel" options. The "CO" option specifically explains the statuses of units, powers, and personailities for both allied and enemy CO's during a mission. Additionally, if you're unsure as to which units have been upgraded or degraded (in relation to firepower, movement range, and attack range), scroll all the way down, past the CO description, to find a chart detailing each unit's penalties and bonuses for the chosen CO. -Finding lab maps grants access to missions that, upon completion, will allow deployment of neotanks- Careful attention to game dialogue will often reveal missions in which specific cities can be captured, allowing access to lab maps and, in consequence, hidden missions. Lab Map Missions: Orange Star - Flak Attack (Campaign)/Andy's Time (Hard Campaign) Blue Moon - Toy Box Yellow Comet - Show Stopper Green Earth - Sinking Feeling Specific locations have not been listed to ensure enjoyment and fustration of a hunt. Nevertheless, information on the specific locations can be found elsewhere. Additionally, failure to capture the specific city in "Flak Attack" is overlooked by the Campaign - the lab map and hidden mission will be granted upon completion of "Flak Attack." -Keep units from damage in direct combat by placing them next to enemy units that cannot effectively attack- This technique is useful in blocking the AI's advance through "choke points," such as bridges or passes between mountains. Once a direct-combat enemy unit is adjacent to an allied unit, it will attack. However, the AI is unwilling to lose or severely damage a unit in a skirmish that heavily favors the player. Therefore, if an enemy unit cannot attack without taking severe damage, has more than 2HP, and cannot join with another unit, the AI will command it to wait, prohibiting a stronger enemy unit from taking its place and attacking. Use this to your advantage to halt the AI's advance while amassing a force to win the battle. Be wary, however, of long-range unit movements. -Limit enemy deployment by sending crippled enemy units packing home- As an alternative to using your own allied units for prohibiting deployment from bases and other deployment structures, let enemy units that have relatively low offense and defense capacities (such as infantry) with less than 3HP return to repair and supply at deployment structures. Of course, enemy cities provide an alternative to bases for enemy land units, so try to limit the enemy's access to his own cities. Additionally, discern which types of units (air, land, or sea) can be repaired. If there's an enemy transport copter but no enemy airport to limit deployment from, go ahead and finish it off when it's beneficial or convenient! -Prohibit deployment of expensive enemy land units by cutting down enemy infantry- The AI strives to have a minimum of 5 infantry-class units. Therefore, if the total of enemy infantry and mech units combined is less than 5, enemy bases will be used to deploy infantry-class units. Exploit this by eliminating enemy infantry with spare firepower to greatly decrease the strength of the opposing army and the difficulty of the mission. If possible, attack while the enemy army is still developing for greater potential. (This is the underlying basis for the so-called "mech flood" that players often experience when attempting to rout the AI in deployment maps.) -Perfect S-Rank Scoring- The following, unfortunately, may become somewhat technical due to the calculations for the power, technique, and speed aspects. The speed aspect is detailed last as calculations for it are the most complex and the required information is usually unknown to the player. Power: Minimum ratio - 10% or 1:10 (*:**) * Maximum number of enemy units destroyed in a single day ** Net total of enemy units deployed on day of completion (Important note: The "Net total..." (**) is solely denoted by the figure representing enemy "Units" displayed by the "Status" chart, under the "Intel" menu. Destruction of enemy units does not deduct from the net total.) If the perfect power ratio of 1:10 is not met, then the floor of the ratio percentage multiplied by 10 is taken to represent the power score. A 1:15 ratio (approx. 6.67%) becomes a power score of 66 points. On maps with enemy deployment structures (bases, ports, airports, and factories), the power aspect potentially becomes more difficult to obtain, as the enemy can theoretically keep increasing the net total by deploying additional units. Thus, speed can become a determining factor for power difficulty in deployment maps. Additionally, perfect power can be achieved on any day - not neccessarily the day of completion. However, to maintain perfect power throughout the final day, the enemy net total must not exceed 10 times the maximum amount of enemy units destroyed in a single day. If a maximum of 3 enemy units destroyed in one day was performed, the net total of enemy units deployed must not exceed 30 units upon the day of completion. Although the enemy is limited to 50 units on the map at a specific time, the AI is capable of deploying more than 50 units during the course of the mission. Therefore, if the figure representing enemy "Units" reaches 94 (notwithstanding any destroyed units listed under enemy "Lost") by the day of completion, a maximum of 10 enemy units must have been destroyed in a single day sometime during the course of the mission in order to acheive perfect power. Consequently, the mere action of routing the AI does not necessarily guarantee perfect power - dependence lies on how the enemy was routed. Concerning War Room, in missions that have multiple enemies, the net total is the combined sum of the net totals for each individual enemy. In addition, enemy units must be physically destroyed by allied units in order to affect scoring - enemy units destroyed by the capturing of an enemy HQ do not count towards power. In closing, only enemy units affect the power aspect - Black Hole structures (Black Cannons, minicannons, lasers, etc.) have no bearing on power whatsoever. Technique: Maximum ratio - 20% or 2:10 (*:**) [Campaign/Hard Campaign] - 10% or 1:10 (*:**) [War Room] * Total number of allied units destroyed ** Net total of allied units deployed on day of completion If the perfect technique ratio is surpassed, then the floor percentage deducted from 120 (for Campaign modes) or 110 (for War Room) is taken to represent the technique score. A 2:7 ratio (approx. 28.5%) becomes a technique score of 92 points for Campaign and 82 points for War Room. The "Status" chart contains both totals for allied units for quick reference ("Lost":"Units"). Problems with technique can be countered by deploying additional units using non-essential deployment structures and extras funds during the course of the mission or on the day of completion in order to raise the net total. A joined unit, if destroyed, will count as only a single addition to "Lost" while, towards the net total, it will still count as however many units were used to comprise the joined unit. This makes it possible to rout or be routed with the "Lost" total less than the "Units" total for the same army. As a final note on power and technique, the allied army that is given the first move on any specific day will be the army that determines these two aspects. However, concerning missions located in Black Hole territory, the army that completes the mission objective is deemed the scoring army. Speed: Maximum Limit - Mission dependent If the perfect speed limit is exceeded for a specific mission, deductions from the speed score are dependent on the speed limit for that mission and the total number of days over the limit. The 'base deduction value' for any mission will always be 100 divided by 3 times the speed limit. To calculate a speed score of less than 100 for a mission, multiply the total number of days exceeding the limit by the 'base deduction value' for that mission and then take the floor of that product and deduct it from 100. Completing the mission on or later than 4 times its speed limit will result in a speed score of 0. If the mission "Cleanup" (with a limit of 8 days and a 'base deduction value' of approx. 4.167) is completed on Day 15, the attempt will result in a speed score of 71. If completed on Day 32 or later, the attempt will yield 0 points for the speed score. The speed calculations are next to useless as the 'base deduction value' cannot be determined without information of the maximum limit or multiple trials for a specific mission. Therefore, there is ideally no other way to improve speed scores than to improve in skill and strategy. Finally, Advance Wars 2 has done away with any mission rank below a C-Rank. The following details the new rank stratifications. Mission Rank Strata: S-Rank - {280-300} points A-Rank - {250-279} points B-Rank - {200-249} points C-Rank - {001-199} point(s) IV. Campaign ------------ --Cleanup-- Earliest Perfect S-Rank Time: 4 Days Strategy: Use APC to blunt attack and lure infantry into range of your own infantry; (alternate mission end dialogue can be obtained by completely exhausting fuel and rations of all allied units while having still at least one enemy unit on battlefield; nevertheless, repetition of mission will be required to obtain allied victory) Day 1: -Move all infantry and APC as far east as possible Day 2: -Head two northernmost infantry all the way east -Load remaining infantry into APC and place east of northernmost infantry, dropping south Day 3: -Destroy northern infantry with northern infantry from eastern forest and western infantry from west -Attack eastern infantry with remaining infantry Day 4: -Destroy remaining infantry with infantry --Border Skirmish-- Earliest Perfect S-Rank Time: 4 Days Strategy: Use APC to transport infantry into forested area near enemy HQ on Day 2; draw enemy tanks away from capturing infantry with artillery and tank decoys; defend damaged units with mech blockade Day 1: -Destroy tank with mech then tank from east -Place artillery onto neutral city -Load infantry into APC and supply tank from east Day 2: -Head APC 3 spaces east then 4 north and drop east into forest -Move artillery 2 spaces north then 2 east -Place tank 5 spaces east, east of artillery -Move mech as far east as possible Day 3: -Capture enemy HQ -Place APC 3 spaces east then 1 south, south of capturing infantry -Head mech onto allied city -Retreat artillery and tank to positions west and south of mech Day 4: -Destroy tank with artillery, mech from river, and tank if necessary -Finish capture of enemy HQ --Orange Dawn-- Earliest Perfect S-Rank Time: 4 Days Strategy: Weaken medium tanks with battle copters; make use of Max's artillery; use transport copter as lure, finish infantry last Day 1: -Destroy battle copter with both of yours -Load infantry into transport copter and place 2 spaces east of northern battle copter -Move northern tank into woods next to bridge -Place all remaining units adjacent to northernmost tank Day 2: -(Note: Both enemy tank units must be east of the easternmost enemy city, at the very least; it is preferrentional that all units are east of the city) -Attack easternmost tank with damaged battle copter from south -Attack medium tank next to easternmost enemy city with final battle copter -Head transport copter 3 spaces north, then 2 east, next to easternmost northern bridge -Place tank with units adjacent into northern forest next to neutral city -Move artillery onto neutral city -Place final tank east of artillery and medium tank south of artillery Day 3: -(Note: Enemy medium tanks must be within joining distance, disregarding allied battle copter prohibitions) -Destroy easternmost tank with artillery then tank -Destroy final tank with your own -Attack (destroying is not preferred) medium tank on forest with medium tank -Attack remaining medium tank with both battle copters from positions allowing enemy medium tanks to join -Place transport copter and drop infantry in a way that enemy infantry cannot both attack allied infantry if possible (moving transport copter 5 spaces west and dropping west into forest is usually an option) Day 4: -Destroy medium tank with your own or, if out of range, use both battle copters -Destroy both infantry with remaining available units --Andy's Time-- Earliest Perfect S-Rank Time: 7 Days Strategy: Capture base nearest Black Cannon and neutral city as soon as possible; deploy artillery on Day 1, moving it towards Black Cannon Days 2-6 while protecting it from "hostile" infantry; deploy rockets on captured base by Day 6; use recon to take care of infantry on and from enemy base; block enemy base with transport copter early Day 1: -Deploy artillery in western base -Load infantry into transport copter and head all the way west Day 2: -Move artillery as far north as possible -Deploy recon in eastern base -Deploy infantry in western base -Move transport copter as far north as possible Day 3: -Head transport copter 5 spaces north and drop infantry west -Move artillery and recon as far north as possible -Capture neutral city with infantry -Deploy recon from eastern base Day 4: -Capture western neutral base with northern infantry -Move transport copter 4 spaces east, 1 south (between enemy infantry on city and enemy infantry on plain) -Place artillery as far west as possible -Attack eastern infantry (on city) with recon from south -Head recon as far north as possible -Finish capture of neutral city -Deploy recon from eastern base Day 5: -Finish capture of neutral base -Head artillery as far west as possible -Destroy infantry (or mech) on enemy base with recon east of neutral city then northern remaining recon -Place transport copter onto enemy base -Move remaining recon and infantry all the way north Day 6: -(Note: Transport copter should survive) -Capture neutral city with southern infantry -Attack southern infantry with southern recon from north -Destroy infantry with a recon (stronger one if enemy mech was faced) from south then final recon from west -Move artilery 2 spaces east -Head remaining infantry 1 space south, north of forest -Deploy rockets from northern base Day 7: -Destroy southern infantry with southern recon -Finish capture of neutral city -Destroy final infantry with recon (stronger one if enemy mech was faced) then either final recon or infantry -(Optional: Deploy either missles or anti-air from a southern base to receive Nell's spiel on the specific unit) -Destroy Black Cannon with rockets and artillery --Lash Out-- Earliest Perfect S-Rank Time: 3 Days Strategy: Use sub and indirect units as relative cannon fodder while damaging and destroying expensive enemy units to charge for use of Super CO Power on Day 3; allow damaged enemy sub to attack lander and enemy anti-air units to assault single enemy tank from high defensive cover to aid in charging of CO Power; bait enemy cruiser with rised sub to allow transport copter to move into position to tranport mech to enemy HQ on Day 2; use Super CO Power on Day 3 to complete HQ capture same day Day 1: -Move transport copter 3 spaces south then 4 west -Load southern mech into APC, move 4 spaces north, and drop east -Head battleship 3 spaces north -Attack sub with cruiser -Place sub 1 space west and wait (do not dive) -Load both tanks into lander and head 4 spaces east then 1 north, east of sub -Head rockets 4 spaces east -Place artillery 4 spaces east Day 2: -Place rockets 1 space north, onto allied city -Head artillery 2 spaces east then 2 north, into range of enemy rockets -Dive sub 1 space south -Move lander 1 space east then 6 north onto shoal and drop tanks west and north -Place battleship 1 space north -Move cruiser 1 space north -Load easternmost mech into transport copter, head 6 spaces north then 1 east (adjacent to enemy infantry) and drop onto enemy HQ Day 3: -Destroy cruiser with rockets and artillery -Destroy sub with cruiser -Destroy rockets with both tanks -Attack northern anti-air with battleship -Use Super CO Power -Complete capture of enemy HQ --Flak Attack-- Earliest Perfect S-Rank Time: 3 Days Strategy: Lure air units into anti-air range by destroying initial battle copter with anti-air unit; protect initially vulnerable battle copter by surrounding it with anti-air type units to deal more damage; build up CO power by Day 2 by destroying a tank and a battle copter with anti-air and attacking enemy fighter unit with missles; use CO power on Day 2 to destroy bombers and cripple battle copters with your own; capture neutral city if you desire for dialogue about neotank labs early Day 1: -Destroy southern battle copter with western anti-air -Place southern anti-air east of and beside western anti-air -Head northern anti-air into forest 1 space north -Move final anti-air 1 space north -Place northern battle copter into space enclosed by anti-air and missles -Head infantry all the way north -Capture (or wait on) neutral city with mech -Place rockets just south of mech Day 2: -(Note: All enemy air units must move within range of anti-air units and only enemy attack should be enemy bomber unit attacking, not destroying, allied anti-air unit on plains; additionally, enemy tank must move within range of rockets and enemy infantry north of enemy tank) -Destroy tank with rockets and mech -Capture neutral city with infantry -Attack fighter with missles -Destroy westernmost accessible battle copter with westernmost anti-air -Use CO Power -Destroy western bomber with eastern anti-air -Attack/destroy fighter with damaged anti-air -Destroy final bomber with remaining anti-air from east -Attack/destroy western battle copter with your own from south -Attack/destroy eastern battle copter with your own from east Day 3: -(Note: If loss of no units whatsoever is desired, allied mech must survive attack, if any, from enemy infantry; loss of mech will not affect technique score) -Finish capture of neutral city -(Note: Capture of this city is optional, Orange Star will still find the map for the neotank lab at the end of the mission) -Destroy infantry with rockets and nearest battle copter -Destroy fighter, if it still lingers, with any able units -Destroy battle copter, if one exists, with any able units --Test of Time-- Earliest Perfect S-Rank Time: 3 Days Strategy: Use infantry as lure; take out potentially severe damaging units on Day 1 (anti-air and artillery); mop up units near allied HQ with infantry, medium tank, and artillery; destroy infantry advancing on bridge with rockets; uncover and destroy long-range units with recon, anti-air, tank, and mech with APC; use tank to uncover lander in reef and destroy with long-range units Day 1: -Destroy artillery with recon from north and tank from east -Destroy anti-air with medium tank -Place artillery in space enclosed by recon, tank, and medium tank -Move rockets next to tank -Load mech into APC and place 2 spaces east of rockets, beside neutral city -Head infantry 1 space east then 2 north between moutains -Attack APC with anti-air from south Day 2: -(Note: Enemy APC must not move; additionally, it is recommended that allied infantry have at least 3HP after attack from enemy recon) -Kill eastern infantry with rockets (bridge must be cleared of enemy infantry) -Move APC 5 spaces east and drop east or south -Head anti-air east onto bridge -Destroy APC with artillery -Destroy recon with medium tank from north -Move infantry 1 space west then 1 north into forest (if necessary, finish recon) -Move recon as far northeast along road as possible (uncover artillery in forest) -Place tank adjacent to reef Day 3: -Destroy lander with rockets and artillery -Destroy artillery with tank and recon -Destroy rockets with mech and anti-air -Use CO Power -Kill infantry with medium tank then infantry --Liberation-- (Andy) Earliest Perfect S-Rank Time: 7 Days Strategy: Capture airport and deploy bomber by Day 5; prevent missles and anti-air from moving into attack position; deploy a battle copter on Day 6; attack and destroy enemy mech and artillery units near factory with infantry and bomber Day 1: -Deploy APC from northern base -Deploy infantry from western base Day 2: -Load infantry into APC, head 4 spaces west then 2 north, and drop north into river -Deploy infantry from northern base Day 3: -Capture airport -Move remaining infantry 1 space east then 2 north -Deploy infantry from northern base -Place APC west of westernmost allied city, within movement range of deployed infantry Day 4: -(Note: Enemy recon must have moved west) -Finish capture of airport -Capture neutral city -Load infantry into APC and head onto neutral base Day 5: -(Note: Enemy artillery must have moved onto eastern enemy city next to factory) -Finish capture of neutral city -Move infantry west into river -Deploy bomber -Move APC 2 spaces north then 2 east, into forest Day 6: -Attack mech with infantry -Head APC into enemy city and drop infantry east -Attack pipe seam with bomber -Deploy battle copter Day 7: -Destroy artillery with bomber (artillery must be destroyed) -Move APC into neutral city -Finish mech with northern infantry and injured infantry if needed -Destroy pipe seam with battle copter --Liberation-- (Sami) Earliest Perfect S-Rank Time: 7 Days Strategy: Capture airport and deploy bomber by Day 5; prevent missles and anti-air from moving into attack position; deploy a battle copter on Day 6; attack and destroy enemy mech and artillery units near factory with infantry and bomber Day 1: -Deploy APC from northern base -Deploy infantry from western base Day 2: -Load infantry into APC, head 4 spaces west then 2 north, and drop north into river -Deploy infantry from northern base Day 3: -Capture airport -Move remaining infantry 1 space east then 2 north -Deploy infantry from northern base -Place APC west of westernmost allied city, within movement range of deployed infantry Day 4: -(Note: Enemy recon must have moved west) -Finish capture of airport -Capture neutral city -Load infantry into APC and head as far north as possible Day 5: -(Note: Enemy artillery must have moved onto eastern enemy city next to factory) -Finish capture of neutral city -Move infantry west into river -Deploy bomber -Move APC as far north as possible Day 6: -Attack mech with infantry -Head APC into enemy city and drop infantry east -Attack pipe seam with bomber -Deploy battle copter Day 7: -Finish mech with injured infantry (mech must be killed) -Destroy artillery with bomber and northernmost infantry -Destroy pipe seam with battle copter --Liberation-- (Max) Earliest Perfect S-Rank Time: 6 Days Strategy: Capture airport and deploy bomber by Day 5 (before enemy missles have a chance to move into position); eliminate mech unit Day 1: -Deploy APC from northern base -Deploy infantry from western base Day 2: -Load infantry into APC, head 4 spaces west then 2 north, and drop north into river -Deploy mech from northern base Day 3: -Capture airport -Move mech west onto allied city -Place APC 2 spaces west of mech Day 4: -(Note: Enemy recon must have moved west) -Finish capture of airport -Load mech into APC, head as far north as possible, and drop north Day 5: -(Note: Enemy artillery must have moved west or onto eastern enemy city next to factory) -If enemy artillery moved west, place infantry and mech as far north as possible; otherwise, move solely infantry west into river -Deploy bomber Day 6: -If mech was attacked, kill mech with infantry from north and mech; otherwise, eliminate mech with mech from south and infantry from east (mech must be killed) -Destroy pipe seam with bomber --Toy Box-- Earliest Perfect S-Rank Time: 10 Days Strategy: Cripple enemy infantry closest to base nearest enemy HQ by attacking with allied tank while it is on road - then let it return to enemy base to limit enemy deployment and weaken defense near HQ; infiltrate and capture enemy HQ with infantry; capture neutral city with lab map for neotanks; destroy at least two enemy units in a single day Day 1: -Deploy infantry from both bases Day 2: -Head both infantry all the way west Day 3: -Move southern infantry 2 spaces north then 1 west -Deploy tank from southern base -Capture neutral city with remaining infantry Day 4: -Finish capture of neutral city -Move remaining infantry all the way west -Place tank where aformentioned infantry was situated Day 5: -Cripple southernmost enemy infantry so only 2HP remaining with tank (enemy infantry cannot have 3HP remaining) -Place southern infantry 1 space south next to tank -Head final infantry 2 spaces south then 1 west -Deploy tank from southern base Day 6: -(Note: All enemy infantry must move east, except capturing infantry which will complete capture and crippled infantry which must head west towards enemy base; additionally, enemy APC should tail eastbound infantry) -Head eastern tank 1 space north, then 4 west, and finally 1 north again -Capture/wait on base with northern infantry -Move remaining infanty west of western tank -Attack infantry with tank from south (3HP should remain so as to hinder possibility of joining) Day 7: -(Note: Enemy APC must not move beside crippled 2HP infantry and enemy infantry near neutral base should move south of mountains near neutral base; also, walkthrough assumes that enemy recon has moved onto plains west of mountain 2 spaces west of neutral base; otherwise, recon must still be attacked from south with western allied tank; however, southern uninjured infantry must occupy beside forest south of mountain west of neutral base and must retain 3HP after attack from eastern allied tank) -Attack APC with western infantry from south -Cripple recon with western tank (only 2HP should remain so as to limit possiblity of it attacking allied infantry headed toward enemy HQ) -Move remaining infantry 1 space east then 1 south, killing injured infantry from west if able -Attack infantry east of western tank with eastern tank from south -Deploy anti-air from northern base Day 8: -Kill infantry on shoal with anti-air -Attack tank with southern tank -Kill injured infantry with remaining tank -Head both infantry as far south as possible Day 9: -Attack infantry on newly captured enemy city with anti-air -Attack/destroy tank with your own -Capture neutral city with eastern infantry -Capture enemy HQ with western infantry -Attack anything else with final tank Day 10: -Destroy infantry with anti-air -Destroy any other enemy units that can be destroyed with tanks -Finish capture of neutral city -Finish capture of enemy HQ --Tanks!!!-- Earliest Perfect S-Rank Time: 5 Days (6-day walkthrough) Strategy: Make medium tanks chase south on Day 1 then north on Day 2 by disclosing and hiding closest recons; destroy mechs during Days 2-3; use missle silos to damage enemy units (mainly medium tanks); move rockets into positions to attack enemy medium tanks if necessary; focus on joining enemy medium tanks; move recons back and forth to enhance vision accordingly; (if striving for 5 days, the central missile silo coupled with rockets and northern artillery must be used to fullest extent to allow maximum joining of medium tanks; be mindful of enemy recons, too) Day 1: -Attack northern medium tank on road with western rockets -Move infantry onto enclosed roads -Place both easternmost recons onto allied cities -Place southern recon 2 spaces west of southern rockets, next to forest -Move artillery next to southern recon Day 2: -Move southern recon 2 spaces south, then 3 west -(Note: An enemy recon must appear 2 spaces west and 1 space south of western rockets; also, only one mech should be visible in the south) -Head artillery 2 spaces south and 2 west into forest southeast of recon -Kill southern mech with southern rockets -Move northern recon 1 space north, then 5 west onto darkened road -Destroy northern mech with northern rockets -Destroy northern mech with western rockets -Move recon on southern city next to western rockets -Attack northernmost undamaged medium tank -Head both infantry as far east as possible Day 3: -(Note: Final enemy mech must have moved onto mountain with two recons advancing onto roads) -Destroy mech with artillery and western rockets -Destroy southern recon with southern rockets -Move southern recon 1 space north -Destroy northern recon with northern rockets -Attack north(east)ernmost undamaged medium tank with central rockets -Hide damaged recon in forest south of northern artillery -Move both infantry all the way east Day 4: -Launch missle from silo with western infantry, concentrating on joining enemy medium tanks -Move remaining infantry 2 spaces south of infantry on missle silo -Move southern artillery into a forest next to southern recon -Attack a medium tank with northern artillery, concentrating on joining enemy units -Attack destroy medium tank next to artilery and recon if it has more than 2HP with northern rockets; otherwise, attack medium tank furthest along road toward HQ, concentrating on joining enemy units -Move southern rockets all the way north -Attack medium tanks furthest along road toward allied HQ with western rockets and rockets on HQ, concentrating on joining enemy units; if rockets on HQ cannot attack, move as north as possible, moving recon on northern city if needed Day 5: -Launch missle from silo with southern infantry, concentrating on joining enemy medium tanks -Destroy northern recon with western rockets -Attack final recon with southern artillery -Move a recon near rockets next to northern infantry -Attack medium tanks with remaining rockets and artillery, if possible, concenrtrating on joining enemy units; if rockets are unable, move as far north as possible -Head final infantry all the way north, towards missle silo Day 6: -Use Super CO Power -Launch missle from silo with southern infantry, weakening any undamaged or strong medium tanks -Destroy recon with southern artillery -Destroy remaining medium tanks with nearest long-range units -If a medium tank is not visible, move northern recon west to uncover any western units and eastern recon north to uncover eastern units --Reclamation-- Earliest Perfect S-Rank Time: 7 Days Strategy: March into relatively undefended enemy HQ with APC and infantry; kill enemy infantry unit with recon escort Day 1: -Deploy APC from northernmost western base Day 2: -Place APC 1 space south then 2 west, onto road east of bridge -Deploy infantry from either western base -Deploy recon from remaining western base Day 3: -Move recon as far south along road as possible -Load infantry into APC and supply recon from south Day 4: -Move APC as far west along road as possible -Place recon as far west along road as possible (do not attack adjacent infantry as attacking will shift deployment of artillery to an unfavorable position) Day 5: -(Note: Roads and bridge must not be blocked by enemy units; additionally, enemy APC must not move onto enemy HQ; otherwise, it must move off enemy HQ by beginning of next day) -Move APC 5 spaces west then 1 south and drop west onto enemy base -Attack infantry in forest with recon Day 6: -(Note: If enemy APC was positioned on enemy HQ previous day; it must have moved off enemy HQ by this day) -Capture enemy HQ -Kill injured infantry with recon Day 7: -Finish capture of enemy HQ --T Minus 15-- Earliest Perfect S-Rank Time: 9 Days Strategy: Retreat vulnerable southern units east, away from oncoming enemy air units; push west with all remaining available units, breaking both eastern pipe seams in the process to allow anti-air reinforcements to move south to destroy enemy air force; long-range weaponry and medium tanks must be used to maximum capacity to break through choke points quickly and succesfully, allowing positioning to expedite the capture of vital cities; while Andy's fighter heads farther east to eventually move south to support and defend Olaf's anti-air units, push his remaining units through western pipe seam then east towards missle silo, weakening enemy long-range weaponry and aiding in the destruction of enemy units at southern choke point, using APC to brunt anti-air attacks Day 1: --(Olaf)-- -Move both infantry as far west as possible -Load either northern mech into southern APC and head all the way west -Load remaining northern mech into remaining APC and supply western APC -Place both northern tanks as far west as possible -Move artillery all the way west -Head southern unit of northern anti-air pair as far west as possible -Place remaining northern anti-air beside complementary anti-air unit -Move northern rockets as far west along road as possible -Head both remaining mech all the way north -Move southernmost rockets 2 spaces north then 1 east -Place northernmost remaining anti-air north of northernmost southern mech -Head either remaining anti-air east of northernmost southern mech -Move final anti-air beside both complementary southern anti-airs -Place all reamaining units (in central region) as far west as possible --(Andy)-- -Head fighter 5 sapces east then 4 south -Kill mech with bomber -(Note: Walkthrough assumes that mech is killed by allied bomber; however, if mech does remain with 1HP, it will still be possible to destroy all four northern non-indirect enemy units on Day 2 and have allied units in comparable positions for Days 3 and 4 with apt action) -Attack APC with northernmost eastern battle copter -Place remaining eastern battle copter behind aformentioned battle copter -Destroy APC with remaining southern battle copter -Attack infantry with final battle copter -Head APC 4 spaces west into forest Day 2: --(Olaf)-- -Attack both eastern rockets with southernmost tank pair -Place westernmost medium tank pair as far west as possible -Attack nearest pipe seams with remaining medium tank pair -Move missles and central rockets all the way west -Head southernmost rockets into easternmost accessible forest -Place both southern mechs as far east as possible -Move western APC 1 space west then 2 south into forest -Place remaining APC north of southern APC -Head southern tank beside pipe seam -Place remaining tank 4 spaces south beside allied fighter -Wait at southernmost neutral city with northern infantry -Place remaining infantry between allied APC and western infantry -Move western anti-air beside western infantry -Head final anti-air beside western anti-air and eastern infantry -Place remaining rockets beside eastern infantry and eastern tank -Head artillery to neutral city north of western anti-air --(Andy)-- -Attack pipe seam with easternmost battle copter -Destroy recon with bomber from west and nearest battle copter if necessary -Kill infantry with northernmost remaining western battle copter from south -Place remaining western battle copter between westernmost battle copters -Head APC 2 spaces south then 2 west and supply bomber and battle copter Day 3: --(Olaf)-- -(Note: Flak must use CO Power and attack northern unit of southern tank pair and either APC) -Move southernmost mech pair all the way east -Head missles all the way south -Destroy southern pipe seam with central rockets -Destroy both eastern rockets with nearest medium tanks -Attack easternmost (southern) tank with southernmost medium tank (it is preferred that medium tank retains 10HP) -Destroy northern pipe seam with northernmost medium tank -Place damaged tank 1 space east next to northernmost medium tank -Attack northernmost eastern anti-air with westernmost northern tank -Place remaining northern tank between aforementioned tank and damaged tank -Head northern APC south of damaged tank and drop west -Move remaining APC south of southern APC and drop west -Place easternmost northern anti-air south of northernmost medium tank -Head remaining northern anti-air east of aformentioned anti-air -Move western infantry beside northernmost medium tank -Place final infantry beside southernmost infantry -Move artillery 1 space west then 3 south into forest -Head northern rockets 3 spaces west north of artillery --(Andy)-- -Move battle copter adjacent to pipe seam 1 space west -Destroy pipe seam with bomber -Head northernmost western battle copter 4 spaces south then 2 west -Move remaining western battle copter 4 spaces south then 1 west -Place final battle copter north of bomber -Supply both nearest battle copters with APC -Head fighter as far south as possible Day 4: --(Olaf)-- -(Note: Walkthrough assumes all enemy air units surround allied fighter; if any move east towards easternmost allied rockets and mech units concentrate on destruction of bombers and block entrance towards central region with anti-air unit; additionally, allied tank adjacent to damaged enemy anti-air must survive should enemy anti-air attack after bombardment from enemy rockets) -Destroy northernmost bomber with missles -Attack remaining northern bomber with either northern anti-air -Destroy northernmost eastern battle copter with southernmost anti-air -Destroy remaining eastern battle copter with easternmost anti-air -Destroy southernmost battle copter with final southern anti-air -Move central rockets as far west as possible -Place southern APC between damaged northern anti-air and southernmost tank -Attack northernmost medium tank with northern rockets -Attack northernmost tank with artillery -Join western (most) damaged tank east to eastern damaged tank -Destroy northernmost anti-air with northern remaining tank -Destroy northernmost tank with southernmost medium tank -Destroy northernmost medium tank with easternmost medium tank (medium tank must be destroyed) -Attack remaining northernmost medium tank with remaining northernmost medium tank -Destroy easternmost (southern) tank with final medium tank -Attack easternmost southern anti-air with remaining tank -Head northern infantry 2 spaces south -Move reamining infantry as far west as possible --(Andy)-- -Destroy undamaged southern bomber with fighter -Destroy missles with both southern battle copters from south then west (missles must be destroyed) -Attack rockets with bomber -Move APC 1 space east then 4 south then 1 east -Place both remaining battle copters adjacent to APC, as far east as possible Day 5: --(Olaf)-- -(Note: It is highly recommended that a total of at least 20HP remain among the three - possibly only even two - northern allied medium tanks after bombardment of Barbaric Blow; however, one of the easternmost northern medium tanks must retain at least 9HP, while the other (two) must retain a minimum total of 8; additionally, should southernmost allied tank be attacked, it must retain at least 5HP) -Use Super CO Power -Destroy lingering air units with missles and discretionary anti-air units -Move central rockets as far west as possible -Destroy damaged easternmost southern anti-air with southernmost tank -Attack southernmost tank with southern medium tank (recommended that medium tank retain at least 9HP) -Place easternmost northern medium with 9HP or greater onto road adjacent to southern easternmost enemy city -Destroy northern medium tank with artillery -Attack northern tank with northern rockets -Join (move) remaining medium tank(s) onto road north of aformentioned medium tank, moving most damaged unit first -Destroy northern tank with northern tank that retains enough HP to destroy with ease from north -Destroy rockets with remaining northern tank from east -Move western infantry all the way south -Place remaining infantry 2 spaces west -Capture neareast enemy cities with both northern mechs --(Andy)-- -Destroy anti-air with bomber -Place APC south of bomber -Destroy rockets with western battle copter from west if not already destroyed earlier this day -Place easternmost battle copter west of APC -Attack easternmost southern pipe seam with remaining eastern battle copter Day 6: --(Olaf)-- -(Note: Easternmost enemy medium tank must have attacked allied medium tank, retaining no greater than 6HP and must retain less than 6HP if northernmost allied medium tank retains less than 10HP) -Move southernmost medium tank aside 3 spaces north then 1 east -Destroy easternmost medium tank with northernmost medium tank (medium tank must be destroyed) -Attack final medium tank in central region with remaining medium tank (enemy medium tank must retain no greater than 3HP) -Destroy missles with rockets and southern tank from south -Finish capture of easternmost enemy cities with mechs -Capture remaining easternmost enemy cities with infantry -Place southern APC adjacent to southern mech and infantry pair -Place remaining APC adjacent to northern mech and infantry pair --(Andy)-- -Head fighter 1 space south then 3 west, blocking forest passage between mountains and pipe -Move APC aside 3 spaces west then 1 south -Destroy anti-air with bomber from north and northernmost battle copter if necessary -Destroy tank with either remaining battle copter from south -Destroy medium tank with final battle copter (medium tank must be destroyed) Day 7: --(Olaf)-- -Head artillery 3 spaces north then 1 west -Place northern rockets into forest south of artillery -Load both northern mechs into nearest APCs, move both 5 spaces east, and drop both onto westernmost enemy cities -Finish capture of enemy cities with infantry -Move central rockets onto southern accessible allied city --(Andy)-- -Break through pipe and skirmish with remaining enemy forces, being careful not to position over enemy cities around missle silo and allow enemy access to the central region once again (optional) Day 8: --(Olaf)-- -Destroy artillery with northern rockets and artillery if necessary -Attack eastern neotank with central rockets -Capture westernmost enemy cities with northern mechs -Capture remaining westernmost enemy cities with infantry --(Andy)-- -Skirmish with remaining enemy forces being careful not to allow enemy access to the central region once again (optional) Day 9: --(Olaf)-- -Destroy eastern neotank with central rockets -Finish capture of all remaining enemy cities --Nature Walk-- Earliest Perfect S-Rank Time: 6 Days Strategy: Head tank toward allied HQ coupled with tank decoy, long-range support and later tank support; destroy enemy tank, recon, artillery on Day 1 for early completion of power score; leisurely destroy enemy units that advance toward main allied army on Day 3 during Days 3 and 4 so as to not trigger Lash's CO Power on Day 3; use medium tank and anti-air to draw fire from Black Cannons away from primary assault forces Day 1: -Destroy recon with easternmost artillery and eastern infantry from east -Destroy/attack artillery with eastern rockets -Place southernmost eastern tank north of northern infantry, destroying artillery if still remaining -Destroy tank with medium tank from south and remaining eastern tank -Place anti-air north of northern medium tank -Head remaining easternmost artillery beside northern medium tank -Move remaining southernmost artillery beside northern medium tank -Place eastern recon adjacent to western three artillery -Head remaining recon north of western rockets -Move remaining rockets 2 spaces north then 2 west -Place final artillery adjacent to western rockets -Move remaining southern tank as far north as possible -Head final tank as far north as possible Day 2: -Attack recon with northern recon -Head damaged rockets 1 space east then 1 south into forest -Attack tank with easternmost tank -Move remaining easternmost tank 1 space west then 4 north into forest -Place northern medium tank as far north as possible, adjacent to northernmost tank -Head southernmost western artillery 3 spaces west then 1 north, south of damaged rockets -Move remaiining recon beside northernmost artillery -Place anti-air into forest adjacent to eastern recon and undamaged westernmost tank -Head northernmost artillery all the way north -Move remaining western artillery 2 spaces north then 2 west, adjacent to tanks, rockets, and recon -Head remaining undamaged tank as far north as possible -Move final tank 4 spaces north then 1 east adjacent to northernmost undamaged tank Day 3: -Destroy recon with southernmost western artillery -Hide damaged recon into forest 1 space east -Place remaining recon north of enemy tank, trapping enemy unit within mountains and allied units -Head northernmost damaged tank as far north as possible -Head remaining northermost tank as far north as possible -Hide northernmost artillery into forest 3 spaces north -Move remaining northernmost tank 2 spaces west then 3 north Day 4: -Use CO Power -Destroy tank with southernmost western artillery -Hide damaged medium tank into any adjacent forest -Retreat northernmost damaged tank into forest 3 spaces south -Destroy anti-air with artillery then southern undamaged tank -Place remaining northernmost tank 4 spaces north then 1 west Day 5: -Join northernmost damaged tank south with nearest damaged tank in forest 3 spaces south -Head northernmost tank all the way north Day 6: -Move northernmost tank onto allied HQ, attacking enemy units if desired --Neotanks!?-- (Colin) Earliest Perfect S-Rank Time: 8 Days Strategy: Deploy four infantry - three to use missle silos on strategic days and one to capture lab; use APC to transport infantry to missle silos and lab; destroy rockets and both medium tanks, using tank and recon coupled with missle silo launches; (Colin is only CO that can perform in 8 days as result of lower units costs; however, Olaf and Grit can follow same basic strategy for completion in 9 days) Day 1: -Deploy infantry form all bases Day 2: -Place eastern infantry on allied HQ -Move both remaining infantry all the way north -Deploy APC from northern base -Deploy infantry from eastern base Day 3: -Head northern infantry onto missle silo (do not launch missle) -Launch missle from northernmost western missle silo, attacking four enemy infantry -Load infantry on HQ into APC, move all the way east, and drop north -Move final infantry as far east as possible -Deploy recon from eastern base Day 4: -Head recon northeast along road, next to eastern infantry -Load southern infantry into APC and head as far north as possible, onto bridge -Move eastern infantry all the way east -Launch missle from northernmost missle silo across mountains, attacking rockets and both medium tanks -Deploy tank from northern base Day 5: -Move tank as far east as possible -Launch missle from either eastern missle silo, attacking rockets and both medium tanks -Head recon all the way north -Move APC as far north as possible, onto road -Head northern infantry 2 spaces south, back across mountains Day 6: -Launch missle from any silo, attacking enemy medium tank next to APC and being careful not to damage any allied units -Launch missle from any silo, attacking same enemy medium tank next to APC and being careful not to damage any allied units (attack may not have any apparent effect; however, enough substantial damage is done) -Destroy medium tank with recon from west -Launch missle from final available silo, attacking rockets and remaining medium tank -Head APC 5 spaces north then 1 east, and drop north onto neutral city -Place tank as far north as possible onto bridge Day 7: -Capture lab -Move APC 4 spaces west, blocking entrance to bridge and probibiting escape of crippled medium tank -Place recon on road south of infantry capturing lab -Head tank as far north as possible, onto road Day 8: -Destroy medium tank with tank -Destroy rockets with recon -Finish capture of lab --Silo Scramble-- Earliest Perfect S-Rank Time: 10 Days Strategy: Weaken defense around enemy HQ with recon, infantry with APC, and missles silos; capture HQ while blockading with recon Day 1: -Accumulate funds (pass) Day 2: -Deploy APC from western base -Deploy infantry from remaining base Day 3: -Load infantry into APC and move as far west as possible -Deploy recon from western base Day 4: -Move recon as far west along road as possible -Head APC as far south along bridge as possible -Deploy infantry from eastern base Day 5: -Deploy APC from western base -Load infantry into northern APC -Head recon 2 spaces west then 5 south onto nearest missle silo -Move damaged APC all the way south Day 6: -(Note: Enemy tank must move north as opposed to moving east) -Move northern APC as far west as possible -Head recon as far south along bridge as possible -Supply recon with southern APC from road adjacent to enemy infantry Day 7: -Attack enemy infantry with recon from south -Move southern APC 1 space south then 4 west and drop west into forest -Head remaining APC as far south along bridge as possible and drop south Day 8: -Attack artillery with recon from east then infantry from north -Launch missle from either accessible silo, centering on enemy HQ and targeting enemy artillery -Place southern APC onto eastern enemy base Day 9: -(Note: Enemy artillery must attack allied APC and not have moved onto enemy HQ) -Capture enemy HQ -Destroy artillery with recon from west -Head APC 1 space north then 4 west, blockading enemy tank from capturing infantry -Launch missle from any silo, attacking any desired enemy units Day 10: -Finish capture of enemy HQ --Show Stopper-- Earliest Perfect S-Rank Time: 16 Days Strategy: Capture enemy HQ and ignore destruction of minicannons; deploy initial ground force of pair of anti-air units, medium tank, and pair of tanks to meet initial enemy offensive ground and air force and then split into three-prong attack force to aid capture of enemy HQ and lab map city; deploy five infantry to acquire additional deployment properties and funds, decoy enemy fire from vital allied ground force units, and later capture enemy HQ and lab map city; deploy pair of landers to ferry one tank and anti-air pair and pair of loaded APCs to southern shoal area to raid enemy HQ; head complementing tank and anti-air pairs north then west along minicannon fortress to meet ferried force and assist in enemy HQ raid; move medium tank west then east along southern border of minicannon fortress to lure enemy medium tank east twice, away from position overlooking southern shoal area and then away from position allowing access to lab map city; capture western city of pair nearest southern shoal area to obtain lab map Day 1: -Deploy infantry from all bases Day 2: -Head all infantry all the way west -Deploy anti-air from westernmost northern base Day 3: -Move anti-air as far west as possible -Deploy medium tank from westernmost northern base -Capture neutral city with easternmost infantry -Capture neutral port with southernmost infantry -Head final infantry 1 space south then 2 west Day 4: -Finish capture of neutral city -Finish capture of neutral port -Place medium tank as far west as possible -Deploy anti-air from westernmost northern base -Deploy infantry from easternmost base -Hide remaining anti-air 4 spaces west into forest -Head final infantry 1 space north then 2 west Day 5: -(Note: Saving is suggested for the following attack) -Attack bomber with western anti-air from neutral city (enemy bomber must retain only 2HP) -Hide westernmost infantry all the way west into forest -Head southernmost infantry 2 spaces north -Place medium tank 2 spaces west then 3 spaces north -Hide northernmost infantry 1 space north then 2 spaces west -Move remaining anti-air 4 spaces west -Deploy tank from westernmost northern base -Hide final infantry 2 spaces north into forest Day 6: -(Note: Two enemy battle copters must be visible with western battle copter adjacent to enemy bomber; it is recommended, but not necessary, that no enemy recon unit be currently visible; saving is suggested due to the required following attack) -Destroy western enemy battle copter with western anti-air from west (enemy battle copter must be destroyed) -Destroy remaining battle copter with remaining anti-air from east -Destroy southern tank with medium tank from north and tank from south -Move northernmost infantry 2 spaces south then 1 space west -Deploy tank from westernmost northern base -Deploy APC from easternmost base Day 7: -If injured infantry remains, hide 1 space east then 2 north into forest -Capture southern neutral base with southernmost infantry -Hide western anti-air 2 spaces north then 3 west into forest -Deploy lander from port -Place western tank 2 spaces west then 2 north -Destroy tank with medium tank from west then remaining tank after moving 2 spaces north then 4 west -Destroy bomber with remaining anti-air from west -Load infantry into APC and head as far west as possible Day 8: -(Note: If enemy recon units was situated adjacent to allied medium tank and eastern allied tank, it must have moved from its position) -Head APC 5 spaces west -Finish capture of neutral base -Attack western mech with medium tank from south -Attack anti-air with western tank -Load eastern anti-air then remaining tank into lander and move as far west as possible -Deploy tank from westernmost northern base Day 9: -(Note: No enemy unit (APC or transport copter) must block allied medium tank from moving 5 spaces west this day) -Head lander all the way west -Place western tank 1 space east, 4 spaces north, then 1 west -Destroy anti-air with medium tank -Move anti-air 2 space north, 1 west, then 3 spaces north -Hide infantry 2 spaces north then 1 west into forest -Hide APC 1 space west into forest -Deploy APC from westernmost (captured) base -Deploy lander from port -Prevent any enemy recon from (easily) accessing roads leading from westernmost allied base to allied port with final tank, attacking any visible enemy recon unit if able and/or necessary Day 10: -(Note: Adder must have used CO Power; additionally, no enemy recon unit must prevent southern allied APC access to eastern allied lander) -Move western lander as far west as possible -Place medium tank 2 spaces west -Head northern tank 1 space east then 3 north -Move anti-air 4 spaces north then 1 east -Load infantry into southern APC -Load northern APC then southern APC into eastern lander and move as far west as possible -Head generally north with final tank to expand vision range around enemy-captured northern base, attacking any visible enemy unit if prudent -Deploy tank from westernmost northern base Day 11: -Deploy cruiser from port (no enemy artillery must be able to attack allied cruiser; any offending artillery will be revealed upon deployment of allied cruiser) -Head eastern lander as far west as possible -Move western lander 4 spaces north and drop anti-air north -Place medium tank 2 spaces east -Hide remaining anti-air 4 spaces north into forest -Hide northernmost tank 4 spaces north into forest -Priortize elimination of enemy infantry and mech units with allied tanks to facilitate reproduction of infantry and mech units from (captured) enemy base and prevent deployment of neotanks from that base, and head generally north towards that base to hopefully overtake that base and prevent any continued enemy deployment; however, safety of allied tanks should take main priority, being wary of enemy artillery or uninjured mech attacks Day 12: -Use Super CO Power -Move cruiser as far west as possible -Head eastern ladner 5 spaces west then 1 space north -Destroy eastern battle copter with western anti-air from north -Drop tank either north or west from western lander -Deploy any possible tanks from bases nearest allied HQ, prioritizing deployment from westernmost northern base -Priortize elimination of enemy infantry and mech units with allied tanks to facilitate reproduction of infantry and mech units from (captured) enemy base and prevent deployment of neotanks from that base, and head generally north towards that base to hopefully overtake that base and prevent any continued enemy deployment; however, safety of allied tanks should take main priority, being wary of enemy artillery or uninjured mech attacks Day 13: -(Note: Adder must have used CO Power; additionally, visible enemy battle copter must not attack westernmost allied tank) -Hide northernmost tank 3 spaces west then 1 south into forest -Hide northern anti-air 1 space west into forest -Hide westernmost tank 4 spaces north then 1 space west into forest -Hide remaining anti-air 3 spaces north into forest -Place northern lander 1 space east -Head remaining lander 3 spaces north then 1 west, and drop both APCs -Head cruiser all the way west -Deploy any possible tanks from bases nearest allied HQ, prioritizing deployment from westernmost northern base -Priortize elimination of enemy infantry and mech units with allied tanks to facilitate reproduction of infantry and mech units from (captured) enemy base and prevent deployment of neotanks from that base, and head generally north towards that base to hopefully overtake that base and prevent any continued enemy deployment; however, safety of allied tanks should take main priority, being wary of enemy artillery or uninjured mech attacks Day 14: -Destroy northern battle copter with northern anti-air -Attack rockets with northernmost tank from west -Attack bomber with remaining anti-air (recommended that enemy bomber retain 3HP at maximum, especially if northernmost allied tank retains only 9HP) -Head northern APC 5 spaces north then 1 west and drop into forest -Attack northern undamaged rockets with westernmost tank from east (recommended that enemy rockets retain 5HP at maximum) -Hide remaining APC into accessible forest (3 space north then 2 east), and drop east -Head eastern lander 3 spaces south then 3 west (within range of enemy battle copter to lure away from hidden allied infantry) -Join remaining lander with aforementioned lander -Head cruiser as far west as possible -Deploy any possible tanks from bases nearest allied HQ, prioritizing deployment from westernmost northern base -Priortize elimination of enemy infantry and mech units with allied tanks to facilitate reproduction of infantry and mech units from (captured) enemy base and prevent deployment of neotanks from that base, and head generally north towards that base to hopefully overtake that base and prevent any continued enemy deployment; however, safety of allied tanks should take main priority, being wary of enemy artillery or uninjured mech attacks Day 15: -Destroy northern rockets on enemy HQ with northernmost tank and western anti-air -Capture enemy HQ -Capture westernmost enemy city -Destroy remaining northern rockets with remaining northernmost tank from east -Destroy bomber with remaining anti-air from south -Place both APCs outside forests but within range of both western minicannons, especially southernmost western minicannon, to decoy fire away from infantry capturing enemy city -Destroy final battle copter with cruiser -Deploy any possible tanks from bases nearest allied HQ, prioritizing deployment from westernmost northern base -Priortize elimination of enemy infantry and mech units with allied tanks to facilitate reproduction of infantry and mech units from (captured) enemy base and prevent deployment of neotanks from that base, and head generally north towards that base to hopefully overtake that base and prevent any continued enemy deployment; however, safety of allied tanks should take main priority, being wary of enemy artillery or uninjured mech attacks -Use Super CO Power if desired and able Day 16: -Destroy any desired units -Deploy infantry from all bases if necessary -Deploy lander from port if necessary and able -Finish capture of enemy city -Finish capture of enemy HQ --Sensei's Return-- Earliest Perfect S-Rank Time: 7 Days Strategy: Deploy a pair of transport copters loaded with infantry paratroopers to storm enemy HQ; kill enemy infantry with recons Day 1: -Accumulate funds (pass) Day 2: -Deploy transport copter and infantry from either base Day 3: -Load infantry into transport copter and move 6 spaces west -Deploy transport copter and infantry from either base Day 4: -Head western transport copter all the way north -Load infantry into transport copter and move 6 spaces west -Deploy recon from northern base Day 5: -Hide recon as far west as possible into forest -Deploy recon from northern base -Move northern transport copter 4 spaces north and drop north into forest -Head remaining transport copter all the way north Day 6: -Capture enemy HQ -Place loaded transport copter between enemy tank and infantry capturing HQ and drop west -Move damaged transport copter east of infantry capturing HQ, blockading enemy tank from attacking capturing infantry -(Note: Enemy artillery must have been deployed from easternmost base - it should not be revealed after movement of aforementioned units) -Hide western recon as far west as possible into forest beside neutral city -Place remaining recon as far west as possible into forest Day 7: -Kill visible infantry with both recons -Finish capture of enemy HQ --Duty & Honor-- Earliest Perfect S-Rank Time: 10 Days Strategy: Advance prudently, only placing APC units in line-of-fire of lasers; destroy lasers as soon as possible with mech and rockets units; use allied cities as defensive cover and to replenish lost HP to ensure maximum unit capabilities; use indirects to handle various miscellany while carefully using directs as main attack force Day 1: -Move all medium tanks all the way north -Load westernmost mech into northern APC and move 3 spaces east then 2 north, into forest -Move western infantry 1 space east then 2 north -Head southern APC 5 spaces north then 1 west -Load remaining western mech into vacant APC -Head all remaining mechs as far east as possible -Place remaining infantry all the way north -Move both tanks 3 spaces east then 3 north, north and east of eastern infantry -Head both artillery 1 space east then 4 north -Place southern rockets all the way north -Move remaining rockets 1 space west then 3 north, along road Day 2: -Place southern rockets 2 spaces north -Move remaining rockets 4 spaces north -Head damaged APC 3 spaces north and drop east onto mountain -Destroy recon with southern medium tank from east -Move western medium tank 3 spaces east then 1 north, into forest -Place final medium tank 2 spaces east then 1 south, beside eastern medium tank -Head western artillery 2 spaces east then 1 north -Move remaining APC 3 spaces east and drop east onto mountain -Place northern mech as far east as possible -Head both remaining mechs 1 space east then 1 south Day 3: -(Note: Eastern APC must survive) -Destroy southernmost tank with both southern mechs from west then north -Head both remaining eastern mechs as far east as possible across mountains -Move both easternmost medium tanks as far east along road as possible -Place southern APC 1 space west -Destroy westernmost tank with final medium tank from north, southern infantry from south, and remaining infantry from west if necessary -Place western tank 2 spaces north then 3 east, onto road separating western medium tanks -Head remaining tank 3 spaces north, onto road adjacent to westernmost medium tank -Move northern artillery 3 spaces east, between westernmost medium tank and southern infantry -Head southern rockets as far east along road as possible -Place remaining artillery 2 spaces east then 2 north, south of southern rockets -Attack northern laser with final mech from south -Head remaining rockets 2 spaces east -Move remaining APC 2 spaces south, behind eastern rockets Day 4: -(Note: Adder must have used CO Power) -Destroy northern laser with western rockets and northern mech from east -Destroy/attack western tank from north with easternmost undamaged medium tank -Place damaged medium tank onto northernmost accesible allied city, destroying western tank if not previously destroyed -Destroy western artillery with final medium tank from west -Head eastern tank as far east as possible onto plains -Move remaining tank 5 spaces east then 1 north, beside southern medium tank -Place eastern artillery 1 space north, 3 east, then 1 south, onto accessible allied city -Move remaining rockets 2 spaces east then 1 south into forest -Load northern infantry into northern APC and supply artillery and medium tank -Load remaining infantry into remaining APC and supply eastern APC -Place remaining artillery 1 space east -Head all remaining mechs all the way east Day 5: -Destroy/attack southern artillery with southernmost mech from west then remaining southernmost mech from north -Head both remaining southern mechs all the way east -Move northernmost medium tank 3 spaces east then 2 north -Place eastern tank 1 space north the 4 east into forest -Head remaining tank 2 spaces north, 3 east, then 1 north, onto northernmost accessible allied city -Move remaining undamged medium tank 2 spaces north the 3 spaces east -Place final medium tank 1 space north the 4 east, adjacent to western tank and medium tank -Head final mech all the way east -Move eastern artillery 3 spaces north then 2 east -Supply westernmost medium tank and eastern artillery with eastern APC -Head remaining APC 2 spaces east then 3 north and drop north -Move artillery as far east along road as possible -Place both rockets as far east along road as possible Day 6: -Destroy artillery with either southern mech if not destroyed previous day -Destroy southern laser with eastern rockets, easternmost mech from south, and remaining easternmost mech from west -Destroy westernmost tank with northernmost medium tank -Place damaged tank 1 space north -Destroy westernmost medium tank with damaged medium tank from allied city and final medium tank from north -Place remaining tank 1 space west -Supply both eastern medium tanks with eastern APC from bridge -Move eastern artillery 1 space north, 3 east, then 1 north again -Load northernmost mech into remaining APC, move 5 spaces east, and drop north into river -Head remaining artillery as far east along road as possible -Place infantry as far east along road as possible -Move remaining rockets as far east along road as possible Day 7: -(Note: Adder must have used CO Power) -Use CO Power -Destroy northernmost tank with easternmost medium tank -Destroy western tank with westernmost medium tank -Attack northern medium tank with final medium tank (enemy medium tank must retain 3 HP) -Attack final tank with northernmost mech -Place eastern artillery 1 space north, 2 east, then 1 north into forest -Move damaged tank 1 space south onto allied city -Head remaining tank 2 spaces north, adjacent to northern APC -Move remaining artillery 2 spaces east then 2 north -Load infantry into southern APC and move 1 space west then 1 north -Head both rockets as far east along road as possible -Move remaining northernmost mech all the way east -Place remaining northernmost mech as far north as possible Day 8: -(Note: Undamaged enemy medium tank must have moved beside damaged enemy medium tank) -Destroy damaged medium tank with northern artillery -Destroy tank with northernmost mech from south -Destroy southern artillery with westernmost medium tank -Attack remaining medium tank with northernmost medium tank from forest -Destroy remaining artillery with final medium tank -Destroy medium tank with eastern tank from south then remaining tank from west; if enemy medium tank was destroyed with initial attack from south, place remaining tank as far east along road as possible -Move eastern APC as far east along road as possible and drop east -Head western APC as far east along road as possible and drop east -Place remaining artillery 4 spaces east -Head western rockets as far north along road as possible -Move remaining rockets as far east along road as possible -Place remaining northernmost mech all the way east Day 9: -If enemy APC resides on southern bridge, destroy with any undamaged tank (APC must be destroyed); otherwise, place either tank on southern bridge -Place southernmost medium tank 1 space east then 3 south into forest -Head all three northernmost mechs all the way east -Attack both western mechs with both remaining medium tanks from allied cities -Attack westernmost capturing infantry with remaining tank -Kill northern injured mech with eastern infantry -Kill injured capturing infatry with remaining infantry -Place western APC 1 space north into forest -Join remaining APC into forest -Head eastern artillery 4 spaces east -Move remaining artillery 1 space south, 3 east, then 1 south again -Place both rockets as far east along road as possible Day 10: -(Note: Enemy rockets must attack allied units) -Destroy northern rockets with either nearest mech from north and southern tank -Destroy remaining rockets with southernmost medium tank -Kill injured mech with damaged artillery and northernmost mech if necessary -Use CO Power if able; otherwise use as soon as able -Destroy and kill any remaining units, using all possible indirect units first, then attack with direct units with infantry accompaniment --Foul Play-- Earliest Perfect S-Rank Time: 6 Days Strategy: Break through pipe seams separating air force from allied HQ with artillery and bombers; hold territory around allied HQ by blocking passage around mountains with initial medium tank and tank; divide air force into two teams - one pair of bombers to prevent any possible attacks from missle silos and aid in power aspect and other team forming three battle copter and bomber pairs to destroy each individual minicannon; kill any infantry or mechs having crossed mountains with anti-air and rockets; destroy five or more enemy units on Day 6 to secure power score Day 1: -Head medium tank 3 spaces north -Place tank east of medium tank -Deploy artillery from easternmost of pair of northern bases -Attack pipe seam nearest allied HQ with western artillery -Load all infantry into nearest transport copters, and move all transports 2 spaces west then 5 spaces north -Move all bombers 5 spaces north then 2 east -Place all battle copters 1 space east then 5 north Day 2: -(Note: Walkthrough assumes that southernmost enemy infantry is moved all the way west; if not case, kill with northern battle copter from west instead, place either remaining in its previous position above westernmost neutral city and aid in destroying anti-air with final battle copter after attacking with southermost bomber from south) -Kill southern infantry with central battle copter from east -Destroy southern anti-air with southernmost bomber from south and southern battle copter from west -Attack both southernmost pipe seams with both western remaining bombers -Destroy pipe seam nearest allied HQ with both artillery -Place tank 4 spaces east onto allied city, blocking passage to allied HQ -Move medium tank 3 spaces west then 1 north, blocking passage to allied HQ -Deploy rockets from western base Day 3: -(Note: Walkthrough asserts that enemy tank is placed next to allied medium tank; otherwise, it is highly recommended that neither enemy medium tank nor neotank engage allied medium tank until Day 4 at earliest - preferred that allied medium tank hold position through mission completion) -Place rockets on allied HQ -Move western artillery 3 spaces south then 1 west -Place remaining artillery onto neutral base -Deploy anti-air from easternmost of pair of northern bases -Attack remaining southern anti-air with nearest bomber with most HP, usually bomber adjacent to easternmost of southern pipe seam pair -Attack recon with remaining easternmost bomber -Destroy westernmost of southern pipe seam pair with adjacent bomber -Destroy easternmost of southern pipe seam pair with either remaining bomber from north between pipes -Attack westernmost of remaining southern pipe seam pair with final bomber -Place westernmost battle copter 1 space east then 2 north then 1 west, west of westernmost northern bomber -Surround westernmost northern bomber with remaining battle copters Day 4: -(Note: Adder must have used CO Power) -Destroy westernmost of remaining southern pipe seam pair with either artillery -Destroy pipe seam nearest both allied artillery units with remaining artillery and easternmost northern bomber -Attack remaining pipe seam nearest allied HQ with southernmost western bomber -Move westernmost battle copter as far north as possible -Head southernmost battle copter 5 spaces north adjacent to northern battle copter -Place remaining battle copter between both allied artillery units -Move remaining northern bomber as far north as possible -Attack westernmost possible mech with rockets -Attack easternmost possible mech with anti-air from forest 4 spaces north; otherwise, place 1 space north -Attack westernmost mech with medium tank from current position if enemy mech is on mountain allied adjacent to medium tank -Attack northernmost anti-air with tank -Deploy anti-air from easternmost of pair of northern bases -Head all transport copters 5 spaces east then 2 north -Attack southernmost mech with either remaining bomber from as far north as possible while minding attack range of enemy missles -Attack nearest southern medium tank with final bomber Day 5: -Kill southern mech with nearest bomber from as far north as possible while minding attack range of enemy missles -Follow damaged medium tank with remaining southernmost bomber -Move southernmost battle copter 6 spaces north, attacking crippled mech if adjacent -Head remaining southern bomber as far north as possible -Destroy remaining pipe seam nearest allied HQ with eastern artillery -Head remaining southern bomber 7 spaces north, attacking infantry if able (if mech occupies position 7 spaces north, destroy with both anti-air units) -Surround northernmost (aforementioned) bomber with both anti-air from west and south -Move remaining southern battle copter as far north as possible -Place final battle copter 5 spaces north then 1 west -Move final bomber 1 space west then 2 north -Head rockets 3 spaces north then 2 east along road -Attack tank with medium tank from current position -Deploy anti-air from both northern bases -Place northernmost transport copter between both artillery units -Head remaining transport copters all the way north Day 6: -(Note: No enemy units must block paths leading to ajdacent positions east and south of minicannons, mainly area between easternmost pair of minicannons and northernmost pair of allied bases; otherwise, only obstruction must be sole enemy infantry on mountain adjacent to easternmost northern allied battle copter) -Destroy tank adjacent to allied transport copter with both artillery -Destroy damaged southern medium tank with southernmost bomber -Attack infantry on mountain adjacent to easternmost northern battle copter with rockets if present; otherwise, attack nearest medium tank -Destroy easternmost minicannon with northernmost bomber from east and easternmost northern battle copter from south -Kill infantry on mountain previously trageted by rockets with anti-air if present -Kill remaining mechs and infantry within territory surrounding allied HQ with remaining anti-air units -If number of enemy units destroyed today currently totals less than 4, attack easternmost rockets with easternmost bomber to fully charge CO Power if not already done; otherwise destroy recon or APC if possible -Move tank off allied city -Use SCO Power if number of enemy units destroyed today totals less than 5 or if desired and able -Destroy northernmost rockets with nearest mechs -Destroy final anti-air with eastern mech nearest allied HQ -Destroy damaged tank with remaining mech nearest allied HQ after moving medium tank aside -Destroy western minicannon with westernmost battle copter and bomber pair -Destroy final minicannon with final battle copter and bomber pair --The Hunt's End-- (Sonja) Earliest Perfect S-Rank Time: 11 Days Strategy: Deploy sole infantry to capture neutral propteries while heading east towards enemy land forces; deploy battleship to head towards pipe seam, destroying northeasternmost minicannon of island quartet while en route before positioning to destroy pipe seam; deploy adequate force of tanks and anti-airs to destroy invading infantry and copters; (Sonja must be used as she is able to most cost efficiently destroy Black Hole structures (with battleships) using initial resources given; any CO may be used for supplemental allied army as Sonja needs little if any aid; however, Sami is recommended as she is able to provided deviatory aid while attracting as little unwanted attention as possible due to increased lander movement should Sonja's battleship somehow come under danger of being attacked by deployed enemy rockets on Day 10; however, often times, Yellow Comet needs no assistance, so supplemental army may simply accumulate funds and watch on sidelines; complete this mission before completing "Factory Blues" on Blue Moon continent to receive additional dialogue about aiding in freedom of Blue Moon and obtain ability to use any Yellow Comet CO (in addition to Orange Star COs) to lead supplemental army in "Factory Blues") Day 1: --(Sonja)-- -Deploy infantry from southernmost eastern base --(Sami)-- -Accumulate funds (pass) Day 2: --(Sonja)-- -(Note: Enemy battleship must not have moved after being deployed from factory and must remain at current position for remainder of mission) -Capture nearest neutral city --(Sami)-- -Accumulate funds (pass) Day 3: --(Sonja)-- -Finish capture of neutral city --(Sami)-- -(Note: If using any CO other than Sami for supplemental army, deploy infantry this day, capture neutral port as soon as possible, deploy lander when possible and move east towards pipe seam with deployed infantry inside placing next to Yellow Comet battleship and within potential enemy rocket range on Day 10; Sami is alotted day delay due to increased lander movement) -Accumulate funds (pass) Day 4: --(Sonja)-- -(Note: Battle copter deploy from factory must not have moved east and generally south instead) -Head infantry as far east as possible -Deploy battleship from port --(Sami)-- -Deploy infantry from base Day 5: --(Sonja)-- -Move battleship 1 space north, 1 east, then 3 north, east of nearest reef -Capture neutral city 2 spaces east of infantry -Deploy anti-air from southernmost eastern base --(Sami)-- -Head infantry all the way north Day 6: --(Sonja)-- -Place anti-air as far east as possible -Deploy tank from southernmost eastern base -Finish capture of neutral city -Move battleship 4 spaces north --(Sami)-- -Capture neutral port Day 7: --(Sonja)-- -Attack northeasternmost minicannon on island with battleship -If enemy battle copter does not reside next to neutral base nearest allied units, capture neutral base with infantry and head anti-air 1 space north then 4 east; otherwise, destroy battle copter with anti-air and place infantry behind anti-air to begin capturing next day (walkthrough assumes former case for remainder; however, latter case will still follow closely - with only day delay in capturing of neutral base and deployment of anti-air from specified base, resulting in one less able unit to attack on Day 11; however, final deployed force will still be able to secure power score) -Head tank as far east as possible -Deploy tank from southernmost eastern base --(Sami)-- -Finish capture of neutral port Day 8: --(Sonja)-- -Destroy northeasternmost minicannon on island with battleship -If enemy battle copter poses threat to infantry, destroy with anti-air; otherwise, fortify plain or road that lies upon same vertical axis that neutral base being captured resides upon -Finish capture of neutral base -Head eastern tank 1 space north then 4 east -Move remaining tank as far east as possible -Deploy anti-air from southernmost eastern base --(Sami)-- -Move infantry 1 space west -Deploy lander from port Day 9: --(Sonja)-- -Move battleship 4 spaces north then 1 west -If enemy battle copter or western tank poses threat to infantry, destroy battle copter with eastern anti-air and attack tank with eastern tank from most beneficial terrain; otherwise, fortify same vertical axis that captured base resides upon but keeping all units out of enemy tank range while allowing anti-air, but not tank, into enemy battle copter range -Move infantry into (or towards) forest next to allied port, not crossing east of vertical axis upon which captured base lies -Deploy anti-air from easternmost (captured) base -Place remaining tank 1 space north then 4 east -Move remaining anti-air as far east as possible --(Sami)-- -Load infantry into lander and move 1 space north, 4 east, 1 north, then 1 east Day 10: --(Sonja)-- -Attack pipe seam with battleship -(If attacked tank previous day, destroy tank with undamaged tank) -Place infantry onto plains west of forest adjacent to allied port -Fortify remaining units as far east as possible while keeping all units out of tank and medium tank range while allowing anti-air, but not tanks, into enemy battle copter range and not occupying easternmost allied base -Deploy anti-air from easternmost base --(Sami)-- -If rockets have been deployed at westernmost enemy base, near pipe seam, place lander next to allied Yellow Comet battleship Day 11: --(Sonja)-- -Destroy at least 3 enemy units with anti-air units primarily targeting battle and tranport copters and tanks and infantry, if possible, targeting infantry on plains or roads -Destroy pipe seam with battleship --Sea Fortress-- Earliest Perfect S-Rank Time: 4 Days Strategy: Advance towards sea fortress while crippling and damaging enemy battle copters, fighters, and cruisers along the way; destroy westermost minicannons by Day 3; use Lightning Strike on Day 3 to position bombers and battle copters to destroy remaining minicannons on Day 4, using fighters to blockade and suffer attacks from anti-air units Day 1: -Move all bombers as far east as possible -Place all fighters 5 spaces east -Head northernmost battle copter all the way east -Head southernmost battle copter all the way east -Move remaining northernmost battle copter behind northernmost bomber -Move remaining southernmost battle copter behind southernmost bomber -Place all remaining battle copters just east of respective bombers Day 2: -(Note: Nearest four enemy battle copters and two fighters must all be within attack range of allied fighters; walkthrough assumes asymmetrical enemy formation) -Attack northern fighter from north with any fighter -Attack southern fighter from south with any remaining fighter -Destroy both fighters with remaining fighters from east -Move northern bomber 1 space north then 6 east -Place remaining northern bomber behind northern bomber -Move southern bomber 1 space south then 6 east -Place remaining southern bomber behind southern bomber -Attack westernmost southern battle copter with southern battle copter from west -Destroy westernmost southern battle copter with remaining southern battle copter from south -Head remaining southern battle copter 1 space south then 5 east -Attack remaining southern battle copter with remaining southern battle copter from south -Attack easternmost northern battle copter with remaining southern battle copter -Destory easternmost northern battle copter with remaining eastern battle copter -Attack remaining northern battle copter with remaining southern battle copter from north -Move final battle copter 5 spaces east, behind bomber -Head both remaining bombers all the way east Day 3: -(Note: Both enemy fighters must move all the way east, symmetrically into range of allied fighters -Attack both fighters with easternmost fighters from east -Destroy northern fighter with northern fighter from south -Destroy southern fighter with final fighter from north -Destroy nearest minicannons with westernmost bombers -Destroy/attack northern cruiser with remaining northern bomber -Place three northernmost battle copters as far east as possible -Move remaining northern bomber 1 space north then 6 east -Move remaining northern bomber 1 space south then 6 east -Head final bomber 7 spaces east onto destroyed minicannon, destroying/attacking southern cruiser if possible -Head both remaining undamaged battle copters all the way east -Place easternmost southern battle copter as far east as possible -Destroy damaged copter unit(s) with remaining battle copters from east; otherwise, head all the way east -Use Super CO Power -Head northernmost battle copter 1 space south then 4 east, destroying northern cruiser if not destroyed by bomber -Head southernmost battle copter 1 space north then 4 east, destroying southern cruiser if not destroyed by bomber if possible -Attack/destroy easternmost northern missles with easternmost northern bomber from west -Attack/destroy remaining northern missles with remaining northern bomber from east -Attack/destroy easternmost southern missles with easternmost southern bomber from west -Attack/destroy remaining southern missles with remaining southern bomber from east -Destroy northern battle copter with northernmost fighter from south -Destroy final battle copter with southernmost fighter from north -Destroy both westernmost minicannons with final two bombers -Head both remaining fighters 7 spaces east onto destroyed minicannons -Move eastermost northern battle copter 1 space north then 5 east, destroying missles if not destroyed by bomber -Head remaining northern battle copter all the way east -Move eastermost southern battle copter 1 space south then 5 east, destroying missles if not destroyed by bomber -Head remaining easternmost southern battle copter all the way east -Approach cruiser, if any (especially if undamaged), with final battle copters while staying outside range of anti-air units Day 4: -(Note: Any enemy cruiser, especially if undamaged, must attack/destroy battle copters ordered to approach it on previous day) -Attack easternmost minicannons with easternmost bombers from either north or south -Destroy easternmost minicannons with remaining easternmost bombers -Attack missles, if any, with battle copters 2 spaces west of westernmost bombers -Destroy missles, if any, with most damaged battle copters from either north or south (but not east) -Attack final minicannons with both remaining bombers from east -Destroy minicannons with remaining able battle copters --Drake's Dilemma-- Earliest Perfect S-Rank Time: 8 Days Strategy: Head two battleships down to take down Black Cannons using reefs as cover and hide remaining battleships in reefs of strategic locations for attacking; use subs for vision; make cruisers useful by relegating them as cannon fodder along with one sub for Hawke's rockets to completely fill up Drake's CO Power bar; use Typhoon and destroy enemy unit near Kanbei's territory with tank deployed from Drake's base and three others with battleships while making sure to make additions to Hawke's CO power bar minimal; use Kanbei's units as early lures in addition to deploying a small force to prevent Hawke from capturing either neutral base; attack Black Cannons at least once before allowing Hawke to use Black Storm Day 1: --(Drake)-- -Dive southern sub 1 space east then 5 south -Hide southern battleship in southern reef -Move southern cruiser 1 space north then 1 west -Dive western sub 2 spaces north then 4 west -Hide western battleship in southern reef -Head remaining western cruiser 3 spaces west -Place both remaining battleships inside western reefs -Place northern cruiser 1 space north then 1 east west of reef -Move eastern sub 3 spaces west, north of lander -Move final cruiser 2 spaces east --(Kanbei)-- -Deploy infantry from both bases Day 2: --(Drake)-- -Deploy tank from base -Head southern battleship 2 spaces east then 1 south into reef -Hide remaining southern battleship in southern reef -Attack northern artillery with northern battleship -Move final battleship into southern reef -Hide western cruiser in reef 4 spaces east -Join all remaining cruisers with cruiser in reef -Hide northern sub in reef 3 spaces east --(Kanbei)-- -Capture neutral cities with both infantry -Deploy recon from eastern base Day 3: --(Drake)-- -Move tank all the way east -Head southern battleship south into reef -Hide remaining southern battleship in southern reef -Hide final southern battlehsip in southern reef --(Kanbei)-- -Finish capture of western neutral city -Head recon 5 spaces north -Launch missle from silo, centering on plains 2 spaces north of enemy mech capturing neutral base -Deply recon from eastern base Day 4: --(Drake)-- -Use Super CO Power -Destroy southern recon with tank from east -Head southern battleship as far south as possible, next to forest -Destroy southern artillery on road with remaining southern battleship -Destroy southern rockets on road with final southern battleship -Destroy northern artillery with northern battleship -Rise westernmost sub in nearest reef --(Kanbei)-- -Destroy recon with southern recon -Deploy tank from eastern base -Kill mech with remaining recon -Head eastern infantry all the way north Day 5: --(Drake)-- -Move tank 2 spaces east then 4 north -Move southern battleship 5 spaces south -Hide remaining southern battleship in southern reef -Rise southernmost sub in nearest reef --(Kanbei)-- -Launch missle from silo, centering on forest just west of enemy infantry -Attack/destroy recon with northern recon from forest -Place remaining recon on neutral base -Head tank 1 space east then 5 north Day 6: --(Drake)-- -Destroy anti-air (or tank) with tank -Move southern battleship as far west as possible -Head remaining southern battleship all the way south, next to forest --(Kanbei)-- -Kill infantry with northern recon from west -Destroy tank (or anti-air) with tank -Place southern recon onto enemy city Day 7: --(Drake)-- -Attack western Black Cannon with southern battleship -Attack remaining Black Cannon with remaining southern battleship --(Kanbei)-- -Destroy recon with tank from forest west of enemy recon Day 8: --(Drake)-- -Destroy western Black Cannon with southern battleship -Destroy final Black Cannon with remaining southern battleship --Sinking Feeling-- Earliest Perfect S-Rank Time: 11 Days Strategy: Capture nearest neutral port as soon as possible; deploy battleship on Day 3 and lander on Day 4 followed by another battlehip on Day 7; advance aggressively but cautiously - blockading vulnerable units with tank units, decoying enemy attacks with infantry and APC, and using indirect units to break through enemy encasement; capture southern neutral base by Day 6 and deploy artillery on Day 7; prevent any enemy capture of neutral bases; destroy minicannons with both medium tanks with aid from initial battleship; destroy air units with available anti-air units; use CO power to initially destroy distant enemy units then subsequently to aid in setup for and actual destruction of enemy battleships; attack and destroy enemy battleships in manner to facilitate joining of damaged battleships within allied indirect range Day 1: -Capture port with nearest mech -Load western infantry into APC and supply northern mech from east -Move remaining infantry as far east a possible -Place both tanks as far east as possible -Head both medium tanks all the way east -Move rockets as far east along road as possible -Place recon onto plains surrounded by southern tank, both medium tanks, and southern mech -Head eastern anti-air north of northern medium tank -Place eastern artillery adjacent to both medium tanks -Move remaining anti-air adjacent to northern anti-air and artillery -Head remaining artillery as far east along road as possible Day 2: -Finish capture of port -Place APC north of westernmost enemy tank and drop (east) -Destroy westernmost tank with southern medium from west and southern tank from east -Move western artillery as far east as possible -Place remaining artillery into easternmost accessible allied city -Head remaining medium tank all the way east along road -Move rockets 3 spaces east, between southern medium tank and artillery -Place remaining infantry 1 space east into river -Move remaining tank 4 spaces east then 2 south -Head eastern anti-air 3 spaces east then 2 south into forest -Place remaining anti-air adjacent to northern artillery and southern medium tank -Move recon adjacent to northern mech and anti-air Day 3: -Move southern mech all the way north -Destroy southern medium tank with rockets and northern medium tank -Attack remaining westernmost tank with northern artillery -Kill mech with remaining medium tank from west -Place southern tank 4 spaces east onto neutral city -Move infantry onto southern bridge -Place remaining tank between eastern medium tank and infantry -Attack infantry with western anti-air from south -Head remaining artillery adjacent to enemy infantry -Place recon adjacent to rockets and western artillery and anti-air -Move remaining mech 1 space east -Deploy battleship from port Day 4: -(Note: Enemy tanks should line up one next to another against allied forces, with enemy anti-air adjacent to northern allied medium tank, enemy artillery and rockets 1 space west and east, respectively, of 6 spaces north of eastern allied tank, and final enemy medium tank should aligned on a diagonal with the enemy artillery and eastern enemy tank; otherwise, if possible, movements should be made to decimate the majority of the enemy land force with minimal counterattack damage, with only eastern allied mech taking any direct attacks, and to move into comparable positions specified in Day 5) -Destroy damaged tank with western artillery -Attack remaining western tank with remaining artillery -Attack remaining eastern tank with rockets -Use CO Power -Destroy western tank with southern anti-air from north -Destroy final tank with remaining anti-air from west -Destroy artillery with northern medium tank from west -Attack medium tank with remaining medium tank from south -Attack/destroy anti-air with western tank from east and recon from south -Load eastern mech into APC, moves 4 spaces east, and drop north -Move infantry 2 spaces east -Destroy rockets with tank from south -Move battleship 3 spaces north then 2 east -Deploy lander from port -Load remaining mech into lander Day 5: -(Note: Enemy medium tank should attack eastern mech) -Move lander 3 spaces north then 3 west -Head battleship all the way north -Kill infantry with recon from north -Destroy anti-air with western tank from current position, if remaining -Head rockets all the way north -Place both artillery 2 spaces east then 3 north, onto shoals -Destroy medium tank with southern anti-air from east and mech from west, if necessary -Capture neutral base with infantry -Move remaining anti-air 5 spaces east then 1 north along eastern road -Head southern medium tank 3 spaces north, outside range of southern minicannon -Place APC 3 spaces north, outside range of southern minicannon -Attack infantry with eastern tank from south Day 6: -Move lander 4 spaces west then 2 north -Destroy southern minicannon with battleship and southern medium tank -Place remaining medium tank 4 space north then 1 east, east of northern medium tank -Load mech into APC and supply western medium tank from north -Move western artillery 3 spaces east then 2 north -Place remaining artillery 2 spaces east then 3 north -Move rockets 2 spaces east then 1 north -Head western tank west of southern artillery -Place recon as far north along road as possible, south of southern artillery -Finish capture of base -Kill infantry with southern anti-air -Move remaining anti-air as far north as possible -Head remaining tank as far north as possible Day 7: -(Note: Walkthrough assumes that enemy battle copter has not moved adjacent to northern minicannon; otherwise, place APC 3 spaces west) -Head lander all the way north and drop -Attack northernmost western battleship with battleship -Attack easternmost central battleship with western medium tank -Place remaining medium tank 3 spaces north then 1 east -Head northern tank 2 spaces west then 1 north -Move southern anti-air as far north along road as possible -Head remaining anti-air as far west along road as possible, north of northern mountain -Place southern artillery 3 spaces north, outside minicannon range -Head rockets as far north along road as possible -Move remaining tank 1 space east, 3 north, then 1 east, outside minicannon range -Place remaining artillery 1 space north -Head recon 2 spaces north -Deploy battleship from port -Move infantry aside, off captured base -Deploy artillery from base Day 8: -(Note: Walkthrough assumes that enemy bomber has been placed adjacent to both northern shoals of main landmass, accessible to southern allied anti-air; otherwise, attack enemy bomber as soon as possible, making sure to be able to handle any enemy battle copters as well, and place any vulnerable units outside enemy bomber range) -Head southern artillery 4 spaces north then 1 west -Move battleship 3 spaces north then 2 east -Capture southern neutral city on western island -Destroy/attack northernmost western battleship with remaining battleship -Place APC north of western medium tank and drop north, onto enemy city 2 spaces west of remaining minicannon -Destroy minicannon with western medium tank from west and eastern medium tank from south -Attack bomber with southern anti-air from west -Destroy southern battle copter if able; otherwise, destroy bomber from south -Head rockets as far north as possible -Place recon 4 spaces north, north of rockets -Move southern artillery 2 spaces north then 3 west -Head remaining artillery 1 space north then 4 west -Place southern tank 1 space north Day 9: -Attack central battleship with northern battleship -Load injured mech into APC -Destroy bomber/battle copter 2 spaces north of APC with either anti-air -Destroy remaining battle copter with remaining anti-air if able; otherwise, destroy transport copter if accessible -Use CO Power -Destroy transport copter with southern tank from south and northern tank from west if accessible and still remaining -Attack/destroy easternmost central battleship with northern medium tank then rockets -Attack northernmost central battleship with remaining medium tank -Destroy/attack central battleship with easternmost northern artillery -Attack westernmost central battleship with remaining northern artillery -Move final artillery 1 space west then 5 north -Place remaining battleship 4 spaces north then 1 east -Finish capture of southern neutral city on western island -Place any vulnerable units outside range of enemy air units Day 10: -Destroy/attack westernmost central battleship with westernmost northern artillery and northern medium tank if neccessary -Attack/destroy westernmost southern battleship with remaining medium tank, remaining northern artillery, and either battleship, using northern medium tank not previously used and if necessary -Attack easternmost southern battleship with rockets and northern medium tank not previously used -Attack undamaged southern battleship with remaining battleship -Head final artillery 1 space north, then 2 west, then 2 north again -Destroy any accessible air units with anti-air and tank units, using tanks to handle enemy transport copter if attacking would not place them in vulnerable positions -Place any vulnerable units outside range of remaining enemy air units Day 11: -Use CO Power if able; otherwise, use CO Power as soon as possible -Attack easternmost northern batteship with either battleship -Attack westernmost northern batteship with remaining battleship -Destroy/attack most undamaged southern battleship -Destroy/attack easternmost northern batteship with easternmost southern artillery -Destroy/attack westernmost northern batteship with westernmost southern artillery -Destroy battleship remaining southern battleship with final artillery -Finish any remainining battleships with medium tanks --To the Rescue-- Earliest Perfect S-Rank Time: 5 Days Strategy: Send all of Eagle's units north to meet approaching eastern air force, with exception of sole fighter to move west and handle southern air force; after sufficiently handling eastern air force divide land and air units - air to head toward and defend Orange Star territory and land to prevent enemy expansion with battle copters handling various miscellany; mobilize Sami's troop to move toward Eagle's oncoming backup while protecting indirect units, keeping outside range of enemy air force, utilizing anti-air forces whenever possible Day 1: --(Eagle)-- -Head southern bomber as far north as possible -Move southern fighter all the way west -Head recon as far north along road as possible -Place southern anti-air all the way north -Move southern battle copter all the way north -Head transport copter 2 spaces east then 4 north, as far north along river as possible -Place remaining western battle copter 2 spaces east then 4 north, beside northern anti-air -Move final battle copter 5 spaces north then 1 east, north of eastern battle copter -Place remaining bomber 2 spaces west then 5 north, adjacent to northern anti-air and battle copters -Head remaining fighter 5 spaces north then 1 east, on bridge 2 spaces north of transport copter -Load infantry into APC and move as far north along road as possible -Place remaining anti-air all the way north --(Sami)-- -Place rockets 1 space north then 3 east, onto northeastern allied city Day 2: --(Eagle)-- -(Note: Eastern enemy air force must move sufficiently south so all four enemy units are within range of eastern anti-air disregarding enemy unit prohibitions (i.e. positioned so that enemy bomber and battle copter are aligned horizontally and remaining battle copter and fighter lie on same vertical axis; additionally, southern enemy air force should be positioned in triangular formation with both bombers over sea) -Destroy northernmost bomber with northern fighter from west -Attack fighter with western anti-air -Attack northernmost battle copter with southernmost battle copter -Attack/destroy damaged (northernmost) battle copter with recon (walkthrough assumes enemy unit was not destroyed) -Destroy easternmost (undamaged) battle copter with final anti-air from west -Move APC 5 spaces north and supply and eastern anti-air -Place transport copter 4 spaces north, adjacent to enemy fighter -Destroy southernmost tank with both battle copters from west and north -Head southern bomber all the way north -Destroy southeastern laser with remaining bomber from east -Destroy northernmost remaining bomber with remaining (western) fighter --(Sami)-- -Head rockets 4 spaces south, onto southeastern allied city -Place missles 1 space south then 1 east, west of rockets -Move anti-air 2 spaces south then 1 west, west of missles -Load western mech into APC, move 1 space west, 2 south, 3 east, then 1 space north and drop east -Head remaining western mech 2 spaces east onto road -Place final mech 1 space south, adjacent to mechs Day 3: --(Eagle)-- -Move western fighter 9 spaces north and destroy northernmost adjacent battle copter -Head western bomber 6 spaces west, south of adjacent enemy battle copter and outside range of enemy missles -Place southern battle copter 4 spaces north then 2 west, onto forest north of destroy laser -Move remaining southern battle copter all the way north -Attack eastern rockets with remaining bomber from north -Head remaining fighter 8 spaces west, north of southernmost battle copter -Attack eastern tank with final battle copter from current position -Destroy fighter with western anti-air -Head recon 6 spaces north along road -Move remaining anit-air as far north as possible -Supply northern anti-air with APC -Place transport copter 6 spaces north -Deploy tanks from both bases --(Sami)-- -Attack bomber with missiles -Attack/destroy battle copter adjacent to allied Green Earth bomber -Place APC 1 space south, surrounding missles -Move easternmost mech 1 space east then 1 south -Head remaining northern mech 1 space east then 1 south Day 4: --(Eagle)-- -Destroy southern anti-air with tank pair, if possible (otherwise, trail enemy unit with tank pair) -Destroy easternmost (damaged) battle copter with southern anti-air -Attack/destroy tank with easternmost battle copter from north -Move APC as far north as possible and drop outside range of enemy artillery -Place remaining anti-air as close as possible to enemy artillery -Attack easternmost enemy infatry with recon from forest -Head transport copter as far north as possible -Destroy northeastern laser with eastern bomber from south -Destroy eastern rockets with remaining eastern battle copter from north -Destroy easternmost undamaged battle copter with eastern fighter from position ajdacent to allied Orange Star units to receive dialogue about redezvousing with Orange Star -Destroy southernmost battle copter (adjacent to to Orange Star APC) with remaining fighter -Head final battle copter 6 spaces west -Destroy southern rockets with remaining bomber from north -Use Super CO Power -Destroy southern remaining laser with southern bomber from north -Attack southernmost missles with southernmost battle copter -Place either available fighter south of intruding enemy tank to barricade enemy from entering Orange Star area -Destroy final western undamaged battle copter with remaining fighter from as far west as possible -Move remaining bomber 1 space south the 6 west, adjacent to barricading fighter -Attack easternmost rockets with remaining western battle copter from south -Kill eastern infantry with final battle copter -Attack artillery with anti-air -Attack artillery with recon if possible (otherwise, move outside range of enemy artillery -Move APC outside range of enemy artillery if necessary (if eastern enemy base remains still unoccupied, place onto enemy base) -If enemy artillery resides on northeasternmost bridge, blockade escape with transport copter from west -Destroy eastern tank with remaining anti-air if not destroyed earlier -Attack/destroy/trail southernmost anti-air with tank pair --(Sami)-- -Destroy undamaged battle copter with missles -Destroy bomber with anti-air -Destroy any remaining damaged battle copter with able mechs Day 5: --(Eagle)-- -Destroy artillery with available units -Destroy eastern rockets with nearest battle copter -Attack/destroy/trail southernmost anti-air with tank pair -Destroy southern rockets with nearest battle copter -Kill injured infantry with southern bomber -Destroy both transport copters with both fighers -Destroy final laser with remaining bomber --Navy Vs. Air-- Earliest Perfect S-Rank Time: 10 Days Strategy: Advance lander loaded with anti-air and infantry accompanied by all available cruisers towards enemy HQ to destroy enemy air force and capture neutral airport nearest enemy HQ then enemy HQ itself; deploy at least two fighters to aid anti-air in protecting capturing infantry from enemy attack; destroy and attack as few enemy units as possible after eliminating original enemy air force to prevent use of Hawke's CO power; (enemy movement requirements after Day 5 are rather exacting, especially Days 6 and 7; saving at and loading from beginning of Day 4 will provide most possible options should enemy movement requirements not be met; however, luck may be tried to save at beginning of each satisfied day to save reloading time, despite more limited enemy movement possibility and chance of satisfying requirements; completion can still be obtained after Day 10 should allied infantry be attacked or Black Storm used if use of both fighters and anti-air in preventing attack is efficient enough) Day 1: -Load anti-air then western infantry into lander and move 1 space south, 5 east, then 1 north -Move westernmost cruiser 6 spaces east -Place southernmost cruiser 2 spaces north then 5 east -Head final cruiser 4 spaces east then 3 north -Move remaining infantry all the way north -Deploy infantry from both bases Day 2: -Capture both western neutral bases with both southern infantry -Head final infantry as far north as possible -Move southernmost cruiser 6 spaces north then 1 east -Place reamining southernmost cruiser 5 spaces north then 2 east -Head lander 4 spaces north then 3 east -Move final cruiser 3 spaces north then 4 east Day 3: -Head easternmost cruiser 5 spaces east then 1 north -Move westernmost cruiser all the way east -Place final cruiser 4 spaces east then 3 south -Move lander as far east as possible -Finish capture of both neutral bases -Capture nearest neutral port with remaining infantry Day 4: -Finish capture of neutral port -Destroy westernmost accessible battle copter with westernmost cruiser from north -Destroy easternmost accessible battle copter with remaining westernmost cruiser from north -Move lander 5 spaces east then 1 south and drop anti-air south and infantry west -Destory southernmost accessible battle copter with final cruiser from north Day 5: -(Note: It is recommended, but not necessary, that not one of the allied cruisers be attacked to limit excessive addition to Hawke's CO power bar) -Destroy/attack all remaining battle copters with apt cruisers from either north or east (any damaged allied cruiser should attack adjacent damaged enemy battle copter) -Capture southern neutral airport with easternmost infantry -Place anti-air as far east along bridge as possible Day 6: -(Note: Enemy APC must not have moved; additionally, walkthrough assumes that enemy artillery has moved 1 space east and 1 space north and continues to move generally north subsequent days; however, if enemy artillery resides east of enemy HQ, completion is still somewhat feasible (more so if all cruisers are undamaged) while any other position, especially enemy HQ itself, is highly prohibitive) -Move anti-air 1 space east then 2 north -Finish capture of airport -If any enemy battle copter remains, destroy with farthest possible cruiser -Head all (remaining) cruisers as far east as possible, staying outside range of enemy artillery and allowing enemy transport copter passage for 1 space south and 5 west Day 7: -(Note: Enemy recon must not move onto enemy HQ) -Load easternmost infantry into lander -Deploy fighter from airport -Destroy transport copter with any undamaged cruiser -Place remaining cruisers near bridge, outside range of enemy battle copter deployed from northern airport -Head anti-air onto enemy HQ, attacking any adjacent infantry if present Day 8: -Move lander 4 spaces east onto nearby shoal and drop south -If enemy battle copter advanced south towards allied cruisers, destroy with any available cruiser -Defend and blockade infantry from attack with fighter and anti-air movements (assuming enemy infantry was attacked previous day, placing allied fighter 1 space south then 7 east and attacking any adjacent enemy infantry with allied anti-air from enemy HQ will often suffice if enemy recon resides north of enemy HQ while, if enemy recon resides south of enemy HQ, moving allied fighter 6 spaces east then 3 south and attacking any enemy infantry adjacent allied infantry with allied anti-air will usually be sufficient; more generally, any enemy infantry directly adjacent allied infantry or enemy HQ should be attacked with allied anti-air, allied anti-air should remain on enemy HQ if possible - especially if enemy recon resides north of enemy HQ, while allied fighter should assist in blockading - restricting enemy recon access back across bridge if enemy recon resides south of enemy HQ) -Deploy fighter from airport Day 9: -Capture enemy HQ -Blockade capturing infantry from enemy attack with both fighters and anti-air (moving eastern allied fighter directly south of eastern enemy base, placing allied anti-air directly south of western enemy base and not attacking, and heading final fighter onto road between eastern allied fighter and anti-air will usually suffice) -Deploy any desired offensive unit from airport Day 10: -Destroy any desired units with available units -Finish capture of enemy HQ --Rain of Fire-- Earliest Perfect S-Rank Time: 9 Days Strategy: Head APC loaded with infantry east then north to capture enemy HQ; deploy six recons to plow path for APC and protect infantry Day 1: -Deploy APC and infantry from eastern bases Day 2: -Load infantry into APC and head as far east as possible -Deploy recon from either eastern base Day 3: -Move APC all the way east -Place recon as far east as possible -Deploy recons from both eastern bases Day 4: -Head APC and eastern recon all the way east -Move northern recon 1 space south then 6 east -Head final recon 1 space north then 5 east -Deploy recon from either eastern base Day 5: -(Note: Enemy tank must move east, onto or across bridge) -Move eastern recon 6 spaces east then 2 north -Supply eastern recon from south -Head all remaining recons as far east as possible -Deploy recons from both eastern bases Day 6: -(Note: Walkthrough assumes that enemy APC drops infantry onto neutral base, southern enemy infantry attacks APC, and final two infantry remain stationary; also artillery must move east) -Move northernmost western recon 1 space south then 6 east -Head remaining western recon 1 space north then 5 east -Place remaining western recon as far east as possible -Attack infantry on base with remaining western recon from west -Move APC 2 spaces north, 1 west, 2 north, then 1 east -Attack easternmost southern infantry with final western recon -Attack APC with final recon -(If concerned about potential losses, deploy infantry from all bases every day from this day forward to accommodate 2 potential losses) Day 7: -(Note: It is highly recommended that enemy anti-air move east; walkthrough also assumes that enemy APC remains stationary) -Place western pair of recons as far east as possible -Head APC 5 spaces north then one east dropping south onto enemy city -Attack only uninjured infantry with northern recon from north -Move remaining northern recon all the way north, next to infantry -Attack APC with western recon -Destroy APC with final recon Day 8: -Capture enemy HQ -Place northern recon on base south of capturing infantry -Move APC onto any enemy city or remaining base -Place remaining northern recon west of capturing infantry -Destroy southernmost infantry with westernmost recon -Destroy infantry capturing base with from east -Destroy remaining southern infantry with final two recons from north Day 9: -Destroy any desired units -Finish capture of enemy HQ --Hot Pursuit-- (Grit) Earliest Perfect S-Rank Time: 10 Days Strategy: Use rockets to destroy minicannons necessary to clear path to Black Cannons; deploy artillery and rockets with primary CO to move towards territory of secondary CO to destroy entire western enemy naval force in single day; deploy medium tanks with both secondary and tertiary COs to draw Black Cannon fire away from approaching allied rockets and aid in destruction of necessary and miscellany minicannons; deploy artillery with secondary CO to draw western battleship fire away from primary CO's artillery force; (Grit must act as primary CO as increased indirect range allows for less movement within minicannon and Black Cannon range and increased chances of destroying entire western naval force on same day; Jess and Max are suggested for secondary and tertiary CO selections due to respective increased artillery and medium tank firepower; however, choice of secondary COs is rather unrestricted - with only constraint that if Kanbei is to lead, he must lead tertiary army; use of Sami or Sensei as secondary CO and Kanbei as tertiary necessitate slight modifications in movement and deployment directions (due to respective decreased land direct firepower and increased deployment costs), which have been appended throughout; while four artillery and sole rockets unit are used to ensure destruction of western enemy naval force, often only two artillery and single rockets unit can easily suffice in completing assigned task) Day 1: --(Grit)-- -Deploy artillery from western base --(Jess)-- -Accumulate funds (pass) --(Max)-- -Accumulate funds (pass) Day 2: --(Grit)-- -Move artillery 4 spaces west -Deploy rockets from western base --(Jess)-- -Deploy medium tank from eastern base --(Max)-- -(Note: If using Kanbei, disregard following deployment statement and deploy rockets from western base instead) -Deploy medium tank from western base Day 3: --(Grit)-- -Head artillery as far west along road as possible -Move rockets as far north as possible -Deploy rockets from eastern base --(Jess)-- -Move medium tank as far east as possible -Deploy artillery from western base --(Max)-- -(Note: If using Kanbei, move rockets as far west as possible) -Head medium tank as far west as possible Day 4: --(Grit)-- -Place artillery 2 spaces west then 2 north onto allied port of secondary army -Deploy artillery from western base -Attack accessible minicanon with northern rockets -Head remaining rockets as far north as possible --(Jess)-- -Move artillery 2 spaces west then 2 north -Deploy medium tank from eastern base -Head remaining medium tank 1 space east then 4 north --(Max)-- -(Note: If using Kanbei, disregard following statements; move rockets 3 spaces north and deploy rockets from wester base) -Move medium tank all the way north -Deploy medium tank from western base Day 5: --(Grit)-- -(Note: It is recommended that western enemy battleship attacked artillery of secondary army previous day and continue to do so for remainder of mission as opposed to repositioning itself; remainder of walkthrough makes this assumption; however, at very least, no enemy western naval unit must be out of range of Grit's artillery positioned on allied port of secondary army on both Days 9 and 10; attainment of Grit's CO Power made add some leeway, but attainment is not necessarily guaranteed; it is recommended that enemy battleship be (near) crippled as soon as possible) -Attack western enemy battleship with western artillery -Place remaining artillery 4 spaces west -Deploy rockets from western base -Destroy accessible minicannon with remaining western rockets -Attack accessible minicannon with final rockets, being careful not to attack pipe seam instead --(Jess)-- -(Note: If using Sami or Sensei, disregard following deployment statement and deploy artillery from western base and recon from eastern base after moving southern medium tank all the way east) -Move eastern medium tank 1 space east -Head remaining medium tank all the way east -Deploy artillery from both bases -Attack western battleship with crippled artillery --(Max)-- -(Note: If using Kanbei, head southern rockets as far west as possible instead and move remaining rockets 2 spaces north; do not deploy any additional units) -Head southern medium tank as far west as possible -Deploy medium tank from western base Day 6: --(Grit)-- -Attack western battleship with western artillery -Place remaining artillery as far west as possible -Destroy accessible minicannon with eastermost rockets, being careful not to attack pipe seam instead -Place remaining northern rockets 3 spaces west onto neutral base -Move final rockets as far north as possible -Deploy artillery from both bases --(Jess)-- -(Note: If using Sami or Sensei, disregard following artillery statement; instead, move recon 3 spaces east, 4 north, then 1 east onto allied city, place artillery 2 spaces north (east of Grit's western artillery), and deploy artillery from western base) -Place both artillery 2 spaces west then 2 north, east and west of Grit's artillery on allied port -Head southern medium tank 1 space east then 4 north --(Max)-- -(Note: If using Kanbei, disregard following statements; instead, move southern rockets 1 space east then 3 north and deploy fighter) -Head southern medium tank 1 space west then 4 north -Move easternmost medium tanks as far west as possible Day 7: --(Grit)-- -(Note: If using Kanbei for tertiary army, deployed allied fighter must retain 6 HP) -Attack any undamaged naval unit with westernmost artillery if able -Place artillery on road between allied bases of secondary army 1 space west then 1 north -Move artillery on western allied base 4 spaces west then 1 north -Head easternmost artillery as far west as possible -Deploy rockets from western base -Move westernmost northern rockets 3 spaces north -Head both remaining rockets 1 space east then 3 north --(Jess)-- -(Note: If using Sami or Sensei, attack westernmost minicannon with recon from west and place newly deployed artillery 2 spaces west then 2 north, west of Grit's artillery on allied port) -Attack cruiser only if undamaged with most undamaged artillery if able; otherwise, attack any other undamaged naval unit if able -Destroy westernmost minicannon with eastern medium tank from east and remaining medium tank from south --(Max)-- -(Note: If using Kanbei, place fighter 3 spaces west then 4 north onto neutral base and move both rockets as far north as possible) -Head northern medium tank 3 spaces north -Move remaining northern medium tank 4 spaces north, adjacent to northern medium tank -Place final medium tank as far north as possible Day 8: --(Grit)-- -Attack sub with either able artillery if able; additionally, attack any other undamaged enemy western naval units with specified units, if possible -Head easternmost artillery all the way west -Place remaining easternmost artillery 2 spaces west then 3 north, onto westernmost accesible neutral base -Move southern rockets 4 spaces west then 1 north -Place all remaining rockets 1 space east then 2 north --(Jess)-- -Join southern medium tank to northern medium tank 1 space east and 1 north -Attack any enemy western naval units with able artillery only if entirely sure destruction of those units is not possible --(Max)-- -(Note: If using Kanbei, attack remaining minicannon and laser once with each rocket if desired) -Destroy eastern minicannon with northern undamaged medium tank from east then damaged medium tank from south -Move remaining medium tank 3 spaces north Day 9: --(Grit)-- -Destroy all western naval units only if able to destroy all specified units this day, destroying farthest accessible enemy units first; otherwise, reposition artillery and western rockets to maximize and overlap possible attack range while minimizing potential blind spots -Attack all Black Cannons with all northernmost rockets --(Jess)-- -Attack any eneny western naval units (if not already destroyed) with able artillery only if entirely sure destruction of those units is not possible --(Max)-- -(Note: If not using Max or Kanbei, destroy minicannon with adjacent medium tanks if desired; if using Kanbei, destroy laser and minicannon if desired) -Accumulate funds (pass) Day 10: --(Grit)-- -Destroy all western naval units if not destroyed previous day, destroying farthest accessible enemy units first (all naval units must be destroyed this day; use CO Power as soon as able if necessary) -Destroy all Black Cannons with northernmost rockets --Final Front-- (Colin) Earliest Perfect S-Rank Time: 9 Days Strategy: Send bomber from central allied army north to destroy Deathray while dodging Deathray fire; deploy air force of battle copters and fighter to secure power requirement; supplemental armies must deploy at least one bomber and infantry each in order to aid in damaging units, drawing Black Cannon fire, and defending central allied army bomber with missle launches against threatening enemy units; (Colin must act as central primary CO as only he is able to deploy a bomber by Day 3, allowing for maneuverability around Deathray fire; although Max and Eagle are defined for supplemental armies, all COs are able to perform; however, if Kanbei is to be used, he must command western army due to increased deployment costs) Day 1: --(Colin)-- -Deploy infantry from both bases --(Max)-- -Deploy infantry from northern base --(Eagle)-- -Deploy infantry from northern base Day 2: --(Colin)-- -Capture westernmost and easternmost neutral cities with respective infantry -Deploy infantry from both bases --(Max)-- -Capture neutral city with infantry --(Eagle)-- -Capture neutral city with infantry Day 3: --(Colin)-- -Deploy bomber from eastern airport -Capture northern cities with both infantry on bases -Finish capture of remaining neutral city --(Max)-- -Finish capture of neutral city --(Eagle)-- -Finish capture of neutral city Day 4: --(Colin)-- -Finish capture of both neutral cities -Move bomber all the way north -Head both remaining infantry all the way south -Deploy battle copter from eastern airport --(Max)-- -Head infantry as far south as possible -Deploy bomber from northern airport (if using Kanbei, execute on Day 5) --(Eagle)-- -Head infantry as far south as possible -Deploy bomber from northern airport Day 5: --(Colin)-- -(Note: Enemy infantry nearest allied HQ should be in position to capture neutral cities on central island) -Move bomber all the way north -Head battle copter as far north as possible -Deploy battle copter from eastern airport -Place both southern infantry as far south as possible -Move remaining eastern infantry onto easternmost allied city -Head final infantry two spaces east onto allied city --(Max)-- -Head bomber all the way east -Capture neutral city --(Eagle)-- -Move bomber 5 spaces west then 2 north -Capture neutral city Day 6: --(Colin)-- -Head bomber as far north as possible -Attack tank with northern battle copter from east -Capture neutral cities with both southern infantry -Move easternmost infantry 1 space east then 1 south into forest -Place northern infantry onto easternmost allied city -Deploy fighter from western airport --(Max)-- -Finish capture of neutral city -Head bomber all the way east --(Eagle)-- -Finish capture of neutral city -Head bomber 6 spaces west then 1 south Day 7: --(Colin)-- -Move bomber 3 spaces north then 2 east -Attack tank with southern battle copter from east -Place remaining battle copter north of enemy tank -Move injured infantry west of enemy tank -Attack tank with remaining northern infantry from south -Deploy battle copter from eastern airport -Finish capture of both neutral cities -Head fighter 8 spaces north then 1 west --(Max)-- -Move infantry all the way south -Deploy bomber from northern airport (if using Kanbei, deploy pair of tanks) --(Eagle)-- -Head bomber 3 spaces west -Move infantry all the way south -Deploy bomber from southern airport Day 8: --(Colin)-- -Attack Deathray with bomber -Attack battle copter (or, if unable, transport copter) with fighter -Head southern battle copter all the way north --(Max)-- -Attack anti-air with western bomber (or tank if using Kanbei) if able -Attack infantry capturing city with remaining bomber -Launch missle targeting any units that immediately threaten Colin's bomber; otherwise, target units that threaten to prevent Colin from destroying at least three units the next day --(Eagle)-- -(If injured enemy infantry retains 5HP or more (i.e. use of COs other than Max, Eagle, or Kanbei for western army), attack with western bomber from north; enemy infantry must survive) -Attack medium tank, if any, with southern bomber -Launch missle targeting any units that immediately threaten Colin's bomber; otherwise, target units that threaten to prevent Colin from destroying at least three units the next day Day 9: --(Colin)-- -Destroy battle copter with fighter -Kill infantry with northern battle copter -Destroy tank with both infantry and battle copter if necessary -Destroy medium tank with final battle copter if possible -Destroy Deathray with bomber V. Hard Campaign ---------------- The Hard Campaign of Advance Wars 2 is very different from the Advanced Campaign of the original Advance Wars. While many missions have additional, more powerful enemy units (as in Advanced Campaign of Advance Wars), the Hard Campaign of Advance Wars 2 often gives the player additional, more powerful units to combat those of the enemy - instead of downgrading allied units. Also different from Advanced Campaign, map layouts of Campaign missions are often subject to rearrangement and change in Hard Campaign. Complete missions have also been discarded and others inserted, specifically those on the Orange Star continent. Finally, the Power and Technique categories can no longer be taken for granted. --Orange Dawn-- Earliest Perfect S-Rank Time: 15 Days Strategy: Capture nearest port with access to inner channel (and enemy HQ) quickly, deploy medium tank to defend acquired port and halt enemy expansion; use lander to transport infantry in APC and new medium tank from allied HQ area to enemy HQ territory; use both medium tanks to destroy two units on same day; avoid laser fire whenever possible Day 1: -Deploy APC from eastern base Day 2: -Move APC 3 spaces east -Deploy infantry from eastern base Day 3: -Load infantry into APC, and move 4 spaces east then 1 north Day 4: -Head APC 1 space north, 3 east, then 2 south Day 5: -Move APC 3 spaces east and drop east -Deploy medium tank from eastern base Day 6: -Head medium tank as far east as possible -Capture easternmost accessible neutral port -Supply infantry with APC from south Day 7: -Finish capture of neutral port -Place medium tank 3 spaces east then 1 north Day 8: -Head medium tank 1 space north, 2 east, then 2 south -Load infantry into APC -Deploy lander from port -Load APC into lander Day 9: -(Note: Enemy rockets must be deployed from eastern base) -Move lander 3 spaces north then 3 west, north of reef -Place medium tank as far east as possible -Deploy infantry from eastern base Day 10: -(Note: Enemy tank must be deployed from eastern base) -Move infantry 2 spaces north, into range of enemy rockets -Deploy medium tank from eastern base -Place lander into westernmost reef -Head remaining medium tank 3 spaces east then 1 north Day 11: -(Note: Enemy rockets must attack or destroy allied infantry) -Place eastern medium tank 5 spaces north, attacking infantry on neutral port if possible (otherwise, wait after moving) -Head lander 5 spaces west then 1 south onto shoal -Move remaining medium tank 2 spaces north then 3 east, south of lander -If infantry survives, retreat 1 space south Day 12: -Load western medium tank into lander, move 2 spaces north then 1 west, and drop APC west and medium tank north -If unable to attack infantry on neutral port with eastern medium tank previous day, attack specified infantry this day from current position (otherwise, wait at current position) Day 13: -(Note: Enemy artillery must be deployed from eastern base) -Attack western artillery with western medium tank -Place APC north of western medium tank, onto enemy city, and drop west, north of enemy artillery -Move lander as far west as possible Day 14: -(Note: Enemy artillery must not move onto HQ) -Destroy artillery with western medium tank -Kill infantry capturing neutral port with remaining medium tank -Deploy infantry from both bases -Capture enemy HQ Day 15: -(If two units were lost, deploy at least 2 units from port and bases) -Finish capture of HQ --Andy's Time-- Earliest Perfect S-Rank Time: 8 Days (9-day walkthrough) Strategy: Deploy bomber and, in 2 days, advance towards Black Cannon, keeping sure to be out of Cannon range and killing enemy infantry on southern bridge leading toward central neutral base from north in process; (if aiming to obtain lab map, deployment of bomber will be delayed by one day, resulting in 9-day walkthrough; otherwise, ignore any transport copter and infantry orders and move all bomber orders up one day) Day 1: -Deploy transport copter -Deploy infantry from either base Day 2: -Load infantry into transport copter and move 2 spaces north then 1 west, north of northwesternmost allied city Day 3: -Move transport copter as far north as possible and drop north Day 4: -Capture neutral city 2 spaces north of western Minicannon with infantry Day 5: -Finish capture of neutral city -Deploy bomber Day 6: -Move bomber 3 spaces west then 3 north -Load infantry into transport copter and head 2 spaces south then 4 west, south of southernmost bridge Day 7: -(Note: Enemy infantry should attack transport copter from southern bridge) -Move transport copter 2 spaces east, outside enemy attack range -Kill infantry on bridge with bomber from west Day 8: -Attack Black Cannon with bomber Day 9: -Destroy Black Cannon with bomber --Sea for All-- Earliest Perfect S-Rank Time: 5 Days Strategy: Take down Hawke's air units with cruiser and two fighters; (Andy's and Hawke's HQ territories are shaped in the form of their respective army crests; press R button before finalizing mission selection for clearer view) Day 1: -Accumulate funds (pass) Day 2: -Deploy cruiser from eastern port Day 3: -Destroy battle copter with cruiser -Deploy fighter from airport on smallest island Day 4: -Attack fighter with cruiser from north -Head fighter all the way north -Deploy fighter from airport on smallest island Day 5: -Destroy bomber with northern fighter -Destroy remaining enemy units with nearest units --Duty & Honor-- Earliest Perfect S-Rank Time: 11 Days Strategy: Advance prudently, only placing APC units in line-of-fire of lasers; destroy lasers as soon as possible with mech and rockets units; use allied cities as defensive cover and to replenish lost HP to ensure maximum unit capabilities; use indirects to handle various miscellany while carefully using directs as main attack force Day 1: -Load westernmost mech into nearest APC and move 3 spaces east then 2 north, into forest -Supply northern APC with remaining APC from south -Load remaining westernmost mech into vacant APC -Head all three remaining mechs all the way east -Move southern infantry as far north as possible -Place remaining infantry adjacent to northern APC -Move northernmost medium tank next to southern APC and northern infantry -Head both remaining northern medium tanks all the way north -Move both tanks 3 spaces east then 3 north, north and east of eastern infantry -Head both artillery 1 space east then 4 north -Place southern rockets all the way north -Move remaining rockets 1 space west then 3 north, along road -Head final medium tank 3 spaces east Day 2: -Place northern mech as far east as possible -Head both remaining mechs 1 space east then 1 south -Destroy recon with southern medium tank from east -Move westernmost medium tank 2 spaces east then 1 north -Place remaining northernmost medium tank 1 space east then 1 north -Move northern APC 3 spaces north and drop east -Head southern rockets 2 spaces north -Place remaining rockets 4 spaces north -Move western artillery 2 spaces east then 1 north -Head remaining APC 3 spaces east and drop east onto mountain Day 3: -Move southernmost mech as far east as possible -Destroy southernmost tank with southern medium tank then remaining southernmost mech -Head both remaining eastern mechs as far east as possible across mountains -Move easternmost medium tank as far east along road as possible -Place both tanks as far east along road as possible -Move southern APC 1 space west -Destroy westernmost tank with westernmost medium tank from north, southern infantry from south, and remaining infantry from west if necessary -Place final medium tank as far east along road as possible -Move northern artillery 3 spaces east, between westernmost medium tank and southern infantry -Head southern rockets as far east along road as possible -Place remaining artillery 2 spaces east then 2 north, south of southern rockets -Attack northern laser with final mech from south -Head remaining rockets 2 spaces east -Move remaining APC 2 spaces south, behind eastern rockets -Place northern anti-air 2 spaces north then 2 east -Move remaining anti-air 1 space east then 2 north Day 4: -(Note: Adder must have used CO Power) -Destroy southern artillery with southernmost medium tank -Head injured mech all the way north -Place southernmost mech as far east as possible -Move both remaining eastern mechs 1 space north then 1 east -Destroy westernmost artillery with westernmost medium tank from west -Destroy westernmost tank with remaining westernmost medium tank (enemy unit must be destroyed) -Destroy anti-air with final medium tank from north and undamaged tank east -Place damaged tank 1 space east then 2 north into allied city -Destroy northern laser with western rockets and northern mech from east -Place eastern artillery 1 space north, 3 east, then 1 south, onto accessible allied city -Move remaining rockets 2 spaces east then 1 south into forest -Load northern infantry into northern APC and supply artillery and medium tank -Load remaining infantry into remaining APC and supply eastern APC -Place remaining artillery 1 space east Day 5: -(Note: Allied tank attacked by enemy medium tank must deal reasonable amount of damaged to attacked, likely greater than 0.5HP - enough so that when enemy medium tank is attacked by allied medium tank, allied medium tank remains at 10HP while enemy medium tank remains with only 2HP; also, southernmost enemy mech must not attack injured allied mech) -Attack Westernmost medium tank with central of westernmost medium tanks from north (allied medium tank must remain at 10HP) -Attack mech capturing allied city with remaining easternmost medium tank -Place eastern artillery 4 spaces north then 1 east, between medium tanks -Head most damaged tank 1 space west then 3 south into allied city -Destroy westermost medium tank with remaining northern medium tank -Head eastern APC as far east along road and drop north -Move remaining APC 1 space east then 3 north and drop north -Load northernmost mech into vacated APC -Head remaining artillery as far east along road as possible -Place both rockets as far east along road as possible -Move both anti-air as far east along road as possible -Head final medium tank 2 spaces east then 1 north -Move injured mech 1 space north then 1 east -Place southernmost mech as far north as possible -Head both remaining mechs 1 space north then 1 east Day 6: -(Note: Southernmost enemy mech must not attack injured allied mech) -Kill injured mech with eastern infatry -Kill southermost mech with southernmost mech then injured mech -Attack southermost medium tank with southermost medium tank (enemy unit must retain only 5HP; otherwise, Adder's CO power bar must contain three full stars) -Destroy southern laser with eastern rockets, easternmost mech from south, and remaining easternmost mech from west -Place easternmost medium tank 1 space east -Move remaining eastern medium tank 2 spaces east then 1 north, onto allied city -Place northern tank adjacent to both easternmost medium tank -Head eastern APC 4 spaces west -Load infantry into vacant APC -Move northern artillery 2 spaces east -Head remaining artillery as far east along road as possible -Place final medium tank 1 space east -Move remaining tank 3 spaces north into northern accessible allied city -Head remaining rockets as far east along road as possible -Place both anti-air as far north along road as possible Day 7: -(Note: Adder must not have used CO Power; additionally vertical path of road occupied by easternmost allied medium tank must also occupuied by both remaining undamaged enemy medium tanks) -Destroy southernmost medium tank with southernmost medium tank -Head easternmost mech all the way east -Place remaining easternmost mech as far north as possible -Destroy remaining southernmost medium tank with eastern artillery and northermost medium tank -Use Super CO Power -Destroy final medium tank with westernmost medium tank from west and southernmost anti-air from south -Place remaining anti-air adjacent to northern anti-air and medium tank -Destroy western artillery on road with eastern tank (enemy unit must be destroyed) -Destroy northern rockets with final medium tank -Head remaining artillery as far east as possible, into forest -Move eastern APC 5 spaces east and drop south -Load infantry into vacant APC -Move western rockets as far east along road as possible -Move remaining rockets as far north along road as possible -Supply eastern rockets from south with remaining APC Day 8: -Destroy northern artillery with easternmost medium tank (enemy unit must be destroyed) -Attack western neotank with medium tank on northern allied city -Move remaining northern medium tank 3 spaces east then 1 north -Place northern medium tank 2 spaces west then 1 north -Move northern anti-air 1 space west then 1 south into allied city -Head remaining anti-air 1 space north then 1 west -Place both artillery as far east along road as possible -Move both rockets as far north along road as possible -Place western APC 1 space north then 4 east into forest and drop north -Head remaining APC 2 spaces east and drop north -Move remaining tank as far east along road as possible -Head three easternmost mechs all the way east Day 9: -Move northernmost mech 1 space east then 1 south -Attack southern artillery with remaining northernmost mech from south -Destroy damaged neotank with western artillery -Destroy remaining neotank with northern rockets and remaining artillery -Destroy final artillery with damaged medium tank (enemy unit must be destroyed) -Destroy/attack southernmost tank with remaining easternmost medium tank -Destroy/attack undamaged southernmost tank with remaining northern medium tank from east -Head southern tank as far east along road as possible, destroying adjacent crippled tank if any -Move northern anti-air 5 spaces east then 1 south, destroying adjacent crippled tank if any -Wait remaining tank 1 space south, 3 east, then 1 north, into forest (do not attack) -Place remaining rockets as far east along road as possible -Move remaining anti-air 1 space north, 3 east, then 1 north, into forest -Load uninjured infantry into eastern APC and drop east Day 10: -Destroy artillery with most injured northern mech from west -Move easternmost mech 1 space east then 1 south, attacking APC if adjacent -Place remaining easternmost mech all the way east -Destroy APc with northern undamaged medium tank from north if located south of southern bridge or from west if not -Move remaining undamaged easternmost medium tank 1 space east then 3 south, across southern bridge into forest -Place eastern artillery 3 spaces east then 2 south -Attack/kill southern infantry with southern anti-air from allied city -Destroy undamaged tank with remaining northern medium tank from north then most damaged tank from south -Destroy final tank with remaining tank from east, then least injured infantry from south, and most injured infantry from west if necessary -Head remaining anti-air 1 space south then 5 east, only attacking crippled infantry to south if present -Place both rockets as far east along road as possible -Move artillery as far east along road as possible Day 11: -(Note: Southern easternmost allied mech must not have been attacked) -Use either Super Co Power or CO Power -Destroy northern rockets with eastern medium tank south of southern bridge -Destroy remaining rockets with southernmost eastern mech -Finish remaining infantry and mechs with assorted units --Sea Fortress-- Earliest Perfect S-Rank Time: 3 Days Strategy: Advance towards sea fortress; avoid triggering use of Hawke's Super CO Power on Day 2 and for duration of mission by crippling and destroying only fighters and southernmost battle copters and forming barrier of planes to protect against remaining enemy battle copters; use Lightning Strike on Day 3; clear prohibiting units with fighters and battle copters; destroy all minicannons with all bombers in one fell swoop Day 1: -Move all bombers as far north as possible -Place all fighters all the way north -Head both northernmost battle copters all the way north -Move both remaining central northernmost battle copters all the way north -Head both remaining central northernmost battle copters 5 spaces north -Place both cruisers as far north as possible Day 2: -(Note: Walkthrough asserts that all enemy air must move significantly towards allied units in symmetric formation, with northernmost battle copters of main enemy air force as farthest accesible units, 4 spaces north of westernmost and easternmost allied fighters; however, minimum requirement that both enemy fighters and four southernmost enemy battle copters must move significantly towards allied units in symmetric formation must be met) -Attack westernmost fighter with westernmost fighter from north -Destroy westernmost fighter with remaining westernmost fighter from west -Attack remaining fighter with easternmost fighter from north -Destroy remaining fighter with final fighter from east -Attack both southernmost battle copters with both cruisers from north -Attack southermost undamaged western battle copter with westernmost northern battle copter from north -Attack southermost undamaged eastern battle copter with easternmost northern battle copter from north -Destroy northernmost western damaged battle copter with remaining westernmost northern battle copter from west -Destroy northernmost remaining damaged battle copter with remaining northernmost battle copter from east -Head remaining western northernmost battle copter 1 space west then 5 spaces north -Head final northernmost battle copter 1 space east then 5 spaces north -Place westernmost bomber 4 spaces north then 3 east -Move remaining westernmost bomber 1 space west then 6 north, west of westernmost enemy battle copter -Head remaining westernmost bomber 5 spaces north then 1 west, beside westernmost fighter and enemy battle copter -Place remaining westernmost bomber all the way north -Head easternmost bomber 4 spaces north then 3 west -Move remaining easternmost bomber 1 space east then 6 north, east of easternmost enemy battle copter -Head remaining easternmost bomber 5 spaces north then 1 east, adjacent to easternmost fighter and enemy battle copter -Move final bomber as far north as possible Day 3: -Attack/destroy both southernmost neotanks with both central northernmost bombers -Destroy/attack both southernmost anti-air with both remaining northernmost bombers -Destroy both subs with remaining northernmost bombers from as far north as possible -Destroy westernmost and easternmost southern battle copters with both undamaged fighters from north -Attack/destroy both remaining southern undamaged battle copters with remaining fighters from north -Destroy remaining damaged battle copters with cruisers, prioritizing destruction of northernmost damaged battle copters to allow all remaining air units to move as far north as possible -Move remaining bombers and northernmost six battle copters all the way north -Use Super CO Power -If any damaged anti-air units remaing from before Super CO Power use, destroy with westernmost and/or easternmost battle copters from west and/or east -Destroy both northernmost (undamaged) battle copters with both undamaged fighters -Destroy westernmost and easternmost minicannons with both central northernmost bombers (adjacent to damaged enemy neotanks) -Destroy any remaining battle copters with remaining fighters and cruisers -Destroy and desired cruisers and neotanks with remaining northernmost battle copters -Destroy both southernmost minicannons with both westernmost and easternmost bombers -Destroy both remaining southernmost minicannons with both remaining southernmost bombers -Destroy both final minicannons with both final bombers --Drake's Dilemma-- Earliest Perfect S-Rank Time: 8 Days Strategy: Head two battleships down to take down Black Cannons using reefs as cover and hide remaining battleships in reefs of strategic locations for attacking; use subs for vision; make cruisers useful by relegating them as cannon fodder for Hawke's rockets to fill up Drake's CO Power bar; attack a unit with a battleship to completely fill CO Power bar; use Typhoon and destroy two units near Kanbei's territory with a couple of Drake's land units and three others with battleships while making sure to make additions to Hawke's CO power bar minimal; use Kanbei's units as early lures in addition to deploying a small force to attack units near Hawke's captured base and prohibit deployment from base; attack Black Cannons at least once before allowing Hawke to use Black Storm Day 1: --(Drake)-- -Deploy infantry from base -Hide southern battleship in southern reef -Dive southern sub 3 spaces west of southern battleship -Dive western sub 4 spaces west then 1 south -Move southern cruiser 2 spaces north then 1 west -Hide western battleship in southern reef -Head remaining western cruiser 3 spaces west -Place both remaining battleships inside western reefs -Hide northern sub in reef 3 spaces east -Dive final sub 2 spaces east then 4 south -Move northern cruiser 1 space south next to missle silo -Place final cruiser east of aformentioned cruiser --(Kanbei)-- -Deploy infantry from both bases Day 2: --(Drake)-- -Capture neutral bases with infantry -Deploy tank from base -Head southern battleship 2 spaces east then 1 south into reef -Hide remaining southern battleship in southern reef -Attack northern rockets with northern battleship -Move final battleship into southern reef -Hide western cruiser in reef 4 spaces east -Join all remaining cruisers with cruiser in reef -Rise eastern sub in reef 1 space south --(Kanbei)-- -Capture neutral cities with both infantry -Deploy recon from eastern base Day 3: --(Drake)-- -Move tank all the way east -Deploy recon from base -Finish capture of neutral base -Head southern battleship south into reef -Hide remaining southern battleship in southern reef -Place northern battleship into reef 1 space south then 1 west --(Kanbei)-- -Finish capture of both neutral cities -Hide recon in forest beside missle silo -Deploy recon from eastern base Day 4: --(Drake)-- -Place tank between Kanbei's infantry -Move recon all the way east -Place infantry south onto plains -Head southern battleship as far south as possible, next to forest -Hide remaining southern battleship into southern reef -Dive eastern sub as far south as possible --(Kanbei)-- -Head northern recon into other forest next to missle silo -Launch missle silo, targeting enemy recon, artillery, and mech -Capture neutral city with remaining infantry -Hide final recon in forest next to missle silo -Deploy tank from eastern base Day 5: --(Drake)-- -(Note: Missle launched by enemy mech must have targeted lander and sub next to allied port) -Use Super CO Power -Destroy most damaged recon with recon (enemy recon must be destroyed) -Destroy remaining recon with tank -Move southern battleship 5 spaces south -Destroy rockets with remaining southern battleship -Destroy units that will add least amount to Hawke's CO Power bar with remaining battleships (either recons or heavily damaged rockets) -Rise all dived subs in nearest reefs --(Kanbei)-- -Move tank as far north as possible -Capture neutral city (optional) -Deploy tank from eastern base Day 6: --(Drake)-- -Attack infantry with recon from west -Move southern battleship as far west as possible -Head remaining southern battleship all the way south, next to forest --(Kanbei)-- -Capture neutral city (optional) -Destroy infantry with tank -Destroy/attack mech with southern recon -Attack artillery with final recon from missle silo, if possible -Move final tank north toward enemy base Day 7: --(Drake)-- -(Note: Hawke must not (be able to) use Black Storm on this day) -Attack western Black Cannon with southern battleship -Attack remaining Black Cannon with remaining southern battleship --(Kanbei)-- -Attack and destroy any enemy units; however, reside relatively undamaged unit on enemy base -Finish capture of neutral city (optional) Day 8: --(Drake)-- -Destroy western Black Cannon with southern battleship -Destroy final Black Cannon with remaining southern battleship VI. War Room ------------ --Spann Island-- Earliest Perfect S-Rank Time: 5 Days (6-day walkthrough) Strategy: Deploy recon and infantry on Day 1; move east and deploy APC on Day 2; move east, attack infantry, and deploy recon on Day 3; load and drop infantry so enemy HQ is within potential movement range on Day 4; start capture of HQ by Day 5 and prevent hostile units from attacking capturing infantry; finish capture by Day 6; (this strategy is potentially viable for any CO other than Kanbei, because of unit cost; however, Grit's recon units may not be able to do enough while those with above average recon units may deter required enemy attack for Day 5; additionally, Sami's capturing abilities allow enemy requirements to be less strict for Day 5; finally, with such universal capability, luck and saving before executing allied movement will be a necessary requirement; this specific walkthrough is recommended more to a degree for general completion; however, 5-day walkthrough follows afterward) Day 1: -Deploy recon from northern base -Deploy infantry from eastern base Day 2: -Move recon northeast along road -Capture neutral city east of northern base with infantry -Deploy APC from northern base Day 3: -Attack infantry on northern neutral city with recon from north (if using Sami or Colin, it is advised that allied recon take no damage or that only 5HP remain for enemy infantry) -Finish capture of enemy city -Place APC onto road 3 spaces north of infantry -Deploy recon from northern base Day 4: -(Note: Enemy APC must move south, just north of northern bridge) -Finish infantry with recon from east (infantry must be killed) -Load infantry into APC, head north of northern neutral city, and drop onto neutral city -Move recon northeast along road Day 5: -(Note: Northern enemy infantry must attack eastern recon from mountains coupled with enemy recon; additionally, for any CO other than Sami, only single enemy mech unit must be deployed from western enemy base instead of tank and infantry units) -Capture HQ with infantry -Place APC west of capturing infantry -Head damaged recon north of capturing infantry (do not attack with recon) -Attack infantry on mountain with remaining recon from north -Deploy infantry from all bases Day 6: -(Note: If using Sami and enemy tank and infantry units attack capturing infantry, capturing infantry must have a minimum of 4HP remaining) -Deploy infantry from all bases -Kill injured infantry with remaining capable recon -Finish capture of HQ --Spann Island-- (Sami) Earliest Perfect S-Rank Time: 5 Days Strategy: Deploy APC from easternmost base on Day 1 that will transport infantry deployed on Day 2 within range of enemy HQ on Day 3; deploy recons on Days 2 and 3 to injured and destroy infantry; (Sami is only CO who can complete in 5 days due to necessary capture and transport bonuses; necessary requirement for Day 5 is on average a rare occurence) Day 1: -Deploy APC from easternmost base Day 2: -Place APC 3 spaces east -Deploy infantry from easternmost base -Deploy recon from northernmost base Day 3: -Head recon as far east as possible -Deploy recon from northernmost base -Load infantry into APC, head 3 spaces east then 4 north and drop east onto northernmost mountain Day 4: -(Note: Enemy APC must move only 1 space south and not onto enemy HQ) -Capture enemy HQ -Attack westernmost infantry from north with easternmost recon -Head remaining recon as far east as possible Day 5: -(Note: Only enemy recon must attack capturing infantry) -Kill injured infantry with both recons -Finish capture of enemy HQ --Moji Island-- (Sturm) Earliest Perfect S-Rank Time: 7 Days Strategy: Deploy infantry and APC on Day 1 and advance through forested area towards enemy HQ with support of three recon units deploy on Day 2; continually deploy infantry from Day 3 on to cushion casualties; (only Sturm can perform this quickly due to lack of movement penalties) Day 1: -Deploy infantry and APC from eastern and southern bases Day 2: -Load infantry into APC and head as far east as possible -Deploy recons from all bases Day 3: -Place APC as far south as possible -Move western recon all the way east -Head either remaining recon into forest two spaces south of eastern recon -Place final recon between aforementioned recons -Deploy infantry from all bases Day 4: -Move APC 3 spaces south then 3 west -Head southern recon 1 space east, 5 south, and then 2 west -Place remaining southern recon north of aformentioned recon -Move final recon beside aformentioned recon -Deploy infantry from all bases Day 5: -(Note: Walkthrough assumes that enemy artillery is deployed from eastern base - if deployed from western base, modify recon (and, if necessary, APC) movement to continually prohibit tank from attacking infantry; nonetheless, one enemy unit must be destroyed before mission completion) -Head APC north of enemy HQ, dropping onto enemy HQ -Place southern recon on southern enemy base -Attack artillery with both northern recons from north and east -Deploy infantry from all bases Day 6: -Move APC 1 space north, west of enemy tank -Attack artillery with most damaged recon from south -Destroy artillery from north with remaining damaged recon -Place final recon 2 spaces north, preventing any enemy tank movement -Capture enemy HQ -Deploy infantry from all bases Day 7: -If two allied units were destroyed during course of mission, deploy infantry from all bases -Finish capture of enemy HQ --Duo Falls-- (Sami) Earliest Perfect S-Rank Time: 7 Days Strategy: Assault enemy HQ with three transport copters, loaded with two infantry decoys and one mech capturer, deployed on Days 1 and 2; drop decoys onto enemy cities and mech onto plains within range of enemy HQ on Day 5; meanwhile, deploy three mech and tranport copter pairs on Days 3 and 4 to bait enemy anti-air and tank into allied attack range and destroy with mechs and battle copter deployed on Day 5; deploy six additional units to compensate for loss of decoys; (Sami is only CO who can complete in 7 days with ease due to capture abilities and requisite transport bonuses) Day 1: -Deploy infantry from southernmost eastern base -Deploy transport copters from both airports Day 2: -Head western transport copter 4 spaces east then 1 north -Load infantry into remaining transport copter and move all the way east -Deploy transport copter from eastern airport -Deploy mech from easternmost southern base -Deploy infantry from remaining southern base Day 3: -Move easternmost transport copter as far east as possible -Load infantry into westernmost transport copter and move all the way east -Load mech into remaining westernmost transport and head all the way east -Deploy transport copter from eastern airport -Deploy mech from easternmost southern base Day 4: -(Note: Enemy anti-air and tank must move toward allied territory from this day forward with neither unit positioned on enemy HQ this day) -Head northernmost transport copter as far east as possible -Place remaining easternmost transport copter 2 spaces east, south of easternmost transport copter -Move remaining easternmost transport copter as far east as possible -Load mech into final transport copter and head all the way east -Deploy transport copters from both airports -Deploy mechs from both southern bases Day 5: -Head damaged transport copter 1 space south then 6 east and drop north -Move remaining easternmost transport copter 1 space south then 6 east and drop west onto enemy city -Place reamining easternmost transport copter 6 spaces east and drop south onto enemy city -Head remaining easternmost transport copter 1 space south then 5 or 6 spaces east, depending on which position is just outside range of enemy anti-air -Load both remaining mechs into nearest transport copters and head both as far east as possible -Deploy battle copter from eastern airport Day 6: -Capture enemy HQ -Place easternmost undamaged transport copter onto western enemy airport, enclosing enemy recon -Join western infantry 1 space east -Place westernmost damaged transport copter onto plains 2 spaces east of neutral base and drop north into forest -Move battle copter all the way east -Head westernmost transport copter 2 spaces north then 3 spaces east and drop south onto neutral base -Move remaining westernmost transport copter 2 spaces east then 1 north and drop north Day 7: -(Note: Capturing mech must survive with 4HP (after taking 68% damage from Max's medium tank)) -Deploy infantry from all bases -Deploy transport copters from both airports -Retreat both remaining westernmost transport copters 2 spaces north if necessary to allow mechs access to enemy units -If westernmost mech was attacked, destroy anti-air with easternmost of western mech group from as far east as possible then injured mech and destroy tank with remaining mech and battle copter if necessary; otherwise, destroy tank with battle copter from south then westernmost mech and then destroy anti-air with both remaining mechs -Finish capture of enemy HQ --Pivot Isle-- (Sami) Earliest Perfect S-Rank Time: 8 Days Strategy: Deploy lander, mech, and infantry on Day 2 to serve as HQ infiltration force, moving towards enemy HQ every subsequent day; deploy second lander and infantry to lure enemy battle copter away from infiltration group, if necessary; destroy one additional unit besides recon near enemy HQ on Day 8; (as recon guards enemy HQ starting Day 7, only Sami and Andy, with 'Hyper Repair,' can perform in 8 days; however, more work is necessary to acquire 'Hyper Repair' than to rely on Sami's innate capturing abilites) Day 1: -Accumulate funds (pass) Day 2: -Deploy lander from port -Deploy mech from northern base -Deploy infantry from remaining eastern base Day 3: -Load infantry then mech into lander and head all the way east Day 4: -Move lander all the way east -(Note: Walkthrough assumes enemy battle copter moves directly west, either 3 or 6 spaces - if enemy battle copter moves onto enemy HQ, deploy medium tank from either southern base this day instead, moving unit as far south as possible Days 5 and 6; additionally, deploy tank from either southern base on Day 5, moving unit all the way south on Day 6; finally, lie in wait until Day 8 to destroy one enemy land unit along with recon at enemy HQ) -Deploy lander and infantry from either eastern base Day 5: -Move lander south onto central shoal, dropping infantry east and mech south -Load infantry into lander, head 3 spaces east then 3 south, dropping infantry east Day 6: -(Note: Both enemy tank and anti-air must not move east; also, enemy battle copter must not attack eastern infantry or mech) -Load western infantry into lander -Deploy missles from northern base -Move mech all the way south -Place final infantry just north of mech Day 7: -Attack recon with mech from north -Capture enemy HQ -Head lander back to allied port -Move missles onto allied HQ Day 8: -Destroy battle copter with missles -Destroy recon with mech -Finish capture of enemy HQ --Kita Straight-- (Sami) Earliest Perfect S-Rank Time: 8 Days Strategy: Raid enemy territory with infantry pair aided by lander transport; deploy infantry, tank, and battleship, to destroy two invading enemy units, securing power aspect; capture enemy base along with enemy HQ to decoy enemy assualt away from HQ Day 1: -Deploy infantry from both western bases -Deploy infantry from easternmost base Day 2: -Head easternmost infantry as far east along road as possible -Deploy lander from western port -Load both northern and western infantry into lander Day 3: -Move lander 6 spaces south -Deploy tank from easternmost base -Place infantry into southernmost accessible forest Day 4: -Move tank as far south along road as possible -Head infantry all the way south -Place lander as far south as possible Day 5: -(Note: If neither enemy tank nor artillery was loaded onto enemy lander previous day, enemy recon must be loaded into enemy lander and moved north by this day) -Head lander all the way south -Deploy battleship from eastern port -Place tank into southernmost accessible forest -Move infantry as far south as possible Day 6: -(Note: Walkthrough assumes that enemy tank was not unloaded onto neutral area - if enemy tank was dropped off, capture neutral city 1 space north and 1 space west of infantry and move tank 2 spaces south, west of neutral base; additionally, if enemy medium tank was not able to attack lander (deployment from easternmost of northern enemy base pair), enemy unit must move 4 spaces east onto road) -Head infantry all the way south -Move tank into southernmost accesible neutral city -Place battleship as far south as possible -Head land into southern enemy port and drop both infantry Day 7: -Capture any unoccupied base with northern of southern infantry pair -Capture enemy HQ with remaining southern infantry -(Note: Walkthrough again assumes that enemy tank was not unloaded onto neutral area - if enemy tank was dropped off, attack tank with your own from unoccupied neutral city (recommended that enemy tank retains only 5HP) and finish capture of neutral city) -Place infantry 1 space south, into central of neutral city trio -Attack artillery or recon with tank -Head battleship 2 space south Day 8: -(Note: If enemy neotank attacks infantry capturing enemy HQ, capturing infantry must retain 4HP) -Destroy lander with battleship (must be destroyed if enemy recon was not unit dropped off onto neutral area; otherwise, destroy lander with tank and recon with infantry) -Destroy remaining enemy unit with tank (and infantry if enemy tank was unit dropped off onto neutral area) -Deploy infantry from all bases if infantry capturing enemy base was lost -Finish capture of enemy HQ --Point Stormy-- (Sami) Earliest Perfect S-Rank Time: 8 Days Strategy: Assault enemy territory with infantry and APC units; deploy infantry and APC pairs through Day 4 (deploying mechanized infantry on Day 2); head towards enemy territory throughout mission; destroy rockets with mech and infantry with infantry pair; (Sami is best suited for this infantry assault as her capture abilities allow her leeway with enemy attacks; however, if no enemy unit is situated so that enemy HQ is within attack range by the beginning of Day 7, Sensei is a comparable CO; Sami and Sensei are the only two who can perform in 8 days due to their increase in infantry firepower and transport movement) Day 1: -Deploy APC from easternmost base -Deploy infantry from either next easternmost base Day 2: -Load infantry into APC and head all the way east -Deploy APC from easternmost base -Deploy mech from either next easternmost base Day 3: -Move easternmost APC as far south along road as possible -Load mech into remaining APC and head all the way east -Deploy APC from easternmost base -Deploy infantry from either next easternmost base Day 4: -Head easternmost APC all the way south -Move remaining easternmost APC as far south along road as possible -Load infantry into final APC and head all the way east -Deploy APC from easternmost base -Deploy infantry from either next easternmost base Day 5: -Place southermost APC onto westernmost shoal -Head easternmost APC all the way south -Move remaining easternmost APC as far south along road as possible -Load infantry into final APC and head all the way east Day 6: -(Note: Enemy rockets must be deployed from base south of enemy HQ as opposed to recon unit) -Place southernmost APC south of easternmost enemy airport and drop west -Move southermost APC onto westernmost shoal -Head easternmost APC all the way south -Move final APC as far south along road as possible Day 7: -Capture enemy HQ -Head APC on northernmost shoal 6 spaces south then 2 west and drop west -Place APC on plains 2 spaces south and drop south into forest -Head final APC all the way south and drop south Day 8: -Kill infantry with both easternmost infantry -Destroy rockets with mech -Finish capture of enemy HQ --Toil Ferry-- (Sami, Sensei) Earliest Perfect S-Rank Time: 7 Days (8-day walkthrough) Strategy: Deploy two pairs of infantry and transport copter pairs - one infantry to decoy enemy medium tank into position so that transport copter duo can easily barricade enemy medium tank from capturing infantry and enemy HQ; deploy fighter to neutralize threat from enemy battle copter; deploy two units, either pair of tanks, or battle copter and tank, to destroy intruding enemy units in allied area along with destruction of battle copter(s) to secure power aspect; deploy three units to aid in loss of decoy; (this specific walkthrough is recommended for general completion; however, 7-day walkthrough follows afterward) Day 1: -Deploy transport copter from airport -Deploy infantry from either base Day 2: -Load infantry into transport copter and move all the way east -Deploy transport copter from airport -Deploy infantry from either base Day 3: -Move loaded transport copter as far east as possible -Load infantry into transport copter and move all the way east Day 4: -(Note: It is recommended to some extent that enemy recon be loaded into enemy lander and moved south by this day, as this will assure completion of power aspect) -Head eastern transport copter as far north as possible -Move remaining transport copter all the way east -Deploy fighter from airport Day 5: -(Note: If enemy recon was not loaded into lander previous day, then either enemy tank or anti-air (or both) must be loader into lander this day; any remaining unit(s) (enemy tank or anti-air - or both if recon was loaded into lander) must move south along road and not reside on any enemy bases) -Deploy tank from eastern base -Move fighter as far east as possible -Head northern transport copter 4 spaces east -Head remaining transport copter all the way north Day 6: -(Note: Potential enemy threats not loaded onto lander (i.e. enemy recon, tank, and/or anti-air) must continue to move south along road) -Place western transport copter onto enemy port and drop west -Head remaining transport copter onto western enemy base and drop west -Move fighter as far north as possible -Head tank 1 space north, 4 spaces east, and 1 south -Deploy tank from eastern base if anti-air is sole unit loaded in enemy lander; otherwise, deploy battle copter from airport Day 7: -(Note: If lander enemy contains either enemy tank or anti-air, enemy lander must move towards allied shore and not drop off unit(s) at enemy shore; additionally, potential enemy threats must continue to move south and not north towards enemy HQ and capturing infantry) -Head western tank (or battle copter) as far east as possible -Destroy/attack battle copter with fighter -Capture enemy HQ -Move southern transport copter 2 spaces north, east of enemy medium tank -Place remaining transport copter 1 space west, south of enemy medium tank Day 8: -(Note: If enemy tank or anti-air was loaded into lander, lander must drop off enemy units onto allied shore by this day) -Destroy enemy unit in allied area with both nearest units in vicinity -Deploy at least three units from available deployment properties -Destroy battle copter with fighter -Finish capture of enemy HQ --Toil Ferry-- (Sami, Sensei) Earliest Perfect S-Rank Time: 7 Days Strategy: Raid enemy HQ with infantry and transport copter pair (Sensei must deploy an additional infantry and transport copter pair to act as decoy); deploy two battle copters as soon as possible after completing raiding preparations to secure power score; (Sensei is able to complete this mission due to special reaction of AI towards upgraded infantry with only one guarding unit, while Sami must strain her capturing capabilities to maximum potential in order speed up power aspect preparations due to decreased direct firepower; the scenarios required by this walkthrough are rather improbable; thus, it is not recommended that this be used for general use; however, if it is to be used, Sensei is recommend over Sami for easier completion) Day 1: -Deploy transport copter from airport -Deploy infantry from western base Day 2: --(Sami)-- -Deploy battle copter from airport -Load infantry into transport copter and head all the way east --(Sensei)-- -Deploy transport copter from airport -Deploy infantry from western base Day 3: --(Sami)-- -Head transport copter as far east as possible -Move battle copter all the way east -Deploy battle copter from airport --(Sensei)-- -Head eastern transport copter all the way east -Move remaining tranport copter as far east as possible -Deploy battle copter from airport Day 4: -(Note: Enemy recon must move as far south along road as possible; additionally, it is higly recommended that enemy tank and anti-air units be deployed from southern and eastern enemy bases) --(Sami)-- -Move transport copter all the way north -Head eastern battle copter as far east as possible -Place remaining battle copter all the way east --(Sensei)-- -Place eastern transport copter as far north as possible -Move remaining transport copter all the way north -Head battle copter all the way east -Deploy battle copter from airport Day 5: -(Note: It is strongly recommended that both enemy tank and enemy anti-air units were loaded into enemy lander and moved south; otherwise, either enemy tank or anti-air must have been deployed from either eastern or southern base and unit deployed from eastern or southern base must move as far south along road as possible while remaining deployed unit must be loaded into lander and moved south; additionally, enemy rockets must have been deployed from eastern base) --(Sami)-- -Move transport copter onto enemy port (if both enemy tank and anti-air were loaded into enemy lander, otherwise, place on road between enemy airport and enemy base) and drop onto western enemy base -Attack transport copter with eastern battle copter -Head remaining battle copter as far east as possible --(Sensei)-- -Move western transport copter onto enemy port (if both enemy tank and anti-air were loaded into enemy lander, otherwise, place on road between enemy airport and enemy base) and drop onto western enemy base -Place remaining battle copter as far east as possible -Head eastern battle copter all the way east -Move remaining battle copter as far east as possible Day 6: -(Note: If both enemy tank and anti-air were not loaded into enemy lander, lander must not return to enemy port (and drop off loaded unit) and unit not loaded onto lander must move south and not back towards enemy HQ and capturing infantry) --(Sami)-- -Capture enemy HQ -Move eastern battle copter 3 spaces east then 3 north -Attack western infantry with final battle copter --(Sensei)-- -Capture enemy HQ -Move western transport copter onto enemy port or road between enemy airport and western base (whichever space is unoccupied) and drop onto enemy western base -Attack enemy infantry with eastern battle copter from south -Head remaining battle copter as far east as possible Day 7: -(Note: If using Sami, capturing infantry must survive with 4HP (after taking 69% damage from Hawke's medium tank)) -Kill injured infantry with western battle copter -Destroy transport copter with remaining battle copter -Finish capture of enemy HQ --Nest Egg-- (Lash) Earliest Perfect S-Rank Time: 9 Days Strategy: Deploy tank and APC loaded with infantry to infiltrate enemy HQ from south; continously deploy tanks near edge of allied territory to eliminate two enemy units for power rating; (while the brute force and universal movement of Sturm play effect little upon the outcome of the mission, his upgraded defense makes him the best candidate; nevertheless, Lash is well a suited second; when increased firepower is needed, her abilities allow her units to surpass any other CO in terms of attack, abling her to neutralize difficult situations that would otherwise put any other CO in a quandry; other COs who have bonuses favoring direct land units are also favored) Day 1: -Deploy infantry from both bases Day 2: -Capture neutral base with western infantry -Capture neutral city with remaining infantry Day 3: -Finish capture of both neutral properties -Deploy tank from eastern base Day 4: -(Note: It is recommended, but not entirely necessary that enemy artillery is deployed from southern western base and enemy tank from northern one) -Head tank as far east as possible -Deploy APc from southern base -Move western infantry all the way east onto road -Capture neutral base with remaining infantry Day 5: -(Note: Enemy tank must have moved farther east towards roads than south) -Finish capture of neutral base -Move tank 5 spaces east -Head APC all the way east -Capture neutral city with remaining infantry Day 6: -(Note: Neither enemy recon nor enemy tank must not move onto or south of line of enemy properties denoted by southernmost enemy base) -Finish capture of neutral city -Load remaining infantry into APC and supply tank from bridge north of tank -Attack easternmost infatry with tank -Deploy tank from easternmost base Day 7: -(Note: Enemy anti-air must not move onto enemy city three spaces south of enemy HQ) -Attack southernmost infantry with western tank from west -Deploy tank from easternmost base -(Note: Walkthrough assumes that attack range of enemy artillery does not threaten easternmost enemy base; otherwise, attack artillery with tank from enemy base 1 space south and 1 west of enemy HQ instead of executing directed movement order for tank directly following) -Head tank 3 spaces north, 1 east, then 2 north onto easternmost enemy base -Place APC 2 spaces of northern tank and drop onto bridge south of tank Day 8: -(Note: Enemy rockets must be deployed as opposed to tank and recon near enemy HQ; additionally, walkthrough assumes that southernmost infantry has been attack by enemy unit - otherwise, be prepared to destroy at least two enemy units following this day) -Capture enemy HQ -(Note: Walkthrough assumes that northernmost tank was not attacked; otherwise, cripple to 2HP damaged enemy tank with northern tank from current position) -Arrange APC and tank onto southern enemy bases in vicinity of enemy HQ so that if either unit is destroyed, no enemy direct units will be able to attack infantry capturing HQ -Move southern tank onto city 2 spaces west -Place remaining tank 1 space south, attacking if enemy unit adjacent to southern infatry is tank unit -Deploy tank from base 1 space north and 2 east of allied HQ Day 9: -Kill most injured infantry with tank adjacent to enemy tank or recon unit -Destroy unit adjacent to southernmost infantry with westernmost tank from west -Destroy any other possible units -Deploy infantry from all bases -Finish capture of enemy HQ --The Trident-- (Grit) Earliest Perfect S-Rank Time: 8 Days Strategy: Deploy lone infantry to capture single neutral property as soon as possible to secure necessary funding; deploy two artillery units - one on Day 2, moving it up on Day 3 to destroy pipe seam by Day 5, and a second on Day 5 to aid in fulfilling power requirement; deploy APC to tranport sole infantry to enemy HQ and lure two enemy infantry into attack range of artillery units; (Grit can complete the mission in 7 days - given highly conducive enemy deployments and actions; however, only an imperfect S-Rank is possible as movement to finish capture enemy HQ by Day 7 does not decoy enough enemy units into Grit's range of attack) Day 1: -Deploy infantry from northern base Day 2: -Capture western airport -Deploy artillery from northern base Day 3: -Move artillery as far north as possible -Deploy APC from northern base -Finish capture of airport Day 4: -Load infantry into APC and supply artillery from north -Attack pipe seam with artillery -Deploy recon from northern base Day 5: -Attack pipe seam with recon -Deploy artillery from northern base -Destroy pipe seam with northern artillery -Move APC 4 spaces north and drop north onto enemy base Day 6: -(Note: Enemy arillery must be deployed from westernmost base and enemy tank from easternmost base; additionally, enemy transport copter must have moved 1 space south of enemy airport and two enemy infantry must have attacked allied APC) -Move infantry 2 spaces north, keeping outside range of enemy artillery -Place recon 4 spaces north, just south of infantry -Use APC to supply recon from south -Head northern artillery 2 spaces north just within attack range of enemy infantry -Move remaining artillery as far north as possible Day 7: -(Note: Enemy battle copter must not have been deployed from enemy airport; additionally, allied northern artillery and APC must have been attacked by the two southern enemy infantry) -Destroy southernmost enemy infantry with southern artillery -Move APC onto remaining central enemy base -Destroy remaining southernmost infantry with artillery and recon, if necessary -Capture enemy HQ Day 8: -Finish capture of enemy HQ VII. Miscellaneous ------------------ -Have fun with Japanese in 'Design Room - Map'- When selecting 'Design Room - Map' (pressing the A button), hold down the L and R buttons. Instead of a random map output, the map will contain three Japanese kanji characters - outlined by mountain and forest terrain. To see the characters more clearly save the map in any open file slot and view the compact preview at the "Load" screen. For those desiring a translation, "Nintendo" is the message being displayed. This can also be done in the original Advance Wars by executing the same process while selecting its map-designing counterpart, 'Design Maps.' -Receive commendation from Nell in 'Design Room - Map'- After the initialization of a random map, execute any illegal action between 50 to 60 times (approx. 55 times, if not exactly) by rapidly tapping the A button. Illegal actions are denoted when the cursor contains an 'X' symbol and include placing brigdes over land, naval units on land, land units in the sea, vehicles on mountains or rivers, or pipe seams without properly adjoining pipes. Once the required action is fulfilled, Nell will comment on the feat. As with the previous 'Design Room - Map' activity, this can also be done in the 'Design Maps' of the original Advance Wars. -"Advance Wars"/"Game Boy Wars Advance" CO Name Correlation- With "Game Boy Wars Advance 1+2" released, the Japanese names of the CO's and their powers have been are now known. The following is a list of the names pertaining to the CO's and their powers given in North American release of the "Advance Wars" series and their Japanese analogs. Andy/Ryo Hyper Repair/Hyper Repair Hyper Upgrade/High Upgrade Sami/Domino Double Time/Winning March Victory March/Victorious Parade Max/Max Max Force/Maximum Blow Max Blast/Straight Blast Olaf/Whip Blizzard/Snow White Winter Fury/Blizzard Blow Grit/Billy Snipe Attack/Technical Snipe Super Snipe/Worldwide Snipe Colin/Ewan Gold Rush/Gold Rush Power of Money/Power of Money Kanbei/Kikuchiyo Morale Boost/Itto Ryodan Samurai Spirit/Last Stand Sonja/Asuka Enhanced Vision/Wonder Search Counter Break/Counter Break Sensei/Yamamoto Copter Command/The Japanese Spirit Airborne Assault/Samurai Dive Eagle/Eagle Lightning Drive/Lightning Drive Lightning Strike/Lightning Assault Drake/Mop Tsunami/Giant Wave Typhoon/Giant Storm Jess/Hannah Turbo Charge/Super Charge Overdrive/Big Bang Charge Flak/Kong Brute Force/Burning Blow Barbaric Blow/Giganto Break Hawke/Hawke Black Wave/Black Wave Black Storm/Black Storm Lash/Cat Terrain Tactics/Hyper-Tactics Prime Tactics/High-Grade Command Adder/Snake Sideslip/Side Through Sidewinder/Sidewinder Sturm/Hell-Bouzu (Hell-Bonze) Meteor Strike/Meteor Strike Nell/Catherine Lucky Star/Miracle Chance Lady Luck/Red Star Dream Hachi/Hachi Barter/Motorcycle Show Spirit Merchant Union/Wasshoi Festa ***Additional notes concerning the Japanese names*** --The Santa Claus personification of Olaf is largely what drives his Japanese analog name of Whip. --Specifically, Itto Ryodan is a sword technique form of the Toyama Ryu iaido (a martial arts style), literally meaning "cut in two with one stroke." Colloquially, the meaning of the phrase is equivalent "to cut the (Gordian) knot" - i.e. to take decisive or drastic measure --A bonze is a Buddhist priest --There is a noticeably stronger animal theme for the Japanese Black Hole characters - i.e. Cat & Kong --The name of Catherine's (Nell's) super CO power, Red Star Dream, is a reference to her army affiliation, as the Orange Star army is named the Red Star army in "Game Boy Wars Advance 1+2" --Wasshoi Festa is likely a reference the any number of performing arts festivals, possibly Wasshoi! and its other numerous names (; otherwise, it may be interpreted literally as an '"I've Come" festival'; nevertheless, both of Hachi's Japanese CO power names evoke a theme of gathering and joyous spirit VIII. Credits ------------- The following lists those who have aided in making this guide more comprehensive in a particular manner. Those listed who wish to be excluded may request removal by e-mail. P. Marquez - Requested more viable 'Campaign' walkthroughs for "Liberation," resulting in current 'Liberation' walkthroughs Broz27 - Suggested 'Version History' section Minako-chan - Noted omission of important deployment statement from 'Campaign' walkthrough, "Toy Box," and movement error in 'Campaign' walkthrough, "Tanks!!!" R. Reed - Aided in refining delivery of explanation on power scoring KillerDuck - Provided primary foundation for 'Hard Campaign' 5-day walkthrough, "Sea for All" DarkWizard22 - Noted movement error in 'Campaign' walkthrough "Orange Dawn" Yoshi348 - Noted enemy movement error in previous 'Campaign' walkthrough, "Duo Falls" rjv - Noted 3-day completion of 'Hard Campaign' mission, "Sea Fortress" Gillete - Noted 10-day completion of 'War Room' mission, Series "Strong Land" HshEEpRO - Provided competitive spirit for multiple 'War Room' missions azu - Provided competitive spirit for multiple 'Campaign' missions Dragon Fogel - Provided competitive spirit for multiple 'Campaign' missions and suggested repositioning of 'Version History' Note concerning submissions: If documentation for certain missions have yet to be appended, any submitted walkthroughs and the like will not be reviewed until initial documentation is appended and are subject to heavy scrutiny. Nevertheless, corrections, suggestions, and "earliest time" challenges for documented missions are continually encouraged. IX. Copyright Information ------------------------- This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained within this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.