========================================= SON SON II FAQ 1.0 ========================================= GameFAQ's Author Name: Created January 29, 2007 E-mail: TonemanYT@yahoo.com AIM: ParodiusZero YouTube: Toneman LiveVideo: AverageBlackGamer Date this FAQ was published: January 29, 2007 System: NEC PC Engine (Japanese Turbografx 16) ============== ABOUT THE GAME ============== Release Date: January 27, 1989 (Only in Japan) System: PC Engine (known as the Turbografx 16 in America) Son Son II is a basic action platformer. The gameplay engine is taken directly from Capcom's 1987 arcade classic "Black Tiger" ("Black Dragon" in Japan), in which you kill enemies to gather Zenny (the monetary term Capcom used in other games such as Forgotten Worlds, Black Tiger, Breath of Fire, Megaman Legends/Rockman Dash etc.) to buy items, weapons and armor upgrades. Instead of being the usual blue coins, Zenny are collected as fruits and vegetables. Also your score acts as Experience Points, the more points you earn the longer your magic and life bar will increas. Some knowledge of Japanese language is required, but it's not enough to scare you away from enjoying this incredible game. However! Via the Magic Engine emulator (in which you have to pay to register for full function unless you got 1337 hacking skillz), you can play this in English with a translation patch. I'll put up anything I know about this game and update it overtime as more ideas come up. Story: You are Songoku. Your friends have been kidnapped by a mysterious silhouette with a question mark in it. This is all what I can come up with unless I knew Japanese. ======== CONTROLS ======== BUTTON I: Jumps BUTTON II: Attacks Button I+II: Activates special weapon/magic RUN: Starts the game and pauses the game D-PAD UP: - Climbs up ladders - Enters doors. NOTE: Entry is not instantaneous. When standing in front of a door, hold "Up" for several seconds then the screen will fade. D-PAD DOWN: - Climbs down ladders - Crouch D-PAD LEFT: - Moves to the left - Selects special weapon/magic D-PAD RIGHT: - Moves to the right - Selects special weapon/magic ===== ZENNY ===== As mentioned before, Zenny is earned by fruits and vegetables. Cherry -1 Orange -5 Masukatto (Grapes) -10 Apple -50 Suika (Watermelon) -100 Lemon -500 Ichuga (Strawberry) -1000 Dokuro (Skull) - Takes away 100 Zenny. Be careful. ====== POINTS ====== Corn - 50 Kuri (Nut) - 100 Piiman (Green Pepper) - 1,000 Takenoko -500 ===== ITEMS ===== Small Heart - Restores 2 bars of health Big Heart - Restores 5 bars of health Makimono (Scroll) - Restores 2 bars of magic Yashichi - Alot of you Capcom veterans should recognize this icon, the orange circle with a windmill on it. Increases the length your life and magic bars PoW - Another familiar Capcom icon. Turns all the enemies on screen to fruits and vegetables to boost your Zenny. Perfect for hairy situations where enemy overcrowding occurs. Kagi (Key) - allows access to new areas and the boss room Magic Lamp - Allows one continue after death, otherwise, it's really GAME OVER Glove - Breaks walls. Used five times in total. When the glove turns green it means it's wearing off. Use these wisely since they reveal important hidden areas. Butaman (Meat Bun)- Buy this in stage 3. First item used in a trading chain to get a special item later Kintoun (Cloud) - makes boss battles easier by allowing flight. Hyoutan (medicine) - When your life runs out, your life refills allowing to stay longer Kyuri (Cucumber)- In stage 4, trade the Butaman for this. Dress - This is where the trading chain ends. In Stage 7 (The Final Stage) Trade the cucumber for a dress and your defense will increase ============= WEAPONS/MAGIC ============= These will use up points on your Magic Meter. In fact the way I play it, I only need the hour glass. Peach - Uses 1MP Shield - Temporary shield. MP gradually decreases quickly. Bomb - Uses 4MP Hour Glass - Uses 10MP. Stops enemies. Very useful against stage 6 boss and the final boss. Lightning - Destroys everything at once, similar to PoW. ====== STAFFS ====== It is VERY IMPORTANT that you level up your staff, the length will increase. In some shops you buy them, some are in hidden places that are easy for novice players to miss. Maintaining your staff's length also gives you an advantage in boss battles so you can keep your distance and maybe be able to predict the boss' next move. Staff 1 - Basic brown staff. Staff 2 - Bought in stage 2 for 2000 Zenny, looks like a set of pincers. Staff 3 - Bought in stage 3 for 3000 Zenny, looks like an arrow Staff 4 - In a hidden block that must be broken with the glove. Looks like a trident Clue: It's on the right hand side of a platform moving up and down. Staff 5 - Bought from Stage 5 for 5000 Zenny or Stage 6 for 7000. Looks like an axe. It's at its longest. Staff 6 - The final and most powerful staff. Hidden in a block in the final stage (Stage 7). There is an opening right above the doorway to where the shop is. Walk all the way inside and break the block. The staff has a flame on the end. ======= ENEMIES ======= Some of them came directly out of Black Tiger/Dragon Oni (Red) Oni (Blue) PakuPaku Flower -Yellow just goes in and out of the ground. Red ones spit fireballs like a volcano. Also comes in different colors. Sutegon - Giant Lizard man, comes in different colors. Takes EONS to kill!!!) Slime (multiplies itself) Boro - Ghost that moves in sine waves. Daruma - Rolls around and jumps. Takes eons to kill and unpredictable with whereabouts. Bats Disc - Those indestructible enemies from Black Tiger that makes climbing ladders tough. Spore Amajin - this enemy is proof of why it's important to be cautious on upgrading your spear. His spear does great damage. Comes in two different colors, one of them moves quickly so it's almost tough to predict their next move. Skeleton Man - Throws bones in arc patterns that are almost tough to navigate through Thunder god - This enemy is NO JOKE! If you exceed ten minutes on a stage, the Thunder god will stalk you. He'll try to hit you with lightning bolts that will do immense damage. Worse yet, it takes even longer to kill than a Sutegon! If you kill one, another one comes along. He'll even harass you during boss battles too. ====== BOSSES ====== Stage 1 - Kokiri Taisen. This boss is easy. He'll try to jump at you with his sword out. Stage 2 - Kogaji. He flies around on a cloud and fires bullet patterns like shooter bosses. Be sure to have the cloud item so you can have flight as your advantage. Stage 3 - Songoku Clone. Attacks with the same weapon that you have and throws bombs. Stage 4 - Ryuriki Taisen. Another variation of Kokiri. This time he attacks with fire and creates slimes making it a tough battle on foot. Having a cloud makes him easier. Stage 5 - This stage has 3 bosses. - Son Goku - Gin Kaku - Throws boomerang axes. Thankfully higher than Songoku. Hit him in the face when the path is clear of axes. You can also destroy his axes, but it's just as tough because the point the axes turn back are random. - Kin Kaku - Another variation of Gin Kaku, except he's red. It's one of the toughest battles because he can throw axes high AND low!!! Be sure to have a cloud. Stage 6 - Rasetsnyo. Wife of Gyumao, the final boss. Get your hour glass ready. As soon as she lets down her fan, activate time stop and just wail off on her. Stage 7 - Basically, reminiscent to Megaman/Rockman, you fight the bosses you've already beaten. But if you got Staff 5-6, they're a cakewalk. After all this, you face Gyumao himself. The mysterious figure in the game's intro that kidnaps your friends reveals himself. His giant nose ring looks pretty painful! Gyumao battle has two phases: >Phase 1: Watch his horns. When they flash, he shoots fire wheels. As soon as the battle begins, use time stop and keep plugging away at his face. If you have Staff 6, 23 hits end this phase. >Phase 2: Gyumao's head floats around the room. If you get close to it, it'll dive at you. If you have Staff 6, you're only 18 hits away from TOTAL VICTORY!!! Coming soon: Highly important info on mastering Son Son II.