2017-12-21 - Rich Without Money by Tomi Astikainen ================================================== Resourceful Heart The author lived four years without money. Later he wrote a book that includes many inspirational tales and tips. A more descriptive title would have been Travel Without Money. He quotes other authors, especially Peace Pilgrim. The footnotes are rich with gems and resources. My favorite footnote discovery is the human library project. The conclusion gives two lists: * reasons to avoid the moneyless lifestyle * reasons to try the moneyless lifestyle. Avoid because this society does not support a moneyless lifestyle: "Sometimes people challenged my moneyless lifestyle, hinting at the very possibility that perhaps I did nothing but leeched on others' hard-earned money: "How do you think it would work if everyone behaved like you?" I had no choice but to answer with a litany of questions: "And what is my behavior then? What is it that I do, really? I focus on doing things that I am good at, things that I love to do, things that somehow contribute to others' well-being. How do you think the world would look like if everyone behaved like this? What if everyone had the chance to live like this, without having to focus on mere survival? What kind of world would that create?" ... The questions got people thinking: Wait, what am I doing to help others? Do I focus on my passions? Am I clear on what strengths I have? How might I shift from mere money-making for daily survival to actually developing myself, others and the society at large?" Try because it will revitalize your clarity and passion: "Getting out of the rat race frees up your time to focus on whatever you decide to do each day. When you find your true calling and focus on living your passion, the division between work and hobbies dissolves. You cannot force clarity into existence. One day your calling will just come to you. ... Whatever your passion is does not matter. As long as you lead your life with high integrity, congruence and passion your efforts will be noticed one day and people will back you up. Work that previously required a lot of exertion will eventually happen effortlessly." tags: ebook,money,non-fiction,philosophy Tags ==== ebook money non-fiction philosophy