2022-03-10 - How To Get Unstuck by Les Brown ============================================ Sometimes we have to ask ourselves "What's using my life?" We to a great extent behave, think, [and] react because of some previous experience that we've had. One of the things that we know about life is that it is always changing. Sometimes you're up sometimes you're down. Sometimes things go real well and sometimes they don't. Sometimes you're happy and sometimes you're sad. Now that's that thing called life. When we begin to understand and know that, accepting [the] reality that we will never have things just on an even keel all the time. You're gonna have some ups, and you're gonna have some downs. During those down moments, that's where the growth takes place. The real challenge, the real challenge of growth, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually comes when you get knocked down. Somebody said that adversity introduces a man to himself, or woman. When you're facing a challenge [and] you want to get unstuck, evaluate where you are. Look at it assess yourself. Assess yourself and assess the situation. What brought you there? What role did you play? Earl Nightingale had a saying I like. He said, "All of us are self-made but only the successful will admit it." What has brought you to this point? What did you learn from it? Are you learning anything? Are you doing it over, and over, and over again? Somebody said that insanity is doing the same thing in the same way, expecting a different outcome. Life isn't fair. Life just is. It's not fair that birds eat worms, and they do. If you want to begin to move you've got to clear your[self] of all the unnecessary luggage and baggage that's weighing us down. I say to you, you're gonna have people do things to you. Things are going to happen to you. The most important thing to do is to harness your will and let it go. Move so you can grow, so you can get on with your life. It doesn't matter about what happens to you. What matters is what are you going to do about it. What are you going to do now Les? How long do you want to tell everybody at the bus stop? Anybody who would stand and listen to you? How long you'll repeat the same thing over, and over, and over, and over, and over again? How many times do we have to hear that? Don't go around telling people what your story is. Everybody has a story: 80% don't care and 20% [are] glad it's you. All of us have experienced some tragedy and if we haven't, we will. You can either let it destroy your life or you can build upon it. You can permit it to hold you down or you can decide "I'm not going to let that happen to me! I'm bigger than this!" Make a declaration to yourself. Declare all-out war that you're going to get out of this rut. I don't care how good you are, how talented you are, how much you work on yourself: there [are] times when things aren't going to go right. They just are not going to go right. There are times when anything that can happen will happen. Murphy's Law will be knocking at your door. Why? I don't know why. That's called life and you have to deal with it. Sometimes your life will be in a slump. Just like sports some of the best shooters can't hit baskets. Different times and games they get in a slump. Do they sit on the sidelines and say your digestion hit a basket today? No, they continue to execute. I suggest to you that if you are facing a challenge don't stop. Stay busy. Work your plan. Continue to do those things that you know work for you. After you have evaluated yourself in the situation, continue to move. Stay busy, stay busy, stay busy. Repeat after me: help somebody and help yourself, because what you give is what you get. Find somebody that you can help so you can forget about you for a moment. See sometimes the best thing to do is to be. Sometimes you have to just back up and go within yourself. A bow and arrow: you can't take a bow and just push it out. You just can't push the arrow out. You have to pull it back and then release it. Sometimes you have to back up, go within, pray, meditate, and recharge your batteries. Go away. Clear your head and then come back and look at it from a different vantage point. Don't operate while you are under the spell or the effect of what's going on. Next thing is that you've got to activate the thinker in you. Don't allow your emotions to control you. We are emotional, but you want to begin to discipline your emotion. If you don't discipline and contain your emotions, they will use you. Your mind goes on automatic just like a garden. You know I loved reading the book called As A Man Thinketh by James Allen. He uses the analogy of the mind being like a garden. You know weeds don't have to have any encouragement to grow. You don't have to water them. They don't have to get sunshine. They don't have to have fertile ground. They will grow through the cracks of a sidewalk. Am i right? But if you want to grow orchids or roses or any kind of exotic flowers, there are special processes and procedures you must go through. Well, by the same token you don't have to fuss yourself or motivate yourself to think negatively, to be depressed, to hate somebody, to want revenge. You want to get back at somebody, to beat yourself up over the head, to feel loaded with guilt, [then] you don't have to make any effort to do that. Your mind is on automatic it will do that by itself. But if you want to begin to move into your own personal greatness, if you want to begin to really enjoy a happy, successful, healthy life, [then] you've got to be willing to go against the tide. You've got to be willing to harness your will and say "In spite of this, I'm in control here. I'm not gonna let this get me down. I'm not gonna let this destroy me. I'm coming back and I'll be stronger and better because of it." You have got to make a declaration that this is what you stand for. You're standing up for your dreams. You're standing up for peace of mind. You're standing up for health. You want it and you're gonna go all out to have it. It's not going to be easy when you want to change. It's not easy. If it were in fact easy, everybody [would] do it. But if you're serious, you'll go all out. Yes! I'm going to turn this situation around. I'm not gonna sit back and moan and cry over what happened and what went wrong and who did what. I'm going to do something about this situation. Expect things to get better for you because they say life is cyclic. What is it? Whatever experience you're having right now, it has not come to stay. It has come to pass. Not to stay, just to pass. It's just going through. The biggest challenge is to know what's happening. This is a part of this thing we call life. This too shall pass. Maintaining perspective. Putting it in perspective. When you come up with a permanent solution for a temporary problem, that's game over. See a lot of us, because of our limited vision of ourselves, a lot of us begin to focus on problems and enable them to overwhelm us. We begin to think that we have no options. We begin to believe that there's no way out. Repeat after me, "There's always a way." Where there's a will there's a way. Shake somebody's hand on your right. Say "I'm unstoppable." You've got to make those kind of declarations to yourself. "I'm unstoppable, this will not get me down." tags: inspiration,self-help,spirit Tags ==== inspiration self-help spirit