2023-09-10 - Easily Loved by Ben Collver ======================================== Like smokey tendrils slowly rising in the morn So courses the easy flowing of my mind. With each successive neural configuration gone by Playfully dancing, anticipating, correcting, divine. Whichever name i dare face belongs to the divine. My hidden, tentative thoughts; my inmost, unique feelings My depth sounded and searched, known, realized Prepared for an equally unique future of mine. This freedom growing, ripening, liberating But a sample, a taste of infinity Bundled and contained somehow in my heart Everything i ever dreamed of. Everything is good enough. Rising, swirling around on itself Now smokey, lazy, obscure Now ablaze with the promise of a new dawn. In the new dawn i establish my peace of mind. I come home to myself, a soft landing, kind Comfortable, ready in terms of the beloved. Infinity's child wading in the dream, easily loved. tags: bencollver,poem Tags ==== bencollver poem