MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v7.06 Title: Bagels Categories: Breads, Original Servings: 12 2 tb Yeast, dry; or -2 packages 4 1/4 c Flour; sifted -or as much as -4 1/2 cups 1 1/2 c Water; tepid 3 tb Sugar 1 tb Salt Combine water, sugar and salt. Add yeast to mixture. Beat at low speed for 1/2 minute, scraping sides. Beat 3 minutes on high speed. By hand, stir in enough remaining flour to make a moderately stiff dough. Turn out on floured board and knead until smooth. (5-8 min.) Let rest 15 minutes. Cut into 12 portions. Shape into smooth balls. With floured finger, punch a hole in center and enlarge the hole working each into a uniform shape. Let rise 20 minutes. In large kettle put one gallon water and one tablespoon sugar. Bring to boil, then reduce to a simmer. Drop 4-5 bagels in at a time cooking 3 1/2 minutes on each side for a total of seven minutes. Drain. Place on ungreased sheet. Bake at 375 30-35 minutes. Debi LLora From Anne MacClellan disk 7/24/93 MMMMM