MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: Banana Bread Categories: Breadmaker, Fruits Yield: 1 Loaf -D REDKAR-BROWN (CCSC53B) 1 1/2 c Bread flour 1 1/2 c Wheat flour 1/2 ts Salt 2 md Ripe bananas 1/4 c Honey 1/4 c -warm water 1 Egg 1/4 c Oil 1/2 ts Vanilla 1 ts Poppy seeds; (optional) 1 pk Yeast Follow the instructions for your machine as to which order you put in your ingredients...make sure that if you set your machine on delayed timer that you don't get your yeast wet or your bread will flop! Good luck! Denise / Secane PA Formatted by Elaine Radis BGMB90B; APRIL '93 MMMMM