MMMMM----- Meal-Master Recipe via Home Cookin 1.2 Title: Colonial Bread Categories: Home Cookin, Yield: 2 1 pk Yeast 3-1/2 c Bread flour 1/3 c Yellow cornmeal 1-1/2 c Boiling water 1/3 c Molasses 1 ts Salt 1 tb Butter Pour cornmeal into a bowl. Carefully pour boiling water into cornmeal, stirring to make sure it is smooth. Let stand to cool for about 30 minutes. Stir in molasses, salt and butter. In the pan, place the yeast, bread flour, and then cornmeal mixture. Select white bread and press "Start". NOTE: Unless otherwise noted all ingredients should be at room temperature. This can be mixed on manual of the bread machine.After Second kneading, remove dough from machine, divide into to equal portions and place in small loaf pans. Cover and let rise to double, about 45 min to 1 hour. Bake at 350 f. for 35-40 min. MMMMM