---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: Owendaw Corn Bread Categories: Breads Yield: 6 servings 1 c Cooked hominy 2 tb Butter 2 Eggs 1 c Milk 1/2 c Cornmeal 1/2 ts Salt Hominy gives this bread it's distinctive flavor. Like all spoon breads, it should be eaten very hot with plenty of butter. Do try this one it will change your mind about grits. This recipe originally appeared in The Carolina Housewife. The last line in the recipe is taken verbatim from the original by the authors. While hominy is hot, stir in the butter. Beat eggs until light and add to hominy, then add milk. Stir in cornmeal and salt. This makes a very thin batter. Pour into a deep, buttered pan and bake in a 375 degree F. oven for about 30 minutes (about 1 hour in a glass baking dish). When baked, it has the appearance of a baked batter pudding, and when rich and well mixed it has almost the delicacy of baked custard. SOURCE: Two Hundred Years of Charleston Cooking Published in Early American Life 8/93 POSTED BY: Jim Bodle 9/93 -----